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15 February 2020

Wuhan virus not the only concern...

..."Smollet Syndrome" is sweeping across Europe...insert alt text here
"A Senegalese migrant living in Italy who claimed to have been the victim of a racist attack has now confessed he lied about the entire affair, saying he stabbed himself.

The hate hoax comes just months after a Nigerian migrant claimed to have been attacked by 'fascists' in Florence in a case where the attackers were later revealed to be Eastern European migrants originally from Romania."
In other "I have a Dream" news...
"A former NFL player has been arrested in Georgia for vandalizing his own business with racist slurs and the phrase 'MAGA,' to make it appear as if Trump supporters and racists attacked him."
Think it couldn't happen in Canada? Think again...
"Now Khawlah Noman is an 11-year-old, so would not be charged. But what did her mother know?"