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26 February 2020

You call the tune, Pitou... gotta pay the piper...insert alt text here
"French Justice Minister Nicole Belloubet has revealed that there will be nearly 300 convicted terrorists released from French prisons by 2023, 43 of them by the end of this year."
Remember back, you were a kid... and guys were beating random old ladies to death with hammers?

Akhtar had left on foot earlier in the day to attend a mosque, as he did every evening, his mother told Global News earlier).

RELATED: Wait... explosives and WHAT?
"Why is it that the people who live on Mohammadiasl’s street — and the elementary school around the corner — haven’t been informed about someone who might be a potential predator? And why is he out on bail given the seriousness of the charges?"
There's your "post-national" country Jussie.