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25 June 2017

Thank you Pierre-Lite

Mohamad Rafia, a Syrian refugee told a Fredericton court that he didn’t know it was a crime in Canada to beat your wife with a hockey stick for half an hour.

“Officials didn’t inform him of the differences in the law in Canada and that more should have been done to educate him,” said the interpreter. “Why didn’t they explain the law?”

If he quits beating his wife isn't that cultural appropriation on his part? He would be appropriating our non wife beating culture.

RELATED: Apparently, there's also some confusion...

...about the laws of the physical universe...
An oil tanker crashed on a road in Pakistan on Sunday and 132 people, many of whom had rushed to collect leaking fuel, were killed when it exploded, apparently after someone lit a cigarette, officials said.
"Well, Abdul... we got our free gas... I guess it's Marlboro Time."