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27 February 2020

Good luck with your Senate campaign, Joe

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In other news, Joe Biden got tough with China: "They must play by the rules. Period. Period. Period." Actually, I think "period period period" is an ellipsis... Which is oddly Bidenesque.

But he was assessed by the experts to have delivered a killer performance - if only because he appeared to know what state he was in and which office he was running for, and did not claim to have been arrested on the streets of Soweto while trying to see a South African prisoner in a gaol cell nine hundred miles away. Great job, Joe!

RELATED: Close enough for Quid Pro Joe...insert alt text here
Joe Biden suggested the “immunity” has led to “carnage on our streets. 150 million people have been killed since 2007 when Bernie Sanders voted to exempt the gun manufacturers from liability.”

The number of firearm-related homicides each year is roughly 11,000 to 12,000, which works out to about 156,000 firearm-related homicides over the course of the 13 years from 2007 until now.
Now we could break out the significant number of suicides within this figure, or the horrific "Black on Black" inner city violence... but you see my point.

RELATED2: What about Canada?insert alt text here
"Only 23 ten thousandths of 1% of the Canadian gun stock was involved in a homicide."

LAST WORD: Ask a Black Mayor...
"Michael Nutter, a former Philadelphia mayor, who is black, said that society would not be so complacent if whites were dying from gun violence at the same rate as blacks.

“Some people got upset,” he said. “I said, ‘I’ll stop talking about it when you stop killing each other.’”