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17 February 2020

Role Model? We called him Dad

So... single mom, with six kids by four different fathers in a multi-generational welfare hell isn't the way to do it? For true, bruh?insert alt text hereCOMPARE & CONTRAST: Social Justice Headline, Toronto...

Smell that "professional" journalism...
"Positive role models needed to steer young rap artists away from violence."
Now I'm just spitballin' here, but...

(1) Any 12 year old with a cell phone can upload video to YouTube... doesn't make them an "artist."

(2) Steer them away from violence? You mean stop them from murdering each other? 'Cos there's a difference.

PS... Happy Family Day.

COUNTERPOINT: But, but, but... Drake thugged it out...insert alt text hereWell, not exactly... not like his belated buddy Fif...
His new persona as the cocksure prince of hip-hop ("Last name ever, first name greatest," he brags on "Forever") seemed to clash with his middle-class Jewish upbringing and former career as a teenage soap star.
He came up hard.... the mean streets of Forest Hill.


LAST WORD: Forget about Wuhan...'s that Toronto Virus you should be worried about...
"Two people have been rushed to a hospital after they were shot by a masked gunman outside Promenade Mall in the area of Bathurst and Centre Streets in Vaughan at 9:30 p.m. on Sunday evening."