05 April 2007

Mephistopheles rides again...

-- In Texas --
“Everybody kind of went, ‘Oh my God, what’s the A.C.L.U. doing here with the gun people?’
We're talkin' major irony alert here...
In a report issued in February, the Texas affiliate of the National Rifle Association joined the American Civil Liberties Union of Texas and the Texas Criminal Justice Coalition “to spotlight unlawful, unnecessary governmental encroachment on average law-abiding citizens.”
Whoa... hang on a second!!! That can't be right.

But it goes even further than that...
Will Harrell, the executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union of Texas, said that even before the current dispute, his group and the N.R.A. had been collaborating on racial profiling issues, particularly on what he called a “Bubba profile” that made certain white men the focus of gun checks by the police.
Sweet Carlos Hathcock in heaven... I may just have to join the ACLU.

Reach out and touch somebody

Mentioning Carlos got me thinking about snipers.

The round pictured above is the .50 calibre Browning Machine Gun, the "Valentine of Choice" of professional distance shooters.

Using this round, Canadian Sniper Corporal Rob Furlong made a 2,430 meter (2657 yards/1.51 miles) confirmed kill in Afghanistan using a McMillan "Big Mac" TAC-50 rifle.

It is the world's longest confirmed killshot.

These guys were heroes...
"These guys -- regardless of what country they were from, what flag they fought under -- they were just excellent military professionals," says Capt. Justin Overbaugh, the commander of a U.S. scout platoon that worked alongside one of the sniper teams.

"We didn't want to give them up. I would have brought them home with me if I could."
So why did a Liberal government allow them to be chewed up and spit out?

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