04 August 2007

How corrupt is China?

Well... here's one indicator.
The popularity of an online game that allows players to eradicate corrupt officials illustrates the depth of feeling among ordinary people over the issue of graft.

The game, entitled "Incorruptible Fighter", was launched just over a week ago.

Since then, it has been downloaded more then 100,000 times and is in such demand that its website has crashed, state media reported.

RELATED: What they lack in integrity...

They make up for in compassion and sensitivity.
-- BEIJING -- China's top family planning agency has cracked down on crude and insensitive slogans used by rural authorities to enforce the country's strict population limits, state media said Sunday.

Slogans such as 'Raise fewer babies but more piggies,' and 'One more baby means one more tomb,' have been forbidden and a list of 190 acceptable slogans issued by the National Population and Family Planning Commission, the official Xinhua News Agency reported.

The commission said some slogans left the impression that the government was "simply forcing people to give up having more babies, causing misunderstanding (of) the policy and even tarnishing the image of the government," Xinhua reported.
Ya think?

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