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30 June 2017

Thinking "underneath the box"...

Musk's main goal is to dig tunnels under all of LA that can be used to transport cars, bikes and even people in order to reduce traffic congestion above ground.

29 June 2017

I blame Donald Trump

Florida teens arrested... for enhancing self-esteem and loving their moms...insert alt text hereMeanwhile, back at the ranch, er... Jane & Finch...
A 31-year-old man at the helm of a dramatic police pursuit on Highway 400 this morning allegedly shot his own brother before embarking on a spree of violent carjackings. The suspect approached two sisters sitting in a silver Honda Civic, still on Norfinch Drive. The driver was shot as she sat in the vehicle. When Toronto police officers arrived on the street, the suspect opened fire while fleeing in the wounded woman’s vehicle.
Or, as it's known in the hood... Wednesday.


RELATED: "Pavilions at Folkfest"...
"The deal we seem to have come to in Europe is that, on the minus side, we’ve got a bit more gang rape and beheading than we used to have, but on the plus side, there’s a much wider range of cuisine. So it’s all swings and roundabouts."

28 June 2017

Once again, breast-feeding the lunatic left

In the wake of President Trump's 9-0 Supreme Court triumph, the leftwing cable news network decided to use popular Sesame Street puppet Elmo as a propaganda tool against President Trump's temporary travel ban.

“Did you find that the Syrian little girls and little boys were a lot like your friends here in America?” CNN reporter Clarissa Ward asked Elmo.
So now we have infantile fake news.


RELATED: The birdcage liner network...
That same day, June 3, CNN host Reza Aslan — who has eaten human brain on live television — called Trump a “piece of shit” and an “embarrassment to humankind.”
I got nuthin'.

27 June 2017

Let me count the ways...

It’s almost as if the government shouldn’t have made all those promises (what was it, 200? 300? No one seems sure of the exact count) on the way to its majority.

RELATED: "Sunny Ways" means...

...never having to say you're sorry...
The Liberals promised a noncombat mission during the last federal election. They also tripled the number of Canadian special forces soldiers on the ground to 200.

That was despite assertions while in opposition that Canadian troops calling in airstrikes on Daesh targets and shooting in self-defence while operating near the front lines were indeed in combat.
Justin Trudeau... liar par excellence.

26 June 2017

Make a man a fire and...'ll warm him for an hour, but... you set a man afire...
“We have already shifted from attrition tactics, where we shove them from one position to another in Iraq and Syria, to annihilation tactics where we surround them.

Our intention is that the foreign fighters do not survive the fight to return home to North Africa, to Europe, to America, to Asia, to Africa. We’re not going to allow them to do so.

We’re going to stop them there and take apart the caliphate.”
To paraphrase Mattis, we’re just going to kill them all.


BONUS ROUND: It's a Shura thing...
"I’m going to plead with you, do not cross us. Because if you do, the survivors will write about what we do here for 10,000 years."
So saith the Warrior-Monk.

My favorite math problem

Q. If I have 10 guns and the government comes to confiscate 1/2 of them, how many would I have left?

A. 46. I lied about the 10 part.

RELATED: What constitution?
Thomas, in a dissent joined by Gorsuch, countered that the case raises “important questions” – and warned that Second Amendment disputes aren’t getting the attention they deserve from the Supreme Court.

“The Court’s decision … reflects a distressing trend: the treatment of the Second Amendment as a disfavored right.”

25 June 2017

Thank you Pierre-Lite

Mohamad Rafia, a Syrian refugee told a Fredericton court that he didn’t know it was a crime in Canada to beat your wife with a hockey stick for half an hour.

“Officials didn’t inform him of the differences in the law in Canada and that more should have been done to educate him,” said the interpreter. “Why didn’t they explain the law?”

If he quits beating his wife isn't that cultural appropriation on his part? He would be appropriating our non wife beating culture.

RELATED: Apparently, there's also some confusion...

...about the laws of the physical universe...
An oil tanker crashed on a road in Pakistan on Sunday and 132 people, many of whom had rushed to collect leaking fuel, were killed when it exploded, apparently after someone lit a cigarette, officials said.
"Well, Abdul... we got our free gas... I guess it's Marlboro Time."

24 June 2017

Silence of the BLMs

Meet the walking wounded of Hogtown...
As of June 20, at least 682 people have been shot in Toronto during the past four and a half years, according to Toronto police statistics.

UPDATE: And the hits just keep on coming
One man has been taken to hospital with serious injuries following a shooting in the city's Silverthorne neighbourhood this afternoon, Toronto Paramedics confirm. It happened near Black Creek Drive and Eglinton Avenue at around 1:15 p.m.

According to police, the victim walked into 12 Division with his injuries.
One 18-year-old man is dead and another has been charged with second-degree murder following a stabbing in the city’s west end early Friday morning. Andrew Gomes is charged with second-degree murder.

The fatal stabbing was one of several violent incidents reported in the city overnight. A 15-year-old male was stabbed at Warden subway station just before 2 a.m. He is in hospital fighting for his life.

Police were also called to a lounge on Danforth Avenue, near Coxwell Avenue, at around 1:45 a.m. after a woman was stabbed in the back.

LAST WORD: Those "Professional" Journalists...

...they're so cute...
An Albuquerque, New Mexico, news crew gained first-hand experience in covering local crime on Friday when the station’s SUV was stolen within sight of its reporters.

Journalists for KOB-TV were preparing to film a segment about the city’s unsafe streets on Friday when their vehicle was stolen from a downtown parking lot right before their eyes.
I got nuthin'.

23 June 2017

Back to the bad old days...

segregation is wrong...of racial segregation...
U of T was quickly on board and contributed funding, says Kelly Hannah-Moffat, vice-president of human resources and equity, who stresses the event is completely student driven.

“I think the initiative being shown by these students is commendable.”
Dear Ms. Hyphenated-Surname... if the university is funding this event, how exactly is it "completely student driven?"


UPDATE: The irony abounds...
Tent for blacks-only U of T grad ceremony is… a white sheet. With… a pointy top

RELATED: Unfortunately, the madness is contagioussafe spaces
At the White Man's College, “Everything Is Based on Reading Stuff” Complains Canadian College President

FROM THE COMMENTS:Parody timeline singularity
What did that ever get anyone? Medicine? Integrated circuits? Electricity? Graphene? The Saturn V? The human genome? Pshaw! Give me drums and songs!

LAST WORD: Oh, the huge manatee!!
Reg: All right, but apart from the sanitation, medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, the fresh water system and public health, what have the Romans ever done for us?

Attendee: Brought peace?

Reg: Oh, peace - shut up!

22 June 2017

In a nutshell

Look, I’ll always be for anyone’s right to choose the way they want to live, as long as you don’t aggress against other people or their property.

You want to sleep with goats? Go for it. As long as they’re not my goats.

RELATED: Indoctrination
Mattel is introducing dolls featuring three body types, seven skin tones and nine hairstyles, including the trendy man bun.

LAST WORD: The death of the "Meritocracy"
Professor Mark J. Perry has posted some important data that show graphically the extent to which racial preferences are used in medical-school admissions. Compared to the average acceptance rate of 16.7% for all applicants with that combination of GPA and MCAT score, black and Hispanic applicants were much more likely to be accepted at rates of 56.4% and 30.5%
Apparently, being the "best & brightest" is no longer a deciding factor in medicine.

21 June 2017

One Man's Best Friend... another man's "stewing beef"...pup-kebabs
Wu San, 40, used a blowtorch to burn the hair off a dead dog on the floor of a house. It was given by a friend who had used it as a guard dog but no longer wanted it because "it would only wag its tail, it wouldn't bark anymore," Wu said.

"We'll eat it tonight with friends."

RELATED: As "Canadian" as couscous
FLINT, Mich. -- U.S. law enforcement authorities say a man allegedly involved in the stabbing of a police officer at a Michigan airport is 50-year-old Canadian resident Amor Ftouhi.
FWIW, he's from Tunisia and lives in Montreal.

LAST WORD: You've come a wrong way, Baby


Turning criminally negligent self-indulgence into a boon to society... courtesy of folk who don't care whether they live or die...dumbstick redux
The Canadian Institute for Health Information said more than 4,500 people were waiting for a donor organ in 2015, with 262 people dying on the waiting list that year.

20 June 2017

Cultural Relativity on Parade

Prime Minister Pierre-lite says there's no such thing as "Canadian values"...algeria
An Algerian court sentenced a man who dangled his child out of a 15th-floor window in the capital Algiers to two years in prison on Monday.

The defendant posted on Facebook a photo of him dangling his son out of a window with the caption, “1000 likes or I will drop him.”
Sweet baby jebus.

Down the rabbit hole

In a modern feminist’s ideal world Wonder Woman would make fart jokes and look like Leslie Jones. She’d chop the heads off “Nazis” and then go home with an equally fat and ugly chick. This movie would tank, of course, and everyone involved would be out of a career.

That’s what you get when you appease people who want art to become fueled by spite: bankruptcy.

Meet "Fake News" bigger brother...

..."Fake History"...
The communist system was responsible for four of the most destructive episodes of the 20th century: Stalin’s purges, the Great Leap Forward, the Cultural Revolution, and the Cambodian genocide.

RELATED: Dear CBC... actually meant to say "terrorist," right?


RELATED2: "Professional" Journalism 101
On Saturday BBC World tweeted the headline, “Three Palestinians killed after deadly stabbing in Jerusalem” with a link to an article about the attack. The three Palestinian terrorists, who were targeting Israelis in two different areas, were shot dead after they attempted to murder Israeli policemen and had already killed Staff Sgt. Maj. Hadas Malka.

After Israel’s foreign ministry criticised the the headline, the BBC changed it to: "Israeli policewoman stabbed to death in Jerusalem."
Just another story you won't see on CBC.


LAST WORD: Pierre-Lite dumbs down security
OTTAWA -- The Liberal government's sweeping new security legislation would limit controversial powers that allow Canada's spy agency to actively disrupt terror plots.
Because Allah knows we wouldn't want to do that.

18 June 2017

Rules to live by

"All bodily fluids, solids and toilet paper must be disposed of down the toilet."

"While I appreciate that the TIC population is multi-cultural and different countries have different practices, here in the UK the accepted practice is to use only the WC."

"Given the incidence of people pooing in bins, showers and the likes, can I please remind all Strathclyde University Technology and Innovation Centre occupants that the toilets have been provided for that specific purpose."
Alrighty! Good to know.

17 June 2017

Presumably, there will also be...

...generous supplementary "pizza & caramel corn" coverage...insert alt text here
A new Ontario Public Sector Employees Union policy will see its members covered for medical marijuana. OPSEU president Warren “Smokey” Thomas said it’s the union’s way of leading by example as OPSEU will start to ask employers to cover medical marijuana for their workers.

Thomas said the LCBO, where OPSEU represents workers, was best suited to provide a socially responsible approach to selling recreational pot.
Hey bro, cool nickname... what's the story there?


RELATED: Wynne goes full Librano
Though it is not unusual to buy labour peace in advance of a competitive election, what makes this move particularly galling is the Liberals didn’t even give any pretence of doing right by the taxpayer. In other words, they gave the union what they wanted - with absolutely no concessions.

16 June 2017

"Every inch of progress..."

..."that this movement has made has been gained through intimidation. First, they soak dissidents with shame, then they make them feel isolated, then they bombard them with dispiriting propaganda."

RELATED: No shame whatsoever


LAST WORD: Oh Canada!
Canada’s Senate passed Bill C-16, which puts “gender identity” and “gender expression” into both the country’s Human Rights Code, as well as the hate crime category of its Criminal Code by a vote of 67-11, according to LifeSiteNews. The bill now only needs royal assent from the governor general.

The first thing we do is...

..."hang all the lawyers"...
Richard Kachkar was found not criminally responsible on account of mental disorder on a charge of first-degree murder on March 27, 2013.

Four years later he's living in an apartment, that's not bad, eh?”

15 June 2017

It's important to note that...

...this allegedly modern, educated middle eastern Muslim state is supposed to be one of our closest allies in the region...with friends like these
Jordan had been considering banning the film outright, but a report in the Al Bawaba News on Sunday said the country’s Communications Commission ultimately decided not to, due to a lack of a legal precedent on the issue.
Why aren't Canada's Foreign Affairs & the American State Department summoning Jordanian officials in for a little talk about "Judea-phobia?"


RELATED: That's some Religion of Peace
Alarmed, Hussain’s victim wrestled him to the floor – but the Iraqi managed to break free and produced a long kitchen knife, stabbing the man four times in the side and back and inflicting critical internal wounds.

RELATED2: Speaking of intolerance and hypocrisy

Hopes & prayers? I thought Bernie was a proud, loud atheist...praying, huh?
Sanders made an additional statement from the floor of the Senate, acknowledging that the shooter was a former campaign volunteer, and declaring that he was “sickened by this despicable act.”
Yessirree... feelin' the Bern!!!

Heads I win, tails you lose

Comey's rationale for refusing to announce in public that Trump isn't "under investigation" was that that situation might conceivably change in the future.

That's like the sheriff refusing to confirm that I'm not under investigation because he doesn't know whether I'll hold up a liquor store next week.

RELATED: Kremlin gets last laugh...
Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday offered to give political asylum to former FBI Director James Comey, poking at tensions between Comey and President Trump.

Sucking and Blowing

“TransAlta is very interested in repowering this site. Unfortunately, right now, it’s not economically feasible,” Wayne Oliver, operations supervisor for TransAlta’s wind operations in Pincher Creek and Fort Macleod, said in an interview. "We’re anxiously waiting to see what incentives might come from our new government. Alberta is an open market and the wholesale price when it’s windy is quite low, so there’s just not the return on investment in today’s situation. So, if there is an incentive, we’d jump all over that.”

I’ll bet they would. Does anyone need any more proof that wind power just isn’t economically feasible on large scales without subsidies?

14 June 2017

The logical and predictable consequences...

...of beatifying Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown and Freddie Gray...
BALTIMORE (WJZ) — Baltimore sees multiple deadly shootings in just a matter of hours. It was a burst of violence that forced the commissioner to make a drastic move today. All uniformed officers will be on mandatory 12-hour shifts, as the city hustles to control the crime.

The violence in Baltimore started Monday evening and lasted through the night. It spilled over into the middle of Tuesday and by the end of it all, at least 12 people had been shot and at least six dead.

The victims include a 28-year-old man killed during a drug dispute on Bentalou Street, a 37-year-old woman killed in a bullying incident on Gertrude street and a man and woman– both in their twenties, killed during a quadruple shooting on Bonaparte Ave.
If the police do show up and risk their lives to intervene... they are publicly vilified. Where's the incentive to do anything here?


RELATED: Toronto falls into "Baltimore" trap?drop the weaponEspecially when they refuse to put down the freakin' hammer!
Const. Andrew Doyle told the inquest he feared for his life when he saw Andrew Loku holding a hammer in an apartment building hallway shortly after midnight on July 5, 2015.

Doyle said he fired two shots at Loku when the man started walking towards him and his partner with the hammer raised.

Earlier Wednesday, the inquest heard a 911 call from a woman who said Loku had threatened to kill her friend.
Whatever devils were running around in this guy's brain box, thank goodness it wasn't some innocent unarmed bystander that had to deal with the consequences.


LAST WORD: Silence of the BLMs
Muse Abdirahim, 28, of Toronto, was arrested on May 13 in connection with both robberies. He is facing 12 charges, including attempted murder and two counts of robbery with a firearm.

13 June 2017

It ain't just London Bridge...

...that's falling down...
The Liberal government is prepared to adopt some of the Senate’s proposed amendments to its citizenship bill, Immigration Minister Ahmed Hussen said Friday.

Among other things, the legislation would repeal a provision that strips dual citizens of their Canadian status if convicted of terrorism, treason or espionage

RELATED: I'm from the government...

I'm here to save you...
"When it comes to government-sponsored refugees, chosen for resettlement by the Trudeau government, 83% had no knowledge of English or French."

In contrast... "privately-sponsored refugees are 'the most educated group of all refugee cohorts' resettled to Canada.”

Get out your Decoder Rings...

...yet another cold-blooded murder in the "northwest" end of Toronto...
The man gunned down early Sunday in North York’s Emery neighbourhood has been identified as 20-year-old Soumik Asgar. Police received reports that six-to-seven shots were heard, but area resident Safi Gharwal said he heard 15-to-20 shots “being fired all at once.”

Gharwal said he has personally heard at least five other shootings in the area.

Asgar is the city’s 21st murder victim of 2017.
In modern day Toronto, "white privilege" means you're probably not being targeted... you just have to worry about being caught in the crossfire.


RELATED: Silence of the BLMs

Black Lives Matter says the problem here is TOO MANY COPS...soloNot sure I'm seeing the logic here.

12 June 2017

The key word here being "Vanishingly"

Vanishingly few elite climbers make careers out of free-soloing, and plenty call it irresponsible and deplorable, but in their heart of hearts they all recognize it as the final word in bad-assery.
Favorite literary flourish... "when Alex was a baby his mother must have stepped on his amygdala."

11 June 2017

Just something to think about...

..the next time you're working on your federal taxes...pimpin
A brutal Toronto lawyer-pimp was awarded a lucrative federal government contract providing pharmaceutical and medical supplies to remote northern Manitoba communities.

Patterson, now 53, was convicted in Toronto of kidnapping and threatening to mutilate a terrified teen prostitute and sentenced to seven years in June 2000.

And he kept the contract while serving a penitentiary sentence for his crimes. Taxpayers were paying Grand Medicine $9 million to $10 million annually in the final years of the contract.
Makes you wonder how many similar cases go totally undetected.


"'Brutal Toronto lawyer-pimp'? I want that on my business cards!"

Dear New York Times... seriously now...

...there's actually a "Debate on Genital Mutilation?"
The practice can include narrowing the vaginal opening and sewing it virtually closed, removing the clitoris or labia, or cutting, piercing, burning or scraping the clitoral hood.

Justifications for it vary, including to curb sexual promiscuity, preserve tradition or, said Ms. Raja, “take a bad bug or a germ out of you.”
The word "mutilation" is actually right freakin' there in the title of your article. In what non-stone age society is this actually being "debated?"

And then there's the European Imam who advised Muslims to "breed like mosquitos"...
"The more Muslims grow, the more their enemies will fear them... Muslims should go for more and more children," he said.

Denied their husbands' permission to speak, none of the three men's wives could give their views on family planning in Islam.

LAST WORD: Muhammed take the wheel...religion of peace

10 June 2017

Sounds about right

I found it interesting that almost half of patients who were prescribed physician-assisted death never used it. That means to me that many just want to have some control over their fate, over pain, etc. Makes good sense to me.

Nobody wants a lengthy death consisting of weeks of gasping for air, writhing in pain, and pooping in bed.

RELATED: Get government out of the way
Two days after Christmas 2016, a family friend, who had found out last October that she had a particularly virulent type of ALS, resolutely & unflinchingly ended her own life.
Going out on your own terms is important to some of us.

09 June 2017

Live... die... who cares?

More to the point... who doesn't? OTOH, some people wanna just pretend it's not happening...
• By 1994, AIDS had become the No. 1 killer of all African-Americans ages 25 to 44. The virus was 16 times as common in black women as in their white counterparts — and the gap would widen over the next few years.

• Last year, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, using the first comprehensive national estimates of lifetime risk of H.I.V. for several key populations, predicted that if current rates continue, one in two African-American gay and bisexual men will be infected with the virus.

• That compares with a lifetime risk of one in 99 for all Americans and one in 11 for white gay and bisexual men.

Dear American Taliban...

...I double-dawg dare ya...surprise, surprise
The Michigan state house passed a new bill this week which, if signed into law by Governor Rick Snyder, would make it legal for residents to carry their handguns concealed without needing any special permit to do so.

At least 11 states have passed laws allowing the concealed carry of guns without a permit, and 16 states have introduced legislation this year to do the same.
And then, there's La-La Land...
"Now the California’s Russia-connected secession movement is stalled, China is stepping in to deepen the rift between the Golden State and the rest of the Union."

RELATED: Professional Journalism 101
Canadian fugitive: Toronto man wanted for inciting genocide living freely in Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Yup... as Canadian as Yasir Arafat.

08 June 2017


Apparently it's time for nature to thin the herd...
"Researchers at Harvard’s T.H. Chan School of Public Health claim in a new article that the 2016 election of Donald Trump could cause an increased risk of disease, premature childbirth and premature death, particularly among “marginalized groups.”

"Comey Took Notes of Every Trump Meeting But Did Not Record Hillary’s 3 Hour Interrogation."

LAST WORD: Apparently, there ARE limits...barbarism
"Kathy Griffin mistakenly beheads Alec Baldwin in Trump costume; nobody cares."

Gonna party like it's 1683...

Just a little off the top... er... I mean bottom...barbarism
Shaked Elsayed, an Imam at the Dar al-Hijrah Mosque in Falls Church, Virginia, has reportedly stated that he believes Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) prevents “hyper-sexuality” in women and endorsed the cutting of a woman’s clitoris in order to prevent her from experiencing the urge to engage and act upon her sexual desires.

The video has since “been removed,” according to YouTube.
I'm gonna file this one under "Imam-splaining."


UPDATE: His 15 minutes of infamy...
"A Virginia imam has been placed on leave after advocating for the controversial practice of female genital mutilation."

RELATED: Defence calls it "genital scraping"
If convicted, Nagarwala and Dr. Attar face up to life in prison; Attar's wife faces up to 20 years. The two physicians face the most serious charge in the case, transportation of an individual with intent to engage in criminal sexual activity.

"They put on the hijab, they bought the hatchet job on the booty as well."

LAST WORD: You might have lost your girly bits...

...but you can still look way cool...
Deering High School in Portland, Maine, is providing sport hijabs with the goal of making Muslim girls comfortable - and boosting their participation in sports.

07 June 2017

Yet another story you won't see...

...on Canada's national broadcaster...
The New York Times published an op-ed by Barghouti and massively covered the strike. Numerous other marquee media organizations similarly provided sympathetic coverage of the event. Hidden beneath mountains of column inches was the basic fact that the terrorists’ demands made clear that their strike was ridiculous.

They weren’t demanding food. They weren’t demanding fair trials or the right to speak to their attorneys. They were demanding that Israel add 20 new channels to their standard, free cable television access. They demanded that Israel let them have telephones in their rooms. They demanded that Israel buy them air conditioning units.

In other words, they were demanding that Israel treat them better than it treats its own soldiers.

RELATED: You ever wonder...

...where stereotypes come from?just keepin' it real
Wilson was arrested on scene and Ottawa police found large quantities of drugs in his apartment — including cocaine, GHB and ketamine. In an authorized search of Wilson’s apartment, police also seized his electronic devices and found sexually explicit photos and videos of his alleged victims.

The bar-staff drug rapes are alleged to have happened in 2014 and 2015.
Note that this thug was arrested because he beat his pregnant girlfriend until she miscarried.


"President Donald Trump does not share his predecessor's view on transgender rights."
crossed wires
"It's unclear how Defense Secretary Jim Mattis eventually will rule on the matter, though in the past he has cast doubt on whether such moves ultimately advance the military's principal national security objectives."

06 June 2017


"Putin also didn't deny that Megyn raped him before the show. We'll never know for sure."
Meanwhile, back at the ranch...
A Toronto woman has been charged after a suspect masked with an ISIS bandana allegedly swung a golf club at Canadian Tire store employees while screaming threats and Islamic chants on Saturday afternoon at the same time that a terrorist rampage occurred in London.

Rehab Dughmosh, 32, is facing seven charges including two counts of assault with a weapon, two counts of possession of a weapon, threaten death or bodily harm, and carrying a concealed weapon.

RELATED: More Religion of Peace...
French police have shot a man outside Notre Dame cathedral in Paris after he tried to attack them with a hammer and shouted "this is for Syria."

RELATED2: The hits just keep on coming...
A five-year-old child was stabbed to death over the weekend at an asylum home in Bavaria by a 41-year-old Afghan asylum seeker who was later shot by police.

In 2009, the 41-year-old was convicted of arson and served six years in prison. He had tried to kill his then-wife and cousin by burning them to death.

05 June 2017

Two words...

...Genghis... Khan...
"Judging people of the past by the moral standards of today is grotesque intellectual arrogance, what you expect from 19-year-old sophomores demanding trigger warnings."

"The people of the past lived in a different moral universe, just as the people of the future will."
Instead of tearing down Civil war monuments and turning Confederate flags into the Devil's own toilet paper... perhaps the smelly hippies should address some real societal actual problem to be addressedOr you could just blame Donald Trump, I guess.


RELATED: Speaking of freaks...freaksPretty lofty sentiments from a woman who lives in a fortress and travels with a pack of bodyguards.
Katy Perry can finally buy $14.5 million Los Feliz convent - Court battle pitted Perry against elderly nuns
Let's just take a moment to consider the other side of this argument...
Former Navy Seal Carl Higbie to Katy Perry.... "Hold one of your concerts in Syria and see how it goes."
I'd pay good money to see that.


Those who would erase the past usually have no stake in the future.

Consider these 'non-futurists'.

One noteworthy reality about Europe's current political leadership is summarised here by Phil Lawler:

• Macron, the newly elected French president, has no children.
• German chancellor Angela Merkel has no children.
• British prime minister Theresa May has no children.
• Italian prime minister Paolo Gentiloni has no children.
• Holland's Mark Rutte,
• Sweden's Stefan Löfven,
• Luxembourg's Xavier Bettel,
• Scotland's Nicola Sturgeon — all have no children.
• Jean-Claude Juncker, president of the European Commission, has no children.

"So a grossly disproportionate number of the people making decisions about Europe's future have no direct personal stake in that future."

UPDATE: Canadian born terror victim id'd
Christine “Chrissy” Archibald, a British Columbia native who went to university in Calgary before moving to Europe to be with her fiancé was identified Sunday as the lone Canadian victim in a terrorist attack in London.
Dear Allah... feeling better now?

04 June 2017

Is this a turning point for Brits?

The sobering alternative seems to be celebrating "Ram-a-Van" on a regular basis...ramavan
In what looked like a turning point in terror policy, the PM said “enough is enough” after the killers left seven dead by driving a van into crowds on London Bridge and going on a stabbing spree as they shouted “this is for Allah”.
Hmmm... good news or bad news?
"British Prime Minister Theresa May said Sunday that police had recently foiled five other plots."

FROM THE COMMENTS: Enough with the mythology...
"As I recall the actual British response to the 'Blitz' was not Keep Calm and Carry On - but building as many aircraft as they could and bombing German cities with them."

UPDATE: Canadians are somehow immune, right?

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says a Canadian was among those killed in Saturday night’s terror attack in London.

In a written statement released Sunday, Trudeau says the government will not be commenting further out of respect for the family.
That's funny... you couldn't get him to shut up after the Quebec mosque shooting.
"I have the extraordinary privilege of representing the community of Montreal, the riding of Papineau, that is one of the two most lucky ridings of Quebec, because we have the highest number of Muslim Canadians living in the riding."
The Paris Hilton of Canadian politics yet again.


LAST WORD: In other "Not a Muslim" news...ramavan
“Thanks to Allah, thank you, thanks to Allah, Allah is great, thanks to Allah from faith that he will make his promise reality and give victory to the faithful. Allah will bless the lions. Allah will bless the lone wolves. Allah will reward you as long as you run over and stab these infidels in the depths of their countries. Put fear into their eyes, increase your hits, increase your attacks, don’t let them feel secure in their countries.”

03 June 2017

The capricious and unknowable...

..."Will of Buddha, er... Shiva, wait... uh, Jesus... oh, yeah... that guy, AGAIN..."butchery
London Bridge attack: Terror incident leaves up to seven feared dead after van ploughs into pedestrians ‘before three men with hunting knives jump out and start stabbing people.’

Up to seven people were feared dead and 20 hurt in the 10pm attack – amid a second incident at nearby Borough Market which armed police are responding to.

The Metropolitan Police have confirmed a third incident in the Vauxhall area.
It now looks like two confirmed attacks...
The force initially said they were also responding to a reported third incident, in the Vauxhall area of London. But they said later that turned out to be an unrelated stabbing.

UPDATE: Savage, cold-blooded serial murder...insert alt text here
A Borough Market witness identified only as Ben told the BBC: "We saw people running away and then I saw a man in red with a large blade, at a guess 10 inches long, stabbing a man, about three times.

A Borough Market witness identified only as Ben told the BBC: "We saw people running away and then I saw a man in red with a large blade, at a guess 10 inches long, stabbing a man, about three times.

UPDATE2: "This is for Allah!!!"insert alt text here
One woman said she saw three people with what appeared to be their throats cut on London Bridge amid reports that at least seven people have been stabbed, leaving bodies ‘strewn’ on the road in central London. One of the casualties is reportedly a police officer.
Six people now confirmed dead. Courtesy of armed response police officers, all three terrorists are off to nirvana to claim their 72 virgins. Dozens of other people have been injured. That's one bloodthirsty deity.


UPDATE3: London Mayor changes his tuneinsert alt text here
02:00 BST – London Mayor Sadiq Khan releases statement... "Khan, who said last September that the threat of terror attacks is just “part and parcel of living in a big city,” just released a statement acknowledging Saturday’s attacks were acts of terror."

LAST WORD: Ask Prime Minister Bieber...insert alt text hereNo Justin..."awful news" is crumpling a fender on your car. Awful news is not noticing you poured curdled milk in your morning coffee.

This is horrific.

02 June 2017

Religious freedom for some...

...or religious freedom for all...a little bit of Africa
This week, Arizona man Sean Corbett won an important victory for his proud, storied religion. The member of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster successfully attained a state driver’s license while wearing a colander on his head.

RELATED: What is a religion anyway?
Last month, the Department of Defense (DOD) announced that it will officially recognize a large host of small religions, including Humanism, Heathen, and even the Church of the Spiral Tree.

It's like a little piece of Yemen...

...right there in your kitchen...a little bit of Africa
Employees at Warren Food Market on 10 Mile Road near Ryan Road said they saw the man loading the beef in the cart, and the $800 worth of beef is in their freezer. Sources told Local 4 the meat hadn’t been inspected by the USDA and came from a facility that isn’t federally licensed.

I don’t think it is a big deal,” said Nazem Saad of Nazem Saad Halal Meat.
Yeah, I'm sure the floor of that van gets mopped out on a regular basis.


UPDATE: Rules are for infidels!!!
WARREN, Mich. (WXYZ) - When 7 Action News asked meat distributor Nazem Saad where he disposed of $800 worth of raw meat, he told us it was none of our business.

One witness who works near the Warren market says this is the second time in three weeks that he's seen raw meat dumped into shopping carts to take into the store.
Naz seems to have more than one problem here...
When asked if he often transports meats in vehicles that are not refrigerated, Saad became upset and said if the delivery is close, it should not be an issue.

Wynners & Losers

The Ontario Ministry of Finance report projects the new minimum wage hike will kill an estimated 80,000 to 155,000 jobs just among young workers aged 15 to 24, without even counting the number of jobs lost to older workers.
Bribing voters with their grandkids money... a time-tested Liberal strategy.


RELATED: Shut up and give me... medical dope...
The federal budget watchdog says the government’s multibillion-dollar effort to replace the navy’s warship fleet is now on track to cost taxpayers 2.4 times more than first expected.

Ottawa launched a competition last fall asking some of the world’s largest defence and shipbuilding companies to design a potential replacement for the navy’s 12 frigates and three destroyers.
Maybe Justin can use all the money he's saving by messing up the new fighter jet program.

01 June 2017


Early reporting only... but I'll give you long odds this isn't disgruntled Jesuits...
Manila hotel shooting – ‘ISIS’ gunmen storm hotel in Philippines capital leaving several people injured amid fears Brits are caught up in attack

UPDATE: Yet another third world coverup...
MANILA — Thirty-six bodies were found at the biggest hotel-casino in the Philippines after a gunman carrying a container of gasoline set fires and touched off a mass panic — hours after the authorities said that only the assailant had died.
Don't wanna frighten away all those tourist dollars.

I swear... couldn't make this shit up...insert alt text here
MONTREAL - Parents at the private Montreal Christian academy attended by Karla Homolka’s children say school officials brushed off concerns about the schoolgirl killer interacting with their children. Homolka has been sending her own three children to the private, Seventh-day Adventist Greaves Academy since September.

The now 47-year-old convicted serial killer has been volunteering at the school – and reportedly supervised kindergarten children during a field trip in March.

I thought it was a hoax,” Andy Maraj, whose daughter attends Grade 3 with one of Homolka’s children, told the Montreal Gazette. Maraj said he started discussing Homolka’s presence with other parents in April, and on May 2, he received a letter that he would not be welcomed back in September.

Stéphanie Deligne, whose daughter attends Grade 4 at the school and is in a class with one of Homolka’s children, said she would have liked to have been informed about the situation. Deligne was told that she too would have to find another school in September. “The administration told me I am being too critical,” she said.
But this isn't really about people's feelings... it's supposed to be about the law...
Under Quebec law, volunteers at elementary schools are supposed to undergo criminal background checks before interacting with students.
So what is the deal here?

RELATED:  Ask a New Democrat...
As reported by the Canadian Press, Mulcair feels Homolka has “paid her debt” and suggests it’s time to leave her alone.
I guess in Dipperland, the first three teenage girls murdered are deductible.

LAST WORD:   Adventists back down...
MONTREAL — A private Montreal elementary school is moving to quell public fears following media reports about Karla Homolka doing some volunteer work there. The school, which is operated by the Seventh-day Adventist Church, says it won’t allow anyone with a criminal record to volunteer in any capacity on school grounds.

Tim Danson, a lawyer who represents the French and Mahaffy families, said Wednesday it was a “kick in the gut” for the families to hear reports of Homolka seemingly living a normal life with her husband and children.
Well, there's a concession... they won't allow serial killers to volunteer at their school anymore.