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29 February 2020

Watch the Toronto Star skip over...

...details about a man called "Apache" who smuggled
(oh, pardon me, "shepherded") the guns over the Canadian border at • wait for it • Cornwall...insert alt text hereAfter those illegal firearms were "shepherded" by Apache, then ol' Harris, well... he "took responsibility"... after cops caught his felonious ass driving a car full of hot guns.

Smell that "Professional" Journalism.insert alt text here
A Scarborough man, Harris Poyser, 59, took responsibility for playing a key role in the importation of illegal firearms from the United States into Canada — for distribution on Toronto streets — by pleading guilty Wednesday to weapons smuggling and trafficking. Poyser was not licensed to possess a firearm at the time and had never registered a firearm.

The discovery of 60 handguns buried in bedding in the trunk of Harris Poyser’s rented vehicle on May 23, 2018, outside a home in Cornwall, on the U.S. border in eastern Ontario, was billed as the largest single seizure of illegal firearms in the history of the Toronto Police Service.
And Cornwall? I'm sure that's just a coincidence.


RELATED: Cornwall, Cornwall... that sounds so familiar
"What’s more, the judge said, nearly everyone on Cornwall Island — situated in the St. Lawrence River with bridges linking it to the U.S. and Cornwall, Ont. — has a relative with a criminal record, which means that also cannot be considered reasonable grounds for a search."

28 February 2020

Apparently the cops have plenty of time... go after non-aboriginal citizens...insert alt text here
"On Thursday afternoon, a Facebook user with the name Penny Ramone said they were reporting the decal to police as a death threat. The post was either removed or made private shortly after".

From the folks who brought us...

...melamine in baby formula...insert alt text here
"An even more heated Global Times screed on Tuesday accused American politicians, corporations, and media of using the coronavirus story to 'promote white supremacist racism and the advantage of their political system' by “fabricating” a threat from China against the free world."
The annual Yulin Dog Meat Festival is one of the most controversial food festivals in China and sees thousands of dogs cruelly killed, skinned and cooked with blow-torches before being eaten by the locals.

RELATED: In other "White Racism" news

What good is it, if he's back ...

...on the street tomorrow, next week or next month?insert alt text here
Police have arrested an alleged drug dealer who they believe was responsible for the distribution of a “potentially lethal batch of fentanyl” that caused more than a dozen overdoses on Wednesday.

Whanny Mymuller, 38, is charged with two counts of possession for the purpose of trafficking and one count of possession of the proceeds of crime.
Put him in a cell, weld the door shut.


I guess it's true... "enforcement is the last option."

RELATED: It's a legal system, not a justice system...
A criminal justice system frequent flier, Saeed Savalanpour, 33, has been arrested in connection with a wild shootout last September in St. Catharines. Six people were wounded in the gunplay that left two in critical condition.

Savalanpour has been convicted on drug charges numerous times, assaulting a peace officer, and robbery.

Shane Jermaine Tyrell, 34, of Scarborough was also arrested during the raid.

27 February 2020

Good luck with your Senate campaign, Joe

insert alt text here
In other news, Joe Biden got tough with China: "They must play by the rules. Period. Period. Period." Actually, I think "period period period" is an ellipsis... Which is oddly Bidenesque.

But he was assessed by the experts to have delivered a killer performance - if only because he appeared to know what state he was in and which office he was running for, and did not claim to have been arrested on the streets of Soweto while trying to see a South African prisoner in a gaol cell nine hundred miles away. Great job, Joe!

RELATED: Close enough for Quid Pro Joe...insert alt text here
Joe Biden suggested the “immunity” has led to “carnage on our streets. 150 million people have been killed since 2007 when Bernie Sanders voted to exempt the gun manufacturers from liability.”

The number of firearm-related homicides each year is roughly 11,000 to 12,000, which works out to about 156,000 firearm-related homicides over the course of the 13 years from 2007 until now.
Now we could break out the significant number of suicides within this figure, or the horrific "Black on Black" inner city violence... but you see my point.

RELATED2: What about Canada?insert alt text here
"Only 23 ten thousandths of 1% of the Canadian gun stock was involved in a homicide."

LAST WORD: Ask a Black Mayor...
"Michael Nutter, a former Philadelphia mayor, who is black, said that society would not be so complacent if whites were dying from gun violence at the same rate as blacks.

“Some people got upset,” he said. “I said, ‘I’ll stop talking about it when you stop killing each other.’”

So much winning...

I'm thinking they could start right here...
"The Trump administration is establishing a new section within the Justice Department to deal with the process of removing citizenship from foreign-born individuals who fraudulently obtained citizenship by failing to disclose past convictions for serious crimes -- including terrorism and war crimes."

26 February 2020

Smell the "Professional Journalism

Cutting edge news at your Toronto "Red" Star...
"In The Kit’s monthly Sex Talk column, we consult the experts to answer your I-would-only-whisper-this-to-a-friend sexual health questions."

“I’m in a masturbation rut and do it the same old way every time. Got any tips to help me spice up my solo routine?” — Alice, Charlottetown
Also the Toronto Star.

Oh... it gets better...

Lapointe said more than 5,000 people have died in B.C. since 2016 when the health emergency was declared as the opioid fentanyl was increasingly detected in street drugs.
Apparently B.C. junkies are sick and tired of dealing with that "sketchy" heroin... just break out the good stuff already!

Why, it's almost as if...

...Bev Oda ordered 18,300 glasses of orange juice...insert alt text here

You call the tune, Pitou... gotta pay the piper...insert alt text here
"French Justice Minister Nicole Belloubet has revealed that there will be nearly 300 convicted terrorists released from French prisons by 2023, 43 of them by the end of this year."
Remember back, you were a kid... and guys were beating random old ladies to death with hammers?

Akhtar had left on foot earlier in the day to attend a mosque, as he did every evening, his mother told Global News earlier).

RELATED: Wait... explosives and WHAT?
"Why is it that the people who live on Mohammadiasl’s street — and the elementary school around the corner — haven’t been informed about someone who might be a potential predator? And why is he out on bail given the seriousness of the charges?"
There's your "post-national" country Jussie.

Justin's "Post-National" Canada...

...coming soon to a neighbourhood near you...insert alt text here
A murder with a hammer that killed 64-year-old Toronto woman Hang-Kam Annie Chiu on Feb. 21 is being called a terrorist attack by police, as the murderer, Saad Akhtar, 30, now faces terrorism-related charges.

Police contacted the Integrated National Security Enforcement Team in Toronto, the group responsible for probing terrorism cases. The charges were then changed Monday morning.

25 February 2020

Meanwhile, down at the Quickie Mart...

...not enforcing the law of the land just encourages all those other "new entrepreneurs"...insert alt text here
Police say they have shut down a makeshift store in Markham where alcohol and cannabis products were being sold illegally inside a commercial unit on Royal Crest Court.

Anil Anand, a 56-year-old Brampton man, and Ramandeep Singh, a 28-year-old Toronto resident, have been charged with keeping, selling, or offering liquor for sale. Bill Tsetsekas, a 56-year-old Markham man, has been charged with possession of cannabis for the purpose of distribution.
I guess these guys aren't the right kind of Indian... you know... the "grappling" kind...insert alt text here
"Down Highway 401 at Tyendinaga, near Belleville, the Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte are also grappling with the marijuana issue, said Chief Donald Maracle. Unregulated pot shops have opened on the reserve, but police haven’t tried to shut any of them down."
"Unregulated"... smell the professional journalism.


It's been festering for 200 years...
“Will not a difficulty arise, as to who these people are?"

"In the Mohawk village here, a large proportion are the immediate descendants of Germans; there is also a family of immediate descendants of Africans: Are they to be considered as Indians?"

"There are also some descendants of Americans, whose ancestors were Europeans. In fact, there are but few real Indians amongst them.”

Letter from John Ferguson to William Claus, Deputy Superintendent General, Indian Affairs, 5 March 1819, concerning threats made by Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte to passers-by.

RELATED: "It's just money," says the Prime Minstrel...insert alt text hereinsert alt text hereYeah, how's that working out for you?

Never mind... I have my answer...
"Liberal Transport Minister Marc Garneau said he is “very concerned” by the anti-pipeline protestors, but has taken no action to remedy the situation thus far."

Back at (cough, cough) Turtle Island

Let the holy smudging ceremony begin...insert alt text hereThank goodness nobody has a dirty, filthy J•O•B that gets in the way of the Great Spirit's blessed work.


RELATED: And don't think the world won't notice...insert alt text here
"Canada is now reaping the whirlwind. The Red-Green Axis consisting of social justice warriors, hereditary band chiefs, renewable energy cronies, cultural Marxists, and their political and media enablers have effectively shut down the country."

Venison Express

Clobbered a deer on the way home last night. A group (Mrs Neo says three) decided to break across the two lane highway just as we were coming down a hill. Hit the third one in line.

Looks like a new front end, a new right quarter and there's a little passenger side door impingement. Hoping the fluid leak is simply washer fluid, but don't want to open the hood in case it's also sprung. The dash panel was also lit up like Christmas.

Fortunately neither of us were hurt. The Dashcam that Neophyte gave us for Christmas caught it all. Gotta go talk to my insurance people.

UPDATE: Insurance adjuster in...

Says he's done dozens of deer collisions recently. May get away with new front plastic & lights, new passenger side quarter & body work to door. Missed the rad.

Good news, given what could've been.

24 February 2020

No Gun... No Problem

Come for the rub... stay for the rub-out...insert alt text here
Toronto police say one woman is dead and two others are in hospital after a stabbing at the Crown Spa near Dufferin Street and Wilson Avenue just before 12:40 p.m. Monday afternoon.

Insp. Darren Alldrit would not comment on the nature of the spa, which on its website advertised its services as including “erotic massage and exotic massage.”
UPDATE: Victim has been identifiedinsert alt text here
"She has now been identified by police as 24-year-old Ashley Noell Arzaga. The 17-year-old accused, who cannot be identified under the provisions of the Youth Criminal Justice Act, was scheduled to appear in court today."
UPDATE2: When seconds count, the police are...

...only minutes away...
He brought a machete to fucking kill us. I don’t know if Arzaga had the ability to fight back, but I did,” added the woman, who had a bandaged arm and blood around her fingernails. “I fought and got the machete from him and put it through his back.”
Homicide #12.

Abdullahi Mohamed, Trevaughan Miller, both 24, and Abdirahman Islow, 29, are responsible for the first-degree murder of Nnamdi Ogba, 26.
The beat goes on.

Who says Hillary Clinton doesn't...

...have a type...insert alt text here
"A Manhattan jury found disgraced movie mogul Harvey Weinstein guilty on two sex abuse charges while acquitting him on the most serious charges in the culmination of one of the first major prosecutions in the #MeToo era."
America dodged a bullet...
"Maybe Weinstein would be in the cabinet. Maybe he'd be running the Corporation for Public Broadcasting."

RELATED: I'm sure it's a coincidence...
Disgraced movie mogul Harvey Weinstein helped pay former President Bill Clinton’s legal bills during the Monica Lewinsky sex scandal.

An "offer" or a surrender?

That's strange... the cops pull me over, they never "offer" or negotiate what they're gonna do next...
insert alt text here
The British Columbia RCMP have offered to dismantle a mobile detachment on Wet’suwet’en lands and move their policing operations to a nearby town of Houston. The RCMP offer comes as pressure mounts across the country on Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to break the railway stalemate which prompted Canadian National Railway to lay off 450 people earlier this week.
It's not a "stalemate"... it's insurrection and should be treated as such. How far will the Prime Minstrel let this illegal extortion persist?
Via Rail also temporarily laid off a further 1,000 workers on Wednesday given most passenger and freight trains have been halted due to rail protests springing up across the country.
How much more government by "Sunny Ways" can we afford?

UPDATE: Calling Captain Dialogue

They asked safe-cracker Willie Sutton...

...why he robbed banks and he said...

"BECAUSE THAT'S WHERE THE MONEY IS"...insert alt text here
Politicians are experts at ignoring information that makes them uncomfortable. The fact gang and gun violence in Toronto has skyrocketed since police were banned from doing street cheeks makes them uncomfortable, lest they be accused of racism by anti-police activists if they acknowledge it.

Last week, recently retired police officer Sue Fisher, on the force for almost 32 years, told the Sun’s Sue-Ann Levy that "the end of street checks allowed the bad guys to take over • there’s no longer that fear among the criminal element."
Yeah... no kidding...
As a Toronto Cop friend of mine said this morning •
"13 people shot this weekend."

"But fortunately no one was carded."

RELATED: Dishonest, cowardly Mayor John Toryinsert alt text here
“I think that kind of talk about sort of, you know, where this all arises from, or sort of who’s to blame, is not very constructive,” Toronto Mayor John Tory told reporters in Nathan Phillips Square.
Lord knows we don't want any loose talk about who's actually pulling those triggers.


UPDATE: Meanwhile back in the hood...
A woman suffered serious injuries after a ‘targeted’ shooting in Flemingdon Park Sunday afternoon.

23 February 2020

Diversity is our streng...

...sweet freakin baby jebus!!!insert alt text here
A 64-year-old Scarborough woman, Hang-Kam Annie Chiu was bludgeoned to death with a hammer Friday night, Toronto Police confirmed Saturday.

The accused, Saad Akhtar, a 30-year-old Scarborough man, turned himself in to police and has been charged with first-degree murder.

Police did not specify whether the attack was random or not.
Homicide #11

Perhaps Psycho Saad can "turn his life around" like this Ontario murderer of note...
“When I was nine, I was an altar server; when I was 14, I was a straight-A student; when I was 19, I was facing first-degree murder,” Rohan George tells The Canadian Press. “When I'm 34, I'm being called to the bar. Life isn't linear.”
Two years from conviction to full parole for a kidnap/murder... that'll teach him.

Math is Hard

Obama, Obama... that sounds so familiar...
"Three pardons covered gun crimes and 104 people with gun convictions have had their sentences commuted."
insert alt text hereAnd don't get me started on "Slick Willie"...
"His final day pardon of financier Marc Rich, who had fled the country on tax evasion charges, immediately erupted in controversy."
So, Trump pardoned a rival Democrat... Clinton pardoned a campaign contributor.

Gotta have priorities

"The fact is, Nunavut has the highest per capita homicide rate in Canada."
Oh... it gets better...
"While just 7.7 per cent of all children under 14 are Indigenous, they account for 52.2 per cent of all children in foster care • astonishing numbers that demand some sort of response, Indigenous Services Minister Jane Philpott."

22 February 2020

Post-Brexit Britain takes another road

Woke riots commencing in three, two...insert alt text here
The British government has announced an overhaul of immigration policy, restricting the entry of non-English speakers and unskilled foreign workers. The new immigration rules, based on the Australian-style points system, is part of a post-Brexit overhaul.


"Used to be a werewolf, but I'm alright naawoooooooo!!!!"insert alt text here

21 February 2020

And they lived happily ev...

...what the f@ckin' f@ck!!!
It was at the very heart of Justin Trudeau’s triumph in his first election, that having vanquished the Mordor orcs of Harperland, that the country was going to be served by new thinking and fresh approaches, that anger and conflict would be no more.
The extortion will balance itself.


UPDATE: No dumbass... it's not...
“We are waiting for Indigenous leadership to show that it understands,” he said in an Ottawa news conference. “The onus is on them.”
Smell the "leadership!"

The healing power of rap

insert alt text here
A female security guard at a Rockland County library was fatally stabbed when she asked the suspect to turn down the music he was playing on his phone, according to a report.

Blanchard Glaudin, 25, has been charged with second-degree murder after being tackled by patrons at the Finkelstein Memorial Library in Spring Valley.
A man is in police custody after a woman found with a gunshot wound died in Scarborough at Sheppard Avenue east of McCowan Road just after 7 p.m. Friday evening.

I'm from the government...

...I'm here to save you...
Ontario has come out with a new licence plate that is being criticized by many on social media as the plate is virtually unreadable at night.
But, but, but...
New Ontario license plates passed rigorous testing by drug dealers in unlit parking lot.
It's funny 'cos it fits.

Smell the "professional" journalism

The New York Times has just published an opinion piece by deputy leader of the Taliban Sirajuddin Haqqani, a man currently wanted by the US government at a $10 million bounty.

Titled “What the Taliban Want”, Haqqani argues that the Taliban has been a force for peace and open-negotiation in the Middle East, while other nations have stifled those efforts.
I got nuthin'.

20 February 2020

Can’t Hurt Me:

Just picked up the audio book...
Master Your Mind and Defy the Odds chronicles David Goggins’ incredible life from perpetual victim to active duty Navy SEAL to world class ultra athlete and world record holder.

Those Racist Canadians

Seen by today’s lights, moreover, the RCAP report was a laudably plain-spoken and practical document. The commissioners weren’t primarily interested in denouncing Canada as a genocide state, or dwelling on esoteric thoughtcrimes connected to language and art.

UPDATE: At least, now... we know the price

19 February 2020

His friends... your money...

Be honest... you could see it happening, right?
Bombardier ask for another $3.7 billion to study the effects of government money going through a jet engine. Bombardier had previously spent $2 billion in federal subsidies to study the effects of crushing coins on railway tracks with its undelivered trains.

“All those loonies and toonies came out all bent and shit,” added Bombardier CEO Alain M. Bellemare.

Smollet Syndrome

Enforcing the "greater good"...insert alt text here
A man in Iowa is accused of holding a woman captive and forcing her to watch the “Roots” miniseries against her will. When the woman tried to get up, Noye told her to “remain seated and watch the movie with him or he would kill her and spread her body parts across Interstate 380 on the way to Chicago,” the complaint said.

18 February 2020

If you disagree with Prime Minister Stalin... suffer the consequences...
Trudeau held a meeting with opposition leaders later Tuesday but didn't extend an invitation to Scheer. Speaking to reporters after the talks, Trudeau said Scheer's speech signalled he isn't willing to cooperate.

"Mr. Scheer disqualified himself from constructive discussions with his unacceptable speech earlier today," Trudeau said.
Because that's the way democracy works.

UPDATE: The Leader of the Official Opposition responds

UPDATE2: Can't just allow people to say stuff


LAST WORD: You heard me right

France • no gun... no problem

Remember... these numbers are two years out of date...insert alt text here
"The figures, which come from the National Observatory of Delinquency and Criminal Responses (ONDRP), claim that between 2015 and 2017 there were around 44,000 victims of knife crime each year, or an average of 120 per day."
How much worse are things now?


Toronto's "cloak of invisibility" shooters at it again...
Toronto police say a 19-year-old man shot in Etobicoke near Martin Grove Road and Eglinton Avenue West, made his own way to hospital Tuesday night with serious injuries and is currently recovering. Police have not yet provided a suspect description.
Toronto virus continues to spread...
A shooting in Omemee has led to the death of an 18 year old man, and two suspects from the Toronto area are in police custody. The victim was transported to hospital where he succumbed to his injuries. He has been identified as 18 year old Alexander Tobin.

As Conservative as Kathleen Wynne

You think the government is there to protect you?

As The Globe and Mail reported Saturday, in the past year more than 30 tow trucks have been set on fire in the region, and at least two men with ties to the industry have been killed, as operators compete for bigger slices of the lucrative business and tensions continue to escalate.

The violence has also targeted peripheral industries, including a Vaughan law firm that specialized in representing insurance companies in court battles against local towing companies, over storage and towing bills.

That firm, Carr Law, has closed down after two arsons, an attack on a lawyer in the parking lot and finally a shooting in broad daylight in September.

A spokesperson for Transportation Minister Caroline Mulroney deferred questions Sunday to the Solicitor-General, who also declined to comment through a spokesperson.
I guess the Ford government is too busy doing sweet f@ck all about the aboriginal rail blockades to deal with the corrupt & violent tow-truck industry.

FLEE, FLEE... RUN AWAY!!!most wantedThe prime movers in this mess are the "Chester Le Gang" based out of the Chester Le Community Housing hellhole in Scarborough and the "Commisso Crime Family"... both of which officially do not exist in Justin Trudeau's diverse "post-national" Canada.

That's why politicians like Caroline Mulroney are running for cover.


LAST WORD: We don't use that word anymore

You know... the "B" word...
Samuel Smith, 24, is wanted on a variety of charges, including attempted murder, aggravated assault, and fail to comply with probation. Police describe him as being six-foot-two inches tall and weighing between 160-170 Ibs. He has short black hair, brown eyes and a scar on his left cheek.

He wasn't used to thinking...

...with the "big" head...
“I thought, you know, I don’t know whether I’m more offended that they think I’m crooked or that they think I’m stupid,” Clinton told investigators, according to a 2018 report released by Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz.
I'm guessing he just thought, as usual, he was above the law.

17 February 2020


...behold your bright, shiny "non-judgemental" future...insert alt text here
There were no apologies,” the victim’s mother said. “When asked specifically what they would do differently, the girl said, ‘Well, I guess I wouldn’t have kicked her in the face.’… Those girls have approached her multiple times since then and said, ‘You better keep your mouth shut, you little bitch.’”…

“It’s kind of ‘Lord of the Flies’ around here.”

“I didn’t sign up to be physically threatened and verbally abused on a daily basis, and I am fed up,” one teacher wrote to the entire staff last fall in an email describing the unbearable situation.
Couldn't happen in Canada, right?

THINK AGAIN...insert alt text here
"Four students aged 18, 19, 20 and 21, were arrested after misogynistic slurs written on memorial marking 1989 École Polytechnique massacre."

Role Model? We called him Dad

So... single mom, with six kids by four different fathers in a multi-generational welfare hell isn't the way to do it? For true, bruh?insert alt text hereCOMPARE & CONTRAST: Social Justice Headline, Toronto...

Smell that "professional" journalism...
"Positive role models needed to steer young rap artists away from violence."
Now I'm just spitballin' here, but...

(1) Any 12 year old with a cell phone can upload video to YouTube... doesn't make them an "artist."

(2) Steer them away from violence? You mean stop them from murdering each other? 'Cos there's a difference.

PS... Happy Family Day.

COUNTERPOINT: But, but, but... Drake thugged it out...insert alt text hereWell, not exactly... not like his belated buddy Fif...
His new persona as the cocksure prince of hip-hop ("Last name ever, first name greatest," he brags on "Forever") seemed to clash with his middle-class Jewish upbringing and former career as a teenage soap star.
He came up hard.... the mean streets of Forest Hill.


LAST WORD: Forget about Wuhan...'s that Toronto Virus you should be worried about...
"Two people have been rushed to a hospital after they were shot by a masked gunman outside Promenade Mall in the area of Bathurst and Centre Streets in Vaughan at 9:30 p.m. on Sunday evening."

16 February 2020

The Great Replacement

It's coming for you, Pierre...insert alt text here
Many have warned of a potential civil war in France, including leading radical Islam scholar Gilles Kepel, who stated in 2016 that the “Jihadi Generation” had a goal to destroy Europe in a civil war and rebuild an Islamic society in the aftermath.

Mass migration is often termed in France as the “Great Replacement.”
I'm calling this one, "self-inflicted injury."

Can't be happening, right?insert alt text here
Within the Paris region around 40 per cent of suspects involved in crimes are born overseas. The figures reveal that the number of foreign-born criminals in the Paris region is twice the number for the rest of France, which sits at around 20 per cent.
"A man in his 20's is in hospital with serious injuries after being shot at Yonge and Gerrard streets at around 4:30 a.m. Sunday."
And, no gun... no problem...
"A man has been critically injured after being stabbed during an apparent robbery in Scarborough in the lobby of an apartment building in the area of Markham Road and Eglinton Avenue East just before 6 p.m. Saturday evening."
Those darned Toronto men.

"I love how she just accepted her fate"

Another killer Superhero origin story...insert alt text hereAwooooooooooo!!!

15 February 2020

Live and don't learn

...that's us...insert alt text here
"CN already has a court injunction calling for the rail line to be cleared. All that’s left is for the police to actually enforce it. They haven’t yet, and put out a statement on Friday that amounted to a whole lot of nothing."
It gets better... by which I mean worse...liar,liar
“Not a good look to see PM Trudeau with smiling FM Zarif of Iran after Canadians killed at the hands of Iranian incompetence and malice on Ukrainian plane."

UPDATE: It's past time to "Cowboy Up"

Wuhan virus not the only concern...

..."Smollet Syndrome" is sweeping across Europe...insert alt text here
"A Senegalese migrant living in Italy who claimed to have been the victim of a racist attack has now confessed he lied about the entire affair, saying he stabbed himself.

The hate hoax comes just months after a Nigerian migrant claimed to have been attacked by 'fascists' in Florence in a case where the attackers were later revealed to be Eastern European migrants originally from Romania."
In other "I have a Dream" news...
"A former NFL player has been arrested in Georgia for vandalizing his own business with racist slurs and the phrase 'MAGA,' to make it appear as if Trump supporters and racists attacked him."
Think it couldn't happen in Canada? Think again...
"Now Khawlah Noman is an 11-year-old, so would not be charged. But what did her mother know?"

It's not like Germany hasn't made...

...any other bad decisions in the last 100 years...insert alt text here
Whatever criticisms may be made of Donald Trump, his statement on May 8, 2018, that “America will not be held hostage to nuclear blackmail” and his decision to leave the so-called Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) was a first and important step to ending Iran’s fear game.

The E-3 nations—Germany, Britain and France—are still operating under an atmosphere of blackmail and intimidation by Tehran.
In 2018, American intelligence sent a warning to Swiss intelligence regarding the terror plot which was said to have been planned for April or May of 2019. The arrest of two Albanian migrants heading for Geneva is also rumoured to have been a factor in the unravelling of the plot.

As recently as October of last year, eleven suspected jihadists were arrested by Swiss authorities, including five minors.

RELATED: Coincidence? I think not...
"Berlin has one of the highest number of killings per person among European capitals."

There's a little less enthusiasm about...

...their little brother... "Senegalese Thunderf@ck"...insert alt text here
This weed-loving couple got more creative than the typical “Mary Jane” moniker marijuana aficionados have used in the past and instead opted to name their daughters SaTiva and Indica – two types of cannabis plant.
The salient point here is, stoners mostly do shit for laughs...
The only problem is that the Ontario Cannabis Store had initially mislabelled how to apply the product, saying it was for "sublingual" use, which means under the tongue -- in other words, orally.

The spray made by Hexo Corp. is meant to be applied on the genitals.
This would, in fact, in pothead circles, be considered hilarious... like sticking nonsense names on babies.

Trudeau continues to target..., hunters and sport shooters... meanwhile...
The number of gun crimes committed in the United Kingdom has increased by 27 per cent in five years...
insert alt text here
...and the number of firearms seized has quadrupled, despite the country having some of the strictest gun control laws in the world.

A middle-eastern gun runner told the news outlet that it is “easy” to bring guns to Britain and that he can sell the weapons for over £2,000, four times as much as he purchases them for in Europe.

14 February 2020

They should be sentenced to...

...25 to life, no parole... working at the CRA...
A Brampton couple, 37-year-old Gurinderpreet Dhaliwal and 36-year-old Inderpreet Dhaliwal, is now facing charges in connection with an investigation into pervasive phone scams that have seen Canadians bilked out of millions of dollars.

The RCMP announced the charges Friday at a news conference providing an update on the investigation, dubbed Project OCTAVIA, which was launched in October of 2018.
We were getting these calls, every day like clockwork, for a while. Isn't diversity wonderful?

Back in the loving arms of the...

...infamous "Snitches get Stitches" community...insert alt text here
Two weeks after he was supposed to be in a London court to be sentenced for manslaughter, 25-year-old Ali Fageer of Toronto remains at large.

Fageer pleaded guilty to manslaughter in the shooting death of Mark McCullagh on March 9, 2015 in the driveway of McCullagh’s English Street home.

Fageer was allowed to remain out of custody, but was given strict release conditions, including a promise to wear an electronic bracelet to track his movements.

The day before his sentencing, Toronto police were alerted that the bracelet had been cut off.
But, but, but... he promised!
The device was found on a Scarborough street.
Scarborough, Scarborough... that sounds so familiar...
"How did boring, white-bread Scarberia become Scarlem — a mess of street gangs, firebombings and stabbings?"

RELATED: Sounds "smack in the middle of" to me...
A man has been rushed to hospital after a daylight shooting near Chinatown. Paramedics say that they were first dispatched to Huron Street in the Spadina Avenue and Dundas Street area at around 3:45 p.m.

LAST WORD: Time travel with me to 2007...
"Toronto Councillor Norm Kelly had issued a call for city council to ask the media to sign a "protocol" in which news outlets would agree to stop identifying Scarborough as the location of crimes occurring east of Victoria Park Ave."
Get out while you still can.

Orwell was right... war is peace...

...and native insurgency is supported by the PMO...insert alt text hereRemember the late Hector MacMillan, Mayor of Campbellford, Ontario?insert alt text here**********


And don't think people don't notice...
Canada, to the extent that anyone ever thinks about it, is America's hat, has a surprisingly good sniper corps, and is rapidly descending into Leftist hell, filled with a compliant, reliably progressive population that has forgotten what freedom feels like.

13 February 2020

In Justin's "post-national" Canada...

...the terrorists always win...insert alt text here
“With over 400 trains cancelled during the last week and new protests that emerged at strategic locations on our mainline, we have decided that a progressive shutdown of our eastern Canadian operations is the responsible approach to take for the safety of our employees and the protesters,” said JJ Ruest, president and chief executive officer at CN in a news release.
UPDATE: Trudeau springs into, er, well... conversation
"As you know, our government has been clear that there is no more important relationship to me and to Canada than the one with Indigenous peoples," Trudeau wrote.
Speak for yourself, Sox... I'm a little tired of being extorted.