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05 June 2017

Two words...

...Genghis... Khan...
"Judging people of the past by the moral standards of today is grotesque intellectual arrogance, what you expect from 19-year-old sophomores demanding trigger warnings."

"The people of the past lived in a different moral universe, just as the people of the future will."
Instead of tearing down Civil war monuments and turning Confederate flags into the Devil's own toilet paper... perhaps the smelly hippies should address some real societal actual problem to be addressedOr you could just blame Donald Trump, I guess.


RELATED: Speaking of freaks...freaksPretty lofty sentiments from a woman who lives in a fortress and travels with a pack of bodyguards.
Katy Perry can finally buy $14.5 million Los Feliz convent - Court battle pitted Perry against elderly nuns
Let's just take a moment to consider the other side of this argument...
Former Navy Seal Carl Higbie to Katy Perry.... "Hold one of your concerts in Syria and see how it goes."
I'd pay good money to see that.