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28 January 2020

Where's the sympathy for cold, dead...

...random bystander Jeffrey Lewis?insert alt text here
"The former co-leader of one of Toronto’s most notorious gangs will walk free on Tuesday. Peter Johnson pleaded guilty to manslaughter Monday — four days after a mistrial was declared.

"Johnson admitted he fatally shot innocent bystander Jeffrey Lewis, 31, and wounded Simeon Chase in the aftermath of a robbery."
So... armed robbery AND murder.

And look who's making excuses for a cold-blooded killer...
“Johnson was not in a clear state of mind as a result of Grant’s actions on him. His anger and panic clouded his judgment and provoked him,” said Crown attorney Rob Kenny.
In essence, this was a watered-down version of double-murderer Christopher Husbands PTSD defense...
"I often go to the Eaton Centre food court to soothe my PTSD. I seldom bring my handgun."