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23 June 2017

Back to the bad old days...

segregation is wrong...of racial segregation...
U of T was quickly on board and contributed funding, says Kelly Hannah-Moffat, vice-president of human resources and equity, who stresses the event is completely student driven.

“I think the initiative being shown by these students is commendable.”
Dear Ms. Hyphenated-Surname... if the university is funding this event, how exactly is it "completely student driven?"


UPDATE: The irony abounds...
Tent for blacks-only U of T grad ceremony is… a white sheet. With… a pointy top

RELATED: Unfortunately, the madness is contagioussafe spaces
At the White Man's College, “Everything Is Based on Reading Stuff” Complains Canadian College President

FROM THE COMMENTS:Parody timeline singularity
What did that ever get anyone? Medicine? Integrated circuits? Electricity? Graphene? The Saturn V? The human genome? Pshaw! Give me drums and songs!

LAST WORD: Oh, the huge manatee!!
Reg: All right, but apart from the sanitation, medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, the fresh water system and public health, what have the Romans ever done for us?

Attendee: Brought peace?

Reg: Oh, peace - shut up!