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04 June 2017

Is this a turning point for Brits?

The sobering alternative seems to be celebrating "Ram-a-Van" on a regular basis...ramavan
In what looked like a turning point in terror policy, the PM said “enough is enough” after the killers left seven dead by driving a van into crowds on London Bridge and going on a stabbing spree as they shouted “this is for Allah”.
Hmmm... good news or bad news?
"British Prime Minister Theresa May said Sunday that police had recently foiled five other plots."

FROM THE COMMENTS: Enough with the mythology...
"As I recall the actual British response to the 'Blitz' was not Keep Calm and Carry On - but building as many aircraft as they could and bombing German cities with them."

UPDATE: Canadians are somehow immune, right?

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says a Canadian was among those killed in Saturday night’s terror attack in London.

In a written statement released Sunday, Trudeau says the government will not be commenting further out of respect for the family.
That's funny... you couldn't get him to shut up after the Quebec mosque shooting.
"I have the extraordinary privilege of representing the community of Montreal, the riding of Papineau, that is one of the two most lucky ridings of Quebec, because we have the highest number of Muslim Canadians living in the riding."
The Paris Hilton of Canadian politics yet again.


LAST WORD: In other "Not a Muslim" news...ramavan
“Thanks to Allah, thank you, thanks to Allah, Allah is great, thanks to Allah from faith that he will make his promise reality and give victory to the faithful. Allah will bless the lions. Allah will bless the lone wolves. Allah will reward you as long as you run over and stab these infidels in the depths of their countries. Put fear into their eyes, increase your hits, increase your attacks, don’t let them feel secure in their countries.”