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15 January 2020

Just another story you won't see...

...on Canada's federally funded, post-national "National Broadcaster"...insert alt text here
Swedish Moderate Party leader Ulf Kristersson has slammed the ruling Social Democrats, saying the government has lost control of the country after a huge explosion rocked a Stockholm residential area on Sunday.
Oh, c'mon now... how bad can it... sweet baby jebus...
Sweden saw a large rise in the number of explosions and bombings last year, with the Crime Prevention Council (BRĂ…) estimating at least 236 incidents in the first 11 months of 2019.
Relax everybody... it's all under control...
Facing a massive surge in gang-related crimes, in particular involving the use of hand grenades, police in Sweden have introduced a three-month-long amnesty for “explosive goods.”

LAST WORD: No pulse, time to pull the plug...
Despite these losses, the CBC has no intention to reform into a profit-earning organization. CEO, Catherine Tait, said that the CBC existed “not to compete, we exist to serve.” This serving, however, is costing the taxpayer millions of tax dollars.