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31 January 2020

In other Ottawa "Star Chamber" news...

"However trivial this farce is, and it is trivial, it somehow fits a pattern. This government, or the agencies of this government, are establishing a pattern of misusing the authority of the law in wayward manners."

The lunatic left has a solution to...

...a problem that doesn't exist.

Here's a thought...insert alt text hereOr, better yet... go to welding school and make some real money.

30 January 2020

Stories you will hear, again and again...

...and again on your 'post-national' National broadcaster...
Chief Public Health Officer Theresa Tam is calling out acts of racism and discrimination related to the coronavirus outbreak.

Tam called on Canadians to learn from the experience of the SARS outbreak — which also saw South East Asians subjected to racist behaviour and discrimination.
It's not about China concealing this epidemic since last November... it's about racist, presumably non-hyphenated Canadians.


RELATED: Smell the "professional" journalism

Our business is fomenting hate...

...and business is booming...insert alt text here
Khomein, IRAN • Business is booming at Iran’s largest flag factory which makes U.S., British and Israeli flags for Iranian protesters to burn. At the factory in the town of Khomein, southwest of the capital Tehran, young men and women print the flags by hand then hang them up to dry.

The factory produces about 2,000 U.S. and Israeli flags a month in its busiest periods, and more than 1.5 million square feet of flags a year.
Fortunately... there's an app for that...insert alt text hereJust press, "Rifle Rifle Rifle."

"Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei on Wednesday called President Donald Trump’s unveiled peace plan “satanic” and said the Muslim world would work to prevent its realization."

Bravo Mike

So, Officer Right-think... is there any other small detail you might be leaving out here?insert alt text here
Dateline: Toronto • It is reported that a man entered the Little Bee Mart convenience store, placed an unknown substance inside a ketchup bottle and bottles of Coca Cola and placed the items back on the shelf for sale.

He is described as medium build. He was last seen wearing faded blue jeans, a blue vest with a hood, green shirt, blue baseball hat, and blue shoes.
Apparently, just like Toronto MSM, the cops aren't allowed to use the "B word" anymore... even if this guy turns out to be the next "Tylenol Killer."

Heads will undoubtedly roll when higher-ups see someone slipped in a picture.


RELATED: As Canadian as hummus...
A suicide bomber from Calgary strikes near Baghdad. A Windsor man masterminds the torture and killing of foreigners at a Dhaka bakery. Two London, Ont. gunmen take hostages at a gas plant in the Algerian desert.

Canadian terrorists have killed and injured more than 300 in other countries since 2012.
It isn't what's on your passport... it's what's in your heart.

29 January 2020

Dirty, Dirty Frisco Business

Yet another pile of steaming crap from the "left coast"...
The head of the San Francisco Public Works Dept., Director Mohammed Nuru, the person in charge of cleaning up the city’s feces-filled streets, was arrested Monday alongside Nick Bovis, the owner of a popular sports bar in Fisherman’s Wharf, Lefty O-Doul’s.

Nuru was the top official in charge of the $312 million city public works budget.

In the early 2000s, Nuru was accused by Public Works whistleblowers of misappropriating public funds and replacing city workers with employees from a nonprofit he previously led.

Sources told NBC Bay Area that Nuru was arrested by the FBI on suspicion of accepting bribes for airport concession contracts.

RELATED: It gets better... by which I mean worse

History for Woke Millennials

It was a kinder, gentler time, I guess...insert alt text here
"Crazy that I’m an American History major, and never knew about these herds of non binary LGBT indigenous women roaming the plains, that hated guns and 'never got on the news' all these 'centuries ago'.”
London, ONTARIO • Superior Court Justice Marc Garson is being asked to decide if the shooter seen in surveillance footage from an illegal after-hours booze can on Oxford Street who tried to kill an unknown man is Shakeem Shavonne Nicholas, 28.

It's been a brief and surprising trial, where Nicholas has pleaded not guilty to three charges, attempted murder, discharging a firearm and possession of a loaded restricted handgun.
LAST WORD: A question never asked on CBC

When will uber-feminist PM Trudeau... severing diplomatic & financial ties with Indonesia?insert alt text here
A female flogging unit has been introduced in Indonesia’s Aceh province to dole out public whippings against women found violating the region’s Sharia law.

One of eight new female Sharia officers delivered her first punishment to an unmarried woman who was found in a hotel room with a man who was not family.

Evil Chunks of Urban Metal...

...continue to escape lockup and intimidate citizenry....toronto's most wanted
Toronto Mayor John Tory told reporters following the meeting, “Far too many neighbourhoods in all the regions and cities represented today have been terrorized by gun violence and people shouldn’t have to endure that.”
Remember... it's gun violence, not gang violence. Much like cars murder people... and pencils write poetry.

ALSO JOHN TORY... "People... what people?"
“I think that kind of talk about sort of, you know, where this all arises from, or sort of who’s to blame, is not very constructive.”



In Classical Rhetoric this is known as begging the question. And politically as priming the pump.

Burn it to the ground and salt the earth.

28 January 2020

Right after she kills, eviscerates and...

...drinks the blood of seven teenage virgins...insert alt text here
Twice-failed U.S. presidential candidate Hillary Clinton says she believes she could beat Donald Trump if she were to run again in November.

"I certainly feel the urge because I feel the 2016 election was a really odd time and an odd outcome.”
You mean because you lost.

RELATED: It's past time a woman was elected...

...sweet baby jebus...insert alt text here**********

LAST WORD: Complicit in the crime

Where's the sympathy for cold, dead...

...random bystander Jeffrey Lewis?insert alt text here
"The former co-leader of one of Toronto’s most notorious gangs will walk free on Tuesday. Peter Johnson pleaded guilty to manslaughter Monday — four days after a mistrial was declared.

"Johnson admitted he fatally shot innocent bystander Jeffrey Lewis, 31, and wounded Simeon Chase in the aftermath of a robbery."
So... armed robbery AND murder.

And look who's making excuses for a cold-blooded killer...
“Johnson was not in a clear state of mind as a result of Grant’s actions on him. His anger and panic clouded his judgment and provoked him,” said Crown attorney Rob Kenny.
In essence, this was a watered-down version of double-murderer Christopher Husbands PTSD defense...
"I often go to the Eaton Centre food court to soothe my PTSD. I seldom bring my handgun."

Never a guillotine around...

...when you really, really need one...insert alt text here
Federal prosecutors says Prince Andrew has 'provided zero cooperation' in their Jeffrey Epstein investigation despite publicly promising he WOULD.
Remember what happened the last time Randy Andy tried to clarify the situation?

RELATED: Unimpeachable wisdom...

...from the guy who traded in Princess Di for Camilla Parker-Bowles.

27 January 2020

Convicted multi-millionaire war criminal... speak at Canadian university...insert alt text here
Omar Khadr, the former "child soldier" whose war crimes convictions made him a political lightning rod for both Conservative and Liberal governments, is scheduled to be a keynote speaker at a Dalhousie University event next month.
Has Omar Khadr publicly... even once... denounced the actions of his dead terrorist father?

"Liberal governments of Chretien and Martin had about 4 years to do whatever they thought fair for Khadr when in power.

Only after 2006 did the "child soldier" line make an appearance, when Irwin Cottler was Justice Minister under Paul Martin."
Oh, it gets better...insert alt text here
"The Trudeau government has quietly paid a $10.5-million settlement to Omar Khadr in a move that circumvents legal efforts by two Americans to prevent him from receiving compensation."

LAST WORD: It's all culturally relative, isn't it?insert alt text here
"Imagine if you will: teenaged white kids are caught up in some skinhead group. Their parents are neo-nazis as well. Dad and the boys head out to Zimbabwe to fight Mugabe. Dad is killed, and the boyos are wounded and captured."

"How many Toronto Star editorials would be written to get the kids back to Canada?"
Why should al-Qaeda get a pass?

Maybe it was Colonel Mustard... the conservatory... with a lead pipe...insert alt text here
"Cops characterized the slaying as gang-related but would not elaborate whether Kelly was known to police, was specifically targetted or had any gang affiliations."
It's not exactly clear how cops are "hunting" these suspects if they don't have any sort of physical description. Hells bells, they won't even release a picture of the victim.

Meanwhile, the mainstream media continues to hope beyond hope, that everyone involved... this time... is a pasty-faced Presbyterian from upper Rosedale.

I mean, you'd think they'd have to be... to afford those $2000 restricted rifles that Justin is going to confiscate.

It's a mystery.

From the folks who brought us...

...SARS and melamine in baby food and...insert alt text here
"We know the virus in Wuhan began to appear at the end of November but it was not until the end of December that officials notified the WHO."

26 January 2020

Toronto... more like Malmo, Sweden...

...every single post-national day...insert alt text here
Oskar Berrios Juarez, 49, and Jennifer Neira, 35, both from Toronto, each face numerous charges, including ten counts of making or possessing an explosive.

They also face four counts of unauthorized possession of a firearm, five counts of a prohibited or restricted weapon or prohibited device, and possessing a firearm with an altered serial number.
I can't wait for Justin to propose an explosives "buy-back" initiative.


RELATED: And it's not just errant explosives...
Figures from the Swedish police’s National Operations Department (NOA) have revealed that foreign gangs are behind 90 per cent of the car thefts in the country.

Toronto Homicide Squad rounding up...

...local farmers, hunters & skeet shooters...insert alt text here
Gunshots rang out in Scarborough Saturday night shortly after 9 p.m., killing one man and leaving two others injured, near Markham and Kingston Rds. The city’s latest gun violence unfolded four days after innocent 15-year-old Safiullah Khosrawi was shot to death about four kilometres north of the triple shooting.

Meanwhile, police also revealed Saturday that a 23-year-old woman who was attacked and stabbed Wednesday night by a man as she walked along a pathway near York University — northwest of Keele St. and Finch Ave. W.was actually also shot in the ordeal.

No arrests have been made in the woman’s attack, the deadly triple shooting or Khosrawi’s murder.
Get out while you still can.


UPDATE: Smell the "professional" journalism...insert alt text here
Stephon Kelly, 28, of Toronto is Toronto's sixth homicide victim of the year. Police have not released his photo.
Well, CP24... lemme help you with that.

UPDATE2: Here's a pretty telling statement...
"So far, the community has been cooperative."
What's that, Officer? Is "the community" not always forthcoming with law enforcement? How odd.

At least as carbon-neutral... Eco-Prince Chuckles...insert alt text here
Prince Charles flew 16,000 miles in just 11 days using three private jets and one helicopter before proudly posing with Greta Thunberg in Davos. His travel totalled more than 16,000 miles in less than a fortnight at an estimated cost to the taxpayer of £280,000.

According to the Paramount Business Jet calculator, which lets passengers work out their carbon emissions, the air travel will have emitted more than 162 metric tons of carbon – 18 times an average Briton’s annual total.

25 January 2020

No worries, Canada, TruDope government...

...has put up signs at airports... problem solved...insert alt text hereJust smoke some magical herb... Justin's got th... sweet baby jebus...
In addition to the quarantine imposed on the city of Wuhan itself where the virus originated, at least 17 other cities are experiencing major travel restrictions, meaning 56 million people — equivalent to the entire population of England — have been placed on lockdown by the Chinese government.
UPDATE: Wuhan Coronavirus lands in Toronto
Officials are now “working rapidly” to trace passengers who were in “close proximity,” of the man, Dr. Theresa Tam, Canada’s chief public health officer, told a media briefing Sunday morning.
Or, who breathed the same pressurised, recirculated air for how many hours?

You might've forgotten al-Qaeda...

...they sure haven't forgotten you...
Three members of the al-Qaeda terrorist group were stopped and apprehended trying to fly into Dallas while using passports from Colombia. The three entered Colombia via Venezuela.

24 January 2020

How about we start a petition to...

...keep homicidal gangbangers in jail?
A petition against the Liberal gun ban has just accumulated over 100,000 signatures. Petition E2341 is a petition against a ban on “military-style assault rifles.” The petition was initiated by Alberta resident, Bradley Manysiak.

With over 100,000 signatures, the petition is the second largest in Canadian history.
My legal, registered guns have still killed fewer people than Michael Bryant's car.


RELATED: In other TruDope news...
A convicted killer has had his verdict overturned and a new trial ordered on what amounts to a technicality in how a new law was interpreted by the trial judge.

And it’s all because the Trudeau government decided to mess with centuries of legal practice.

Remember back... you were a kid...

...and folks were getting sliced & diced like radishes?

YEAH, ME NEITHER.insert alt text here
Under the leadership of the London mayor, however, the number of child stabbing victims in the capital reached an 11-year-high in November and the murder rate in London climbed to its highest level in a decade, with three men dying in one knife attack last week.
TORONTO • York University students are feeling uneasy after a woman was critically injured in a stabbing along a pathway just steps from the campus in North York late Wednesday.
York University? Where exactly is that located?


LAST WORD: No, Anthony, you dumbass...
"It's not gonna matter if you call this cultural wasteland... 'Big Rock Candy Mountain'."

The prairies... that is so oddly specific

When grain & dairy farmers go bad...... wait a minute...insert alt text here
Statistics from across the country have shown jumps in the problem, specifically in the Prairies, where rural crime rates are between 36 per cent and 42 per cent higher than in urban areas.
Could there be any other explanation?


So what are the numbers?
Statistics Canada calculates that more than half of native kids are living in poverty; ¾ drop out of school before completing Grade 12; the incarceration rate of aboriginal men is 11 times that of non-native men; of women, it is 250 times the rate for non-native women.
Of course, the real question remains, "What are we going to do about those 'racist mathematicians' at Statistics Canada?"

In Ontario... it's "Catch & Release"

Why would you ever let these people see daylight again?
I didn’t like the person I was,” said the weeping Dooley, who’ll turn 50 this year. She didn’t shed a tear at her murder trial for her battered stepson, seven-year-old Randal.

He had wasted to just 41 pounds, suffered 13 fractured ribs, a lacerated liver, four brain injuries, a damaged diaphragm, a broken back bone and was covered head-to-toe with bruises. He finally died of a bleeding brain and pneumonia.

In September 1998, Randal’s nightmarish life ended in an agonizingly-slow death.

A tooth found in Randal’s stomach was “smashed out of his mouth.”

RELATED: Another corpse for the T-dot
Three days after a 54-year-old woman’s lifeless body was discovered inside her Oakwood-Vaughan house, investigators revealed Thursday she had been murdered.

23 January 2020


Just another story you won't see on Canada's, er...
"National Broadcaster"...insert alt text here
"Anna Wästberg of the Stockholm Police commented on the two explosions saying that police were investigating a potential connection to the large blast that occurred last week in Östermalm, which led Moderate Party leader Ulf Kristersson to claim the government had lost control of the country."

Adventures in Medieval Theocracy... the most westernised, forward-looking country in the entire Islamic world...insert alt text here
The controversial so-called “marry-your-rapist” bill, which lawmakers are planning to introduce to Turkish parliament at the end of January, has sparked fury among women’s rights campaigners in the country.
There is hope on the horizon...
Turkey’s opposition has won a high-stakes rerun of the Istanbul mayoral election, a serious blow to President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and a landmark victory in a country where many feared democracy was failing.

Africa: We don't sweat the small stuff

I wonder if that qualifies as an impeachable offense...insert alt text here
"Police in Lesotho on Tuesday were searching for the country's first lady for questioning in the 2017 killing of the prime minister's former wife, while the police commissioner said the 'noose was tightening' around the prime minister and those close to him as an investigation continues."
Which brings to mind another African first lady...
"The opera's narrative includes Ms. Mandela's controversial endorsement of the practice of necklacing — filling car tires with gasoline, putting them around the necks of police informers and setting them alight — but stops in 1986 before the death of Stompie Moeketsi, a supposed informer."

22 January 2020

C'est what?

That's some "Religion of Peace" you've got there...insert alt text here
A leaked classified document from the French internal security service, the Directorate General of Internal Security (DGSI), has claimed that as many as 150 neighbourhoods across France are “held” by Islamist radicals.
Ask a former French Secretary of State...
“If the suburbs give rise to further and even more violent uprisings, we will have no way to face them: we lack the means, we lack the men. This is the reality of the French political situation.”
Oops there goes another...insert alt text here
The Directorate General of Internal Security (DGSI), France’s internal intelligence and security agency, has arrested seven Islamist radicals they claim were plotting terrorist attacks.

Wait just a minute, Louis...

...there may be another more obvious solution you've overlooked here...insert alt text here
This weekend, Louis March met with families who have lost members to gun violence and one of the things they discussed was the recent Iran plane crash... specifically, how the Canadian government recently announced financial aid of $25,000 to those families.

The founder of the Zero Gun Violence Movement believes now is the time to have a similiar discussion around families being affected by trauma in our own backyard.
He means government payola for the outcomes of urban gangbanger warfare.

Here... let me help...
"We have a made in Toronto, er... 'the communities' problem, we need a made in Toronto 'the communities' solution.".
TORONTO • "Police say a 15-year-old boy has been charged with second-degree murder in a shooting that killed another 15-year-old boy."
Which of Toronto's many "communities" views "snitching" as a crime? Who is celebrating murder & misogyny in song?


RELATED: Obviously not just a Toronto problem...
EDMONTON (CityNews) • Edmonton police are still looking for 29-year-old Amin Yussuf, who is a suspect in the shooting of 26-year-old Abubeker Gemechu Abduraman, last March.

Build a Wall, top it with glass shards... it with guntowers and lay landmines...insert alt text here
"It's an expression of power," she remarked, as she drove through the graveyard. "Even in your death you're powerful with air conditioning and bathrooms, kitchens, rooms inside. Your front yards, backyards, garages for the cars, parking lots to play music for the dead."

"The living spend a lot of time there," said Juan Gonzalez, a former Navy SEAL and the owner of a private security firm traveling with Logan. "Obviously, this is a good place to keep weapons. Good place to keep money."
A society that tolerates, never mind glorifies, mass murder... deserves to be isolated...
"Welcome to the weird, violent world of 'Narcocorridos,' songs about and for Mexico’s drug lords."

Death by Angry Poultry

Seems about right...insert alt text here
Saripalli Venkateswara Rao has died after a rooster slashed him with a razor during an illegal cockfight in India. The birds have razor blades tied to their limbs and are then placed in the ring where they fight until one is left standing.

Mr Venkateswara was the only death reported during the events, however, there were a dozen other injuries.
Torture of living creatures is one of the gold-standard hallmarks of sociopathy.


RELATED: Finger-lickin' good...
" foxes, crocodiles, wolf puppies, giant salamanders, snakes, rats, peacocks, porcupines, camel meat and other game -- 112 items in all."

21 January 2020

Bitter, elderly Democrat has-been...

...decides to drag contender to the bottom with her...insert alt text here
"Nobody likes him, nobody wants to work with him, he got nothing done."
Blind. Totally blind.

Not that Bernie's crew haven't already holed the skiff.

"She's only there to re-build the temple of Doom. A few more blood sacrifices and she'll be back on top again."

RELATED: The lunatic left in full ascendancy...
1500 private jets have flown in here to hear Sir David Attenborough speak about how we are wrecking the planet”.

Time for a massive rally to...

...protect the First Amendment...insert alt text here
"I was the page's most-read columnist. But there's now a permanently and perpetually offended class, and in order to speak, you need to use their terminology."

"There's a whole lot of 'you-can't-say-that-ism' going on right now."
And, while we're on the Amendments...
"From the time the individual turned with the gun in his hand, to when it was over was a total of six seconds."
Do it a couple of hundred times... it becomes second nature.

Don't worry Ricardo...

...the Rat Squad has your back...most wanted
Toronto Police officers who shot and wounded a murder suspect in Scarborough during Saturday’s snowstorm thought he was about to draw a gun as they were arresting him.

Ricardo Mirabelles, 37, remains in hospital with several gunshot wounds.
Maybe our priorities are a little skewed here...
"The SIU has assigned eight investigators to the case. That’s more than the number of Toronto Police officers involved in the initial call."
That's right. More bodies than were detailed to arrest a first-degree murder suspect.

20 January 2020

Scarborough, Scarborough...

...that sounds so familiar...insert alt text here
TORONTO • One person is in custody after a boy was critically injured in a Scarborough shooting in the Markham Road and Ellesmere Avenue area around 3.10 p.m. on Monday, police say.

One person has been taken into custody but no further details were provided.
Everybody relax... once Justin buys back $2000 "restricted rifles" from law-abiding middle-class white guys... the urban murder crisis will be over.


UPDATE: One unknown dead, one unknown arrested

There is no link, because Toronto media apparently doesn't believe in snitching either.

UPDATE2: Still no word on shooter...
"The grieving father of 15-year-old Safiullah Khosrawi who was shot to death just blocks from the family’s Scarborough home believes his son was minding his own business while walking home from school when he was accidentally shot."

RELATED: Smell the "Professional" journalism...insert alt text here
NBC News reporter Ben Collins deleted a January 19 tweet in which he referred to the then-pending Virginia Second Amendment event as a “white nationalist rally.”

How long before Paul Bernado...

...and Russell Williams decide to get, uh... "reassigned?"insert alt text here
Jamie Boulachanis, a murderer who recently became a woman in the definition under Canadian law, will make her second request on Monday to be transferred to a federal penitentiary for women to continue serving a life sentence.

The case, to be heard at the Montreal courthouse, pits Boulachanis’s rights to equality versus Correctional Service Canada’s concerns for public safety.

When the Federal Court case was heard last spring, Boulachanis had yet to undergo sex reassignment surgery.

RELATED: Pretty in Pink Policing Initiativeinsert alt text here
The Toronto Police Service, under the leadership of the Equity, Inclusion and Human Rights team, is undertaking public consultations as part of its ongoing Gender Diversity and Trans Inclusion Project.

Wouldn't wanna hurt anybody's feelings

U.S. airports have started to screen inbound Chinese flights. Canada... well, not so much...insert alt text hereMEANWHILE • SOUTH OF THE BORDER:
"CDC will send 100 additional staffers to those airports."
And China is certainly taking this seriously...
Chinese President Xi Jinping warned that it's "extremely crucial" to take every action to fight the disease, and that "party committees, governments and relevant departments at all levels should put people's lives and health first."
UPDATE: Health Canada did post some signs say...
...sweet baby jebus...
"A video of medics in hazmat suits scanning dozens of plane passengers for the symptoms of a mysterious, fatal virus spreading across China is stoking fears of a global epidemic."


"After Ken overdosed, Barbie fell on hard times"...insert alt text here

19 January 2020

I'm so old, I remember when...

...we used to keep crazy people under lock & key...
A 30-year-old man was arrested and charged with aggravated assault, assault with a weapon, weapons dangerous and common nuisance — endanger life, after allegedly attacking kindergartners with a curtain rod during recess at an East Gwillimbury school, seriously injuring a boy. His name is not being released.

Five-year-old boy Kingsley Corson was taken to a hospital where he was diagnosed with a mild concussion.

RELATED: In "Fairy Dust & Unicorns" Canada...

...he'll be back...
The Supreme Court of Canada ruled in 1999 that a review board MUST ORDER an absolute discharge if a person doesn't pose a significant threat (apparently decapitation & cannibalism don't fall under this category) to public safety.

C'est What?

France is losing yet another war...insert alt text here
The statistics, which were collected by the Interior Ministry’s statistics service SSMI, show that sexual violence increased by 12 per cent last year. In 2018, the increase had been even greater at 19 per cent, French newspaper Le Figaro reports.

“The number of homicides increased significantly in 2019 to 970 victims, which amounts to an 8.5 per cent increase from 2018.
Which brings us to an interesting question; "What will French Revolution 2.0 look like?"

"According to the IOPC, a Rotherham Police Chief Inspector told the father of a missing girl that the town “would erupt” if it were revealed that south Asian grooming gangs were preying on young white girls."

Scarborough, Scarborough...

...that sounds so familiar...
TORONTO -- A man has sustained serious injuries and the Special Investigations Unit (SIU) has been called in after a police-involved shooting near Scarborough Town Centre Saturday just after 12:10 p.m.
"The SIU has assigned eight investigators to the case. That’s more than the number of Toronto Police officers involved in the initial call."

RELATED: Diversity is our streng... sweet baby jebus...
The Crown is alleging Mohammed Hakimzadah, a 55-year-old Scarborough limousine driver, blamed his wife and her lawyer for “destroying his life.”

Hakimzadah tried to hire an assassin to kill both his wife Pastana Hakimzadah and her family law lawyer Jennifer Daudlin in the fall of 2016. “He claimed he was trying to entrap the hitman, the undercover officer who was posing as a hitman,” Crown attorney Jason Gorda said.

Hakimzadah was ripped off by an earlier ‘hitman’ who took his cash but never executed the assassination of his wife.

18 January 2020

Somebody's obviously runnin' out of...

...stupid shit to be mad about...insert alt text here
On Friday, Japanese fashion brand Commes des Garçons held a Fall 2020 menswear presentation in Paris — but it wasn’t the looks that rankled people on Twitter.

The show featured models in oversized lace-front wigs designed to resemble cornrows, which were primarily worn by white models.
Hold on... it gets better.

Those scofflaw Canadians...

insert alt text here
TORONTO -- Two Ontario men and three others have been indicted in the United States in connection with an alleged smuggling scheme investigators say aimed to support Pakistan's nuclear program.

Muhammad Ahsan Wali, and Haji Wali Muhammad Sheikh, both of Mississauga, Ont., are among five men alleged to have taken part in the conspiracy between September 2014 and last fall.
It gets better... by which I mean worse...
Last month, an acclaimed NML scientist — Xiangguo Qiu — was reportedly escorted out of the lab along with her husband, another biologist, and members of her research team.

17 January 2020

Seriously... that's your guy?

How close do you want this ancient mariner to be to the "nuclear football?"
“What the hell is that?” asked Biden, as he appeared to become unnerved by the sound of his own phone ringing.

New York Times deputy editorial page editor Kathleen Kingsbury responded, “You’re getting a call.

Oh,” he replied.

Crazy like a Fox

The first thing we do is hang all the lawyers...insert alt text here
HALIFAX -- A Nova Scotia man found not criminally responsible for killing his wife will receive 100 per cent of her life insurance policy.

Richard Maidment -- also known as Richard MacNeil -- killed Sarabeth Forbes in their home in Gardiner Mines, N.S. on April 18, 2017.

How much did Justin Trudeau give... the families of Toronto Beaches Shooter Faisal Hussain's victims?insert alt text here
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says the federal government will be giving $25,000 to families for each of the 57 Canadian citizens and 29 permanent residents who died when Iran shot down a Ukrainian passenger jet last week.
What about misogynist Gamil Gharbi's victims?

George Orwell was right... some animals are more equal than others...
"On the one-year anniversary of a brazen Ottawa shooting that claimed the life of a 24-year-old Canadian soldier, Justin Trudeau avoided mention of the word terrorism."

If you can't splash General Salami...

...then who is actually on "The List"...insert alt text here
Donald Trump has been excoriated by critics for ordering the killing of the number one terrorist in the world, Qassem Soleimani. If he wasn’t number one, who was? If Iran isn’t the very definition of an enemy and a threat to world peace, what nation is?

Iran is a nation whose national slogan is “Death to America” and whose greatest aspiration is to wipe another nation off the map.
"And I would ask, can any of you provide me one name on that wall that does not justify killing Soleimani?" Rep. Brian Mast (R-FL) asked Democrats. "I got two minutes and 30 seconds. I’ll be more than happy to sit here and wait."

"Somebody provide me with a name on that wall that does not justify his killing."

RELATED: Declaring a FAT-wa


LAST WORD: Wait'll they get nuclear weapons...
Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has defended the country's armed forces after it admitted shooting down a passenger plane by mistake. He said the Revolutionary Guard - the elite unit responsible for the disaster - "maintained the security" of Iran.

Khamenei also described Iran's elite Quds Force - which the US has designated a terrorist organisation - as a "humanitarian organisation with human values."

Iranian authorities initially denied responsibility but, after international pressure mounted, the Revolutionary Guard admitted that the plane had been mistaken for a "cruise missile" during heightened tensions with the US.

Special Place in Hell...

...just got a little warmer...
A man suspected of murdering dogs with poison darts was killed when a furious owner ‘slammed him into a brick wall with his car’.

The deceased was accused of killing half a dozen dogs using the darts.
Torturing & killing animals is one of the hallmarks of sociopathy and is often a prelude to murdering other humans. He got what he deserved.


Illegal urban firearms enthusiasts back at it...
Toronto - A 16-year-old boy sustained serious injuries early Thursday morning after a shooting in the city’s Wallace Emerson neighbourhood.

It happened on Lappin Avenue, near Dupont and Dufferin streets, at around 2:30 a.m.
No idea Bible study ran so late.

DIVERSITY IS OUR STRENG... sweet baby jebus...
A woman, found slain in a Brampton green space Monday has been identified as 28-year-old Heeral Patel from Toronto who went missing two days earlier.
Brampton, Brampton... that sounds so familiar...
When they arrived, police found the body of Sharanjeet Kaur, 27, who police say was murdered, and the body of 35-year-old Navdeep Singh.
UPDATE: So, a second murder-suicide.

Build a wall... top it with glass shards...

...and pass the Purell®...insert alt text here
In a list published by the Mexico City Metro system on Tuesday, "corrosion due to urine" was listed as one of the top five causes of escalator malfunction.

"When we open up escalators for maintenance, there is always urine," said Fermin Ramirez, the system's assistant manager for rails and facilities.
That's another place off the vacation short-list.

It gets better... by which I mean worse...
"Face peeling has become a common practice in the Mexican Drug War as an effective scare tactic to rivals and would-be informants."
Don't get me started on Iran.

15 January 2020

Just another story you won't see...

...on Canada's federally funded, post-national "National Broadcaster"...insert alt text here
Swedish Moderate Party leader Ulf Kristersson has slammed the ruling Social Democrats, saying the government has lost control of the country after a huge explosion rocked a Stockholm residential area on Sunday.
Oh, c'mon now... how bad can it... sweet baby jebus...
Sweden saw a large rise in the number of explosions and bombings last year, with the Crime Prevention Council (BRÅ) estimating at least 236 incidents in the first 11 months of 2019.
Relax everybody... it's all under control...
Facing a massive surge in gang-related crimes, in particular involving the use of hand grenades, police in Sweden have introduced a three-month-long amnesty for “explosive goods.”

LAST WORD: No pulse, time to pull the plug...
Despite these losses, the CBC has no intention to reform into a profit-earning organization. CEO, Catherine Tait, said that the CBC existed “not to compete, we exist to serve.” This serving, however, is costing the taxpayer millions of tax dollars.

Toronto's a very safe city...

...I mean... what's a couple of murders a week?insert alt text here
TORONTO • Investigators say that Maryna Kudzianiuk, 49, who died after being pulled from a fire at a Scarborough apartment near Warden and Sheppard Avenues early Monday morning was murdered.
Homicide #3 according to police... but only because they're not counting Muhammad Waqar Alam who was stabbed in 2019 but died in 2020.

Scarborough, Scarborough... that sounds so familiar...
The mother of 25-year-old Paul Anthony Desouza who was fatally shot early Saturday morning says that her son was asleep on the couch when bullets flew through a glass door at a home on Military Trail, near Neilson Road.
We're not done yet...
On Dec. 29, police were called to McCowan Road and Trudelle Street around 3 a.m. for reports of shots fired.

They found 26-year-old Koshin Yusuf with gunshot wounds. He was pronounced dead at the scene. Oday Bazuhair, 21, of Toronto has been charged with first-degree murder this Wednesday morning.

14 January 2020

Dear Iranian slash Canadians...

First... a bit of bad news...insert alt text hereDespite the lamentations and strident choreographed demands of Canada's Prime Minstrel, none of the rest of us unslashed Canucks are actually in mourning with, or for you. In fact, it would be a little bit weird if we were... like when Michael Jackson spent a long, dark lonely night at the funeral home with the corpse of James Brown.

The truth is, most of us can't wrap our heads around why you might return to the land of demented mullahs and the acknowledged home of world terrorism. Let's face facts here... your homeboy Khomeini was just totally off the chain. All that "Death to the Great Satan America" shit has only served to isolate & impoverish a once flourishing country.

In a way, the people on that plane brought this disaster upon themselves by venturing back into the surreal land of the bearded weirdies who cut hands off shoplifters and sanction the beating of disobedient wives.

It's time to actually pick a side. You could leave all that bloodthirsty medieval theocracy bullshit behind... and start thinking of yourself as a citizen of the civilised world.

Just a thought.


RELATED: Who mourns for Zahra Kazemi?
OTTAWA • Iran has had no ambassador in Canada since Iranian security forces raped and murdered Canadian photographer Zahra Kazemi in 2003.

LAST WORD: Justin al-Trudeau doubles down...insert alt text here
“I’ve talked about the tremendous grief and loss that Canadians are feeling and the need for clear answers on how this happened and how we’re going to make sure it never happens again,” Trudeau said.
With his "magical Hogwarts powers," I'm guessing. Remember, this isn't Justin's first rodeo...
"Trudeau Liberals announce someone will be held accountable for something in Syria in some way."
Time for another mosque tour in Papineau.