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14 June 2017

The logical and predictable consequences...

...of beatifying Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown and Freddie Gray...
BALTIMORE (WJZ) — Baltimore sees multiple deadly shootings in just a matter of hours. It was a burst of violence that forced the commissioner to make a drastic move today. All uniformed officers will be on mandatory 12-hour shifts, as the city hustles to control the crime.

The violence in Baltimore started Monday evening and lasted through the night. It spilled over into the middle of Tuesday and by the end of it all, at least 12 people had been shot and at least six dead.

The victims include a 28-year-old man killed during a drug dispute on Bentalou Street, a 37-year-old woman killed in a bullying incident on Gertrude street and a man and woman– both in their twenties, killed during a quadruple shooting on Bonaparte Ave.
If the police do show up and risk their lives to intervene... they are publicly vilified. Where's the incentive to do anything here?


RELATED: Toronto falls into "Baltimore" trap?drop the weaponEspecially when they refuse to put down the freakin' hammer!
Const. Andrew Doyle told the inquest he feared for his life when he saw Andrew Loku holding a hammer in an apartment building hallway shortly after midnight on July 5, 2015.

Doyle said he fired two shots at Loku when the man started walking towards him and his partner with the hammer raised.

Earlier Wednesday, the inquest heard a 911 call from a woman who said Loku had threatened to kill her friend.
Whatever devils were running around in this guy's brain box, thank goodness it wasn't some innocent unarmed bystander that had to deal with the consequences.


LAST WORD: Silence of the BLMs
Muse Abdirahim, 28, of Toronto, was arrested on May 13 in connection with both robberies. He is facing 12 charges, including attempted murder and two counts of robbery with a firearm.