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27 January 2020

Convicted multi-millionaire war criminal... speak at Canadian university...insert alt text here
Omar Khadr, the former "child soldier" whose war crimes convictions made him a political lightning rod for both Conservative and Liberal governments, is scheduled to be a keynote speaker at a Dalhousie University event next month.
Has Omar Khadr publicly... even once... denounced the actions of his dead terrorist father?

"Liberal governments of Chretien and Martin had about 4 years to do whatever they thought fair for Khadr when in power.

Only after 2006 did the "child soldier" line make an appearance, when Irwin Cottler was Justice Minister under Paul Martin."
Oh, it gets better...insert alt text here
"The Trudeau government has quietly paid a $10.5-million settlement to Omar Khadr in a move that circumvents legal efforts by two Americans to prevent him from receiving compensation."

LAST WORD: It's all culturally relative, isn't it?insert alt text here
"Imagine if you will: teenaged white kids are caught up in some skinhead group. Their parents are neo-nazis as well. Dad and the boys head out to Zimbabwe to fight Mugabe. Dad is killed, and the boyos are wounded and captured."

"How many Toronto Star editorials would be written to get the kids back to Canada?"
Why should al-Qaeda get a pass?