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07 June 2017

Yet another story you won't see...

...on Canada's national broadcaster...
The New York Times published an op-ed by Barghouti and massively covered the strike. Numerous other marquee media organizations similarly provided sympathetic coverage of the event. Hidden beneath mountains of column inches was the basic fact that the terrorists’ demands made clear that their strike was ridiculous.

They weren’t demanding food. They weren’t demanding fair trials or the right to speak to their attorneys. They were demanding that Israel add 20 new channels to their standard, free cable television access. They demanded that Israel let them have telephones in their rooms. They demanded that Israel buy them air conditioning units.

In other words, they were demanding that Israel treat them better than it treats its own soldiers.

RELATED: You ever wonder...

...where stereotypes come from?just keepin' it real
Wilson was arrested on scene and Ottawa police found large quantities of drugs in his apartment — including cocaine, GHB and ketamine. In an authorized search of Wilson’s apartment, police also seized his electronic devices and found sexually explicit photos and videos of his alleged victims.

The bar-staff drug rapes are alleged to have happened in 2014 and 2015.
Note that this thug was arrested because he beat his pregnant girlfriend until she miscarried.