13 January 2008

The Axis of Weasel

Yoko and Iggy take another shot... at breakin' up the band...
"The Liberal Party of Canada is very proud of the contributions our men and women in uniform have made to try to bring peace and stability to this region," Mr. Dion said in a statement later issued on the Liberal party website.

However, the statement confirmed that both he and Mr. Ignatieff had told Mr. Karzai that Canada's role should change.
Rumours have started to surface in Quebec... that extremely lucrative contracts are being offered to the fighting elite... of key advertising agencies...


LAST WORD: Clueless in Khandahar
"It has taken more than a year after becoming Liberal leader for Stéphane Dion to finally find Afghanistan on the map," Helena Guergis, secretary of state for foreign affairs, said in a statement Saturday.

"The irony of Dion and Iggy being in a war zone and being protected by the same troops who protect Afghan women and children is palpable," Ms. Guergis said.

"I think he should apologize to our troops while he is touring the PRT (Provincial Reconstruction Team) in safety because the same reason he needs bodyguards is why our troops need to stay to protect democracy, women and children."