12 February 2008

That Neville Chamberlain thing...

How's that been workin' for ya?
City officials are nervously monitoring another round in the past week of native protest actions at Brantford development sites over unresolved land claims.

But other than huddle with officials from other levels of government and voice their concerns about the growing effect of demonstrations on Brantford's local development industry, they are holding to the position that the law is a matter for the police to enforce.

Native representatives told the developers they had to get approval for their projects from the Haudenoshaunee Development Institute, which could include their having to pay fees and sign papers recognizing the institute's authority.
Call me wacky... but maybe spineless appeasement isn't your best strategy here.
That the level of frustration in the development community is rising was demonstrated in the open session where Danny Bawa, a representative of the company building the Hampton, was a delegation on an entirely different matter.

In response to several questions, Bawa conceded the company's hope to finish construction in October depends a lot on whether there are any more protests.

When Coun. Dan McCreary asked Bawa if he called police in either action, the developer said he didn't, in the interests of not inflaming the situation further.
Baby... bathwater... game, set and match.

Good grief.


RELATED: Speaking of appeasers...

The Toronto District School Board says, "Screw you... we're gonna do it anyway."
"Overwhelming public opposition to plans for an Afrocentric alternative school will not deter the Toronto District School Board from pressing ahead with the project, according to board chair John Campbell."

"An Angus Reid poll released Saturday reported 79 per cent of respondents across Ontario oppose creating the school, and 59 per cent are strongly opposed. Of the 15 per cent in favour of the school, only 3 per cent offered strong support."
Outside Toronto itself... the numbers tilt even further.
Opposition is even greater in the GTA, though the regional numbers have a higher margin of error. In the 905 area, support for the school sits at just 11 per cent, compared with 85 per cent against it.

Across Ontario, equally lopsided numbers of people said they see the plan as a form of segregation and would oppose any ethnically focused school.
Trust me, there's gonna be some blowback here.


LAST WORD: How about we bring back the word... "retarded"?

(via ffof)