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11 June 2017

Dear New York Times... seriously now...

...there's actually a "Debate on Genital Mutilation?"
The practice can include narrowing the vaginal opening and sewing it virtually closed, removing the clitoris or labia, or cutting, piercing, burning or scraping the clitoral hood.

Justifications for it vary, including to curb sexual promiscuity, preserve tradition or, said Ms. Raja, “take a bad bug or a germ out of you.”
The word "mutilation" is actually right freakin' there in the title of your article. In what non-stone age society is this actually being "debated?"

And then there's the European Imam who advised Muslims to "breed like mosquitos"...
"The more Muslims grow, the more their enemies will fear them... Muslims should go for more and more children," he said.

Denied their husbands' permission to speak, none of the three men's wives could give their views on family planning in Islam.

LAST WORD: Muhammed take the wheel...religion of peace