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29 February 2020

Watch the Toronto Star skip over...

...details about a man called "Apache" who smuggled
(oh, pardon me, "shepherded") the guns over the Canadian border at • wait for it • Cornwall...insert alt text hereAfter those illegal firearms were "shepherded" by Apache, then ol' Harris, well... he "took responsibility"... after cops caught his felonious ass driving a car full of hot guns.

Smell that "Professional" Journalism.insert alt text here
A Scarborough man, Harris Poyser, 59, took responsibility for playing a key role in the importation of illegal firearms from the United States into Canada — for distribution on Toronto streets — by pleading guilty Wednesday to weapons smuggling and trafficking. Poyser was not licensed to possess a firearm at the time and had never registered a firearm.

The discovery of 60 handguns buried in bedding in the trunk of Harris Poyser’s rented vehicle on May 23, 2018, outside a home in Cornwall, on the U.S. border in eastern Ontario, was billed as the largest single seizure of illegal firearms in the history of the Toronto Police Service.
And Cornwall? I'm sure that's just a coincidence.


RELATED: Cornwall, Cornwall... that sounds so familiar
"What’s more, the judge said, nearly everyone on Cornwall Island — situated in the St. Lawrence River with bridges linking it to the U.S. and Cornwall, Ont. — has a relative with a criminal record, which means that also cannot be considered reasonable grounds for a search."