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14 January 2020

Dear Iranian slash Canadians...

First... a bit of bad news...insert alt text hereDespite the lamentations and strident choreographed demands of Canada's Prime Minstrel, none of the rest of us unslashed Canucks are actually in mourning with, or for you. In fact, it would be a little bit weird if we were... like when Michael Jackson spent a long, dark lonely night at the funeral home with the corpse of James Brown.

The truth is, most of us can't wrap our heads around why you might return to the land of demented mullahs and the acknowledged home of world terrorism. Let's face facts here... your homeboy Khomeini was just totally off the chain. All that "Death to the Great Satan America" shit has only served to isolate & impoverish a once flourishing country.

In a way, the people on that plane brought this disaster upon themselves by venturing back into the surreal land of the bearded weirdies who cut hands off shoplifters and sanction the beating of disobedient wives.

It's time to actually pick a side. You could leave all that bloodthirsty medieval theocracy bullshit behind... and start thinking of yourself as a citizen of the civilised world.

Just a thought.


RELATED: Who mourns for Zahra Kazemi?
OTTAWA • Iran has had no ambassador in Canada since Iranian security forces raped and murdered Canadian photographer Zahra Kazemi in 2003.

LAST WORD: Justin al-Trudeau doubles down...insert alt text here
“I’ve talked about the tremendous grief and loss that Canadians are feeling and the need for clear answers on how this happened and how we’re going to make sure it never happens again,” Trudeau said.
With his "magical Hogwarts powers," I'm guessing. Remember, this isn't Justin's first rodeo...
"Trudeau Liberals announce someone will be held accountable for something in Syria in some way."
Time for another mosque tour in Papineau.