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30 November 2019

Living in the real-life Matrix

A "16 month life sentence" is "the world pulled down over your eyes"...insert alt text hereRemember, folks... this guy was under a total weapons prohibition at the time of this double murder...
Christopher Husbands, the man who opened fire inside Eaton Centre’s food court has been sentenced to life in prison but he could be eligible for parole in as little as 16 months.
Well, it's not like he has a history of... sweet baby jebus...
"The innocent bystanders hurt in the shooting included a 13-year-old boy who was shot in the head and survived, and a pregnant woman who was trampled in the ensuing stampede."
But everybody deserves a second... what the fuck...insert alt text here
"Husbands was also supervising children at a City of Toronto-run facility from November 2011 to May 2012 while on $4,000 house arrest bail for the sexual assault."
"Seems like incarceration (Mr Husbands is coming off a five year bit... nearly half of his total length of residency in Canada) didn't make that much of an impression on ol' Chris."
Coming soon to a neighbourhood near you.

29 November 2019

Here we go again... and don't learn... AND DIE...insert alt text here
Two members of the public have died after a stabbing attack at London Bridge, in which police also shot dead the suspect. The attacker was wearing what they believe to be a hoax suicide vest.
If only we could see this comi... wait a minute...
In 2017 eight people were killed and 48 injured when terrorists used a vehicle and knives to attack people on London Bridge and in nearby Borough Market.
UPDATE: The Season to be... sweet baby jebus...insert alt text here
Metropolitan Police Commissioner Cressida Dick confirms that two people died in the attack and three more are being treated in hospital and that suspect was shot dead by the police.

Ms. Dick refused to confirm whether or not the suspect was known to police

RELATED: Spreading that Christmas cheer...
At least three people have been stabbed in an attack at a department store in a busy shopping street in The Hague, Dutch police say.

RELATED2: Allah's not here, man...insert alt text here
PARIS - Charges against man who tortured and killed a Jewish kindergarten teacher while chanting verses from the Koran are DROPPED after it is ruled he suffered a psychotic episode by smoking cannabis.

LAST WORD: Here's the money shot...insert alt text here
The London Bridge attacker was a convicted terrorist who had served time in prison.
But wait... it gets better...
A convicted terrorist is released from prison onto the streets of Britain every week, government figures show, as next month sees the release of convicted hate preacher and Islamic State recruiter Anjem Choudary.

28 November 2019

Could've been worse, say Conservatives...

...he might have appointed a current sitting Liberal...insert alt text here
"Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer said Thursday that despite considerable party infighting over his future as leader, he will remain at the helm, and as
a show of how he intends to change the party, he’s appointed Toronto-area MP Leona Alleslev, a floor-crossing former Liberal as his number two."

"Alleslev declined to answer questions from reporters Thursday."

RELATED: So much for his "Christian Principles"...
"Conservative Party Leader Andrew Scheer has refused to state whether his party had enlisted Daisy's services for the campaign."

"Correctional Institute" won't fix this

Lock him in a cage... and weld the door shut...insert alt text here
Scarborough • Sinbad Kingsimba Marshall testified he floored 82 year-old Stella Tetsos with punches in the face. He blackened both eyes and inflicted brain injuries that rendered her either unconscious or dazed and confused.

She suffered 47 rib fractures and 94 blunt force trauma injuries... but he says he never meant to kill her.
Don't you worry... Justin Trudeau will spare no expense to help poor Sinbad.

POSTSCRIPT: Oh yeah... he'd done it before

UPDATE: Guilty as fucking sin


RELATED: Junkie 101
New York City banned smoking in bars and nightclubs four years ago, and imposes the highest cigarette taxes in the US. But if you’re a junkie, the city will spend $32,000 teaching you how to shoot up.


Let's just dance around the fact that this was an armed robbery...insert alt text here
“The 16 year-old male individual who was in the bank had a firearm. That firearm was retrieved.”

The teenage suspect, whose identity is protected under the Youth Criminal Justice Act, remains in custody.
Well, well, well... if it isn't the consequences (as trivial as those are in Canada) of my own actions.

RELATED:  Fighting crime just isn't cost-efficient...
"So who’s to blame for the millions of dollars in booze that brazen bandits have been boosting from Ontario liquor stores?"
Apparently, in Canada, we've just given up.

27 November 2019

Ralph Goodale wasn't the only...

...cough, cough... Nazi Hunter in Canada...
"We actually have a white supremacist trying to become prime minister of Canada," Kinsella says.
insert alt text here
"I've run campaigns depicting Preston Manning, Stockwell Day, Kim Campbell, depicting them as racists."
WOW... those words you're looking for right now are... "legally radioactive."

Maybe Kinsella just has too much money. I'm guessing his lawyer just threw up in his office waste basket... repeatedly.
Dubbed "Project Cactus," the campaign against Bernier and the PPC was run by Kinsella's political consulting firm, Daisy Group. Kinsella made the comments during a staff meeting about the campaign in May.

"I want the hatred you have for Maxime Bernier to wash over you as a purifying force," he tells his staff.
Hmmm... "hatred as a purifying force,"... where have I heard that before?
"All of you are capable of doing it but I need somebody who doesn't sleep, basically. I had one kid who did it. His name's Ahmed Hussen. He's now the Minister of Immigration."
Hussen, Hussen... that sounds so familiar.

Oh, it gets better, by which I mean worse...insert alt text here
Conservative Party Leader Andrew Scheer has refused to state whether his party had enlisted Daisy's services for the campaign.
Nobody's coming out of this one smelling sweet.

Toronto's "Bucket-O-Shit Bandit"...

...flushed out after third attack...insert alt text hereAll five victims were apparently "Asian" but curiously, no one is talking "hate crime"...
Police have not yet confirmed if the substance dumped on the victims is in fact "liquefied fecal matter," but said the bucket seized last night will be forensically tested.

Tuesday night that Samuel Opoku, 23, of Toronto has been charged with five counts of assault with a weapon.
What... you haven't heard about this sick puppy.

UPDATE: Remember how Canadians rallied round...

...Russell Williams & Paul Bernardo?
"A spokesperson for the Ghanaian-Canadian Association of Ontario told CP24 that if the accused is in need of assistance, the community will rally behind him to offer support."

26 November 2019

Never a Pimp called Bob or Fred

Meet Charlton, Shabaka & Troy...insert alt text here
The Toronto Police Service would like to make the public aware of arrests made in a Human Trafficking investigation.

- on Sunday, December 30, 2018, a 17-year-old girl met two men in the Yonge Street/Dundas Street East area
- the two men befriended the girl and gave her drugs and alcohol
- the two men took the girl to an address in Hamilton
- there, the girl was sexually assaulted by the two men
- the girl was then sexually assaulted by a third man

RELATED: "Strong industry with plenty of customers"
"'Brutal Toronto lawyer-pimp'? I want that on my business cards!"

"Toronto Police said Monday..."

"...that they are investigating two separate reports of feces being thrown at people inside libraries on Toronto university campuses."
insert alt text here
One student, who told CP24 she was in the University of Toronto’s Robarts Library at the time, said a man appeared out of nowhere with a bucket that smelled of urine and feces.

She said the man walked over to a male who was seated at a table and dumped the bucket over his head.
UPDATE: Third time unlucky...
Police say a bucket of what was believed to be feces was dumped on a female outside a University of Toronto building at College Street and University Avenue late Monday night, the third such incident in the city within a four-day period.
UPDATE2: Those sick, violent, er... Torontonians...

insert alt text here
The CBC News Morning show this morning did not show the distributed picture of the recyclable-throwing man, leaving CBC sufferers in the dark as to what the perp looks like.

25 November 2019

The Great White Mother Lied

Fascist oppressors confiscate aboriginal healing herbs and traditional hunting implements...insert alt text here

Ontario Provincial Police have charged an 18-year-old with trafficking after finding a live hand grenade while searching a home on the Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory in eastern Ontario.

Investigators say they also found illegal drugs and a handgun during the search on Thursday.
Oh, c'mon now... all that fuss for one inconsequential frag...
A massive police raid at three different Mohawk reserves in Quebec Wednesday morning netted $2.5 million in cash and a large firearms cache, including three grenade launchers.

RELATED: Why call in the OPP?

Why can't the Mohawk Pol... oh, wait...
"No, that's not a parody of the Twelve Days of Christmas. It's a list of Kanesatake Mohawk Police weapons that have disappeared."

LAST WORD: It's good to live in Trudopia

24 November 2019

Toronto's "Cloak of Invisibility" killers...

...are at it again...insert alt text here
Police have identified the man fatally shot in the city’s Eglinton East neighbourhood on Saturday afternoon as 27-year-old Zachary Antrobus.

Police have not released any information about possible suspects.

Keziah Osei, who lives in the building, knew Antrobus. “He was a good guy, tall and humble and I didn’t know him to be into anything,” she said. “He worked construction with his dad and went to the gym and that was it.”
Investigators said that Antrobus, a resident in the building, was targeted and ambushed when he returned home, in "a moving gun battle" through the Scarborough apartment building.

About 15 to 20 shots were fired and police believe this shooting was gang-related.

RELATED: Ask "Toronto Life" magazine

Scarborough, Scarborough... that sounds so familiar...
"How did boring, white-bread Scarberia become Scarlem • a mess of street gangs, firebombings and stabbings?"

LAST WORD: What would Mark Steyn say?

All that talk of Civil War, but... me, you ain't seen nothing yet...insert alt text here
Ginsburg's health is a constant concern for liberals, who live in fear of President Donald Trump replacing her with a conservative justice.

She has become a late-blooming celebrity on the court, referred to especially by young feminists as the "Notorious R.B.G."
Yeah, bro... not so sure "young feminists" are gonna embrace this particular analogy.

23 November 2019

Couldn't manage not to cheat...

...on the mother of his children, but now he's going to... "Save the World"...insert alt text here
“We have reached a tipping point and we still have the ability to change course, but only for 10 years.”
Perhaps Chuckles imagines he's been sallying about on solar powered eco-planes all his privileged life.

No wonder his mummy doesn't think he's ready for the big chair.

"The Royal family are no strangers to flying, with the royal plane estimated to have touched down in over 100 different countries in its lifetime."

"The Queen's Flight of the RAF acquired a total of three 146-100s, designated BAe 146 CC2. These aircraft were fitted with a luxurious bespoke interior and operated in a VIP configuration."
Of course, what's an unemployed, er... never, ever, actually employed 71 year-old placeholder figurehead supposed to do?


COMPARE AND CONTRAST: Here's a problem for a King...
The number of teens stabbed to death in London has reached an 11-year high, according to a report published by the BBC, with 23 teenagers being murdered on the streets of the capital since the start of this year.

22 November 2019

The Usual, well... you know...

The Liberals would tell you it's "a strong industry" with "lots of customers"...
OTTAWA - Benedetto “Benny” Manasseri, 55, has been running BM Enterprises, a sub-contracting company that takes on commercial construction jobs in the city, according to his LinkedIn profile.

Manasseri was arrested in 1987 when the RCMP drug squad seized six kilos of cocaine — three in the trunk of a car with Ontario licence plates and another three during a raid in Quebec.

His brother Charlie Manasseri is a convicted killer whose case dragged through the justice system for years.

Guns and gangs investigators continue to probe his shooting. Police have made no arrests.
I'm sure the Homicide Squad is rounding up farmers, hunters & skeet shooters as we speak.

Guns kill people, the same way that...

...pencils write poetry...toronto's most wanted
"Nobody needs that kind of forkpower," said one lawyer. "We will get justice for the obvious cause of this epidemic of deaths: the guys who make the utensils."

21 November 2019

Ministry of "Silly Walks" lives on

insert alt text here
"OTTAWA – In the wake of the Liberal government appointing the first Minister for Middle Class Prosperity, the lesser known Minister of the Lower Class will be required to commute to cabinet meetings via bus on an expensive pass he can ill afford."
He's the Hero we didn't ask for...insert alt text here
“Many people doubted me when it was first revealed of my various ancestries,” said Trudeau to a crowd of supporters. “Some people were just not willing to accept who I am, but society has changed. It’s 2019.”

Smell the "Professional" Journalism...

...before it completely disappears...insert alt text hereObama, Obama... that sounds so familiar.


RELATED: It gets better... by which I mean worse...
“I mean, you got all three of them wrong. They get the call, they get the meeting, they get the money. It’s not 2+2. It’s 0-3.

I mean I’ve never seen anything like this.”

Oh Canada...

...demonising free speech...insert alt text here
Who the hell had ever heard of Wilfrid Laurier University before? This is a third-rate university by Canadian, let alone international standards.

Now everyone knows of Wilfrid Laurier because of the lack of adults on the campus, and the fact they were bullying Lindsay Shepherd.

RELATED: Think it isn't happening here? THINK AGAIN...
At least one person was injured as attempts by an anti-Israel group to shut down an event at York University turned violent Wednesday night. On Twitter, Premier Doug Ford expressed his disappointment with York University for allowing the ‘hate-filled protest,’ expressing his support both for Jewish students and the community.

Mrs Neo recommends...

..."This is Going to Hurt"...
“I tell a woman in antenatal clinic that she has to give up smoking. She shoots me a look that makes me wonder if I’ve accidentally just said, ‘I want to fuck your cat.”
― Adam Kay, This is Going to Hurt: Secret Diaries of a Junior Doctor

20 November 2019

Relax folks... just another gang stabbing

No gun... no problem...insert alt text here
Police were called Sunday evening to the Tim Hortons on Markham Rd. at Denison St., where they found a 21-year-old who had been stabbed. Officers also found three other men they believe were involved in the incident, and one of them was also suffering from stab wounds.

They are also looking for a fifth man they believe was also involved in the altercation but fled the scene.
UPDATE: The Usual, well... you know...
Danovan Fernandez was charged with two counts of attempted murder and weapons dangerous.

RELATED: In other late-night Toronto hijinks...
Feisal Noor, 26, of Toronto, is charged with:

1) Possess Loaded Firearm
2) Carry Concealed Weapon
3) Weapons Dangerous to the Public Peace
4) Possess Firearm with Altered Serial Number
5) Possess Restricted Firearm Without Holding a Licence
6) Possess Restricted Firearm Knowingly Not Holding a Licence
7) Possess Ammunition Dangerous to the Public Peace
If only there was a law.


LAST WORD: In other violent pimp news...
Federal Offender Wanted, Chibuike Nwagwu, 34

The problem with underwater photography... the water...
A new algorithm called Sea-thru, developed by engineer and oceanographer Derya Akkaynak, removes the visual distortion caused by water from an image.

The effects could be far-reaching for biologists who need to see true colors underneath the surface.

19 November 2019

Just something to think about...

...during that six hour wait in the Emergency Room to see a family physician...insert alt text here
TORONTO • This will end up being a boondoggle and taxpayers will never ever know whether value for money was received for the $181-million already doled out or countless other millions of dollars that are to be spent in the next four years.
Remember... thar's gold in them poverty hills!

It gets better...
Interim CEO Kevin Marshman and TCHC spokesman Bruce Malloch refused to tell me what makes up the remaining $38.2 million or why the contract was not retendered. Malloch would only say the Yardi contract has remained “unchanged.”

RELATED: Part of "white privilege"... Toronto, anyway... means you're statistically less likely to be turned into sushi...
Jack’s body was found on Aug. 19, 2017, partly submerged in a stream in Derrydowns park. She had suffered 156 sharp-force injuries — including 126 stab wounds and 30 cuts, said Gaganiaras.

Diversity is our streng...

...sweet baby jebus...insert alt text here
As Sweden’s national police chief put it last week, there is “no equivalent” to this bombing campaign in any other Western country. And the violence extends beyond bombings.

On Saturday, gunmen killed a 15-year-old boy and critically wounded another at a pizzeria, minutes after yet another explosion in Malmö.
And no... it's not some freak anomaly.

They’re b-a-a-a-ck. Two suspected ISIS sympathizers are back in Ontario, according to published reports.

LAST WORD: He called the tune...
“I watched him from the window for a while and he walked up and down the street chanting something, doing these karate kicks and swinging,” Jim Tingley said. He didn’t recognize the man, who appeared to be alone, but Tingley said he told his wife to call the police when the man stopped in their driveway.

Tingley said he couldn’t understand what the man was “chanting” because it was not in English.

Maybe they were going after...

...that up all night, "Hair Club for Men" demographic...insert alt text here
"South Dakota on Monday launched a nearly half-a-million dollar methamphetamine prevention campaign — with a head-scratching slogan."

RELATED: Speaking of failed campaigns...
Andrew: “Do I regret the fact that he has quite obviously conducted himself in a manner unbecoming? Yes.”

Maitlis: “Unbecoming? He was a sex offender.

Andrew: “Yeah. I’m being polite.”

The gloves hit the ice...

...and he comes up swinging...
They may have knocked Don Cherry to the ice with a hit he didn’t see coming. Now watch him get back up.

Don Cherry’s Grapevine is back once again. This time as a podcast.

RELATED: Cowards die a thousand deaths
OTTAWA – Hockey Night in Canada commentator Ron MacLean accidentally caught himself nodding at an old Hitler speech this week, and wants to clarify that to him, nods mean nothing.

LAST WORD: The Walking Left
How come Don Cherry got fired but CTV’s and Maclean’s Jessica “Jess” Allen still has her TV gig?

18 November 2019

Fake News Dude kinda sorry...

...he opened up that particular can of bullshit...insert alt text here
"In 2018 the New York Times cut their capital investments nearly in half to $57 million, which equates to a rounding error when compared to the $6 billion of capital that FedEx invested in the U.S. economy during that same year.”


When our basement dehumidifier died this year we decided to go all in and buy the biggest consumer model we could find. Unfortunately the local Big Box store was all out and, incredibly, couldn't even give us a date for when they could have one in.

Mrs Neo went on the InterTubes, and like magic, FEDEX plopped one down on our doorstep 36 hours later.

A more telling and significant example would be the months it took to get a copy of my birth certificate and renewal of my firearms license.

As far as I'm concerned, we should turn over the civil service to the folks who can make this sort of shit happen.

"Just Desserts Killer" getting his...

...well... you know...insert alt text here
"And so comes the disturbing news that Lawrence 'Brownman' Brown, the brazen, gun-wielding criminal who shot Vivi Leimonis dead in 1994, is claiming he now deserves parole and is appealing a June decision that turned him down."
Here's the money shot...
"Armed with a loaded, double-barrel, sawed-off shotgun — despite being on probation and under a 10-year weapon ban... he continues to claim his innocence 'despite video and witness evidence to the contrary.'"

RELATED: Let's drill down a little...insert alt text here
Of Canada's two million "licensed" gun owners... 0.00555% used their firearm to murder someone.

On the other hand, in 2005, 64% of accused murderers had a prior criminal record, including 6% for homicide.

LAST WORD: Cloak of Invisibility Gang at it againinsert alt text here
Police are investigating after a man was shot at Bayview Avenue and Roehampton Avenue around 5 p.m. Sunday.

There is no suspect description at this time.
Of course there isn't. This is Toronto the Good.
“I think that kind of talk about sort of, you know, where this all arises from, or sort of who’s to blame, is not very constructive,” Toronto Mayor John Tory told reporters in Nathan Phillips Square.

17 November 2019

And... I hear it makes you smarter...

...and better looking...
You know I've smoked a lot of grass
O'Lord, I've popped a lot of pills
insert alt text here
Forty per cent of the 23,410 hospital stays for "harm caused by substance use" in 2017-18 were related to cannabis, according to the Canadian Institute for Health Information.
That's 9,364 knucklehead dopers taking up valuable hospital beds. Thanks a bunch, bro.

Hey... let's ask an expert...
"Margaret Trudeau, who suffers from bipolar disorder, spoke openly with reporters about her experience with depression and the effect of her long-term marijuana use.

"Marijuana can trigger psychosis," said Trudeau.

"Every time I was hospitalized it was preceded by heavy use of marijuana."

FOOD FOR THOUGHT: AR15 victims in Canada - ZEROinsert alt text hereTry imagine the political hay Justin Trudeau's Liberals would make if 10,000 Canadians per year were hospitalised from gunshot wounds.


POSTSCRIPT: You really, truly don't remember...

...the "Chainsaw Bayonet?"

In my defence, I have to say...

...I learned from the best...insert alt text here
"But at the time I felt it was the honourable and right thing to do and I admit fully that my judgement was probably coloured by my tendency to be too honourable but that's just the way it is."
Yeah... right.

There's a few more disillusioned...

...whisky swilling atheists in the world today...insert alt text here
"A statue of Jesus in India mysteriously began dripping water from its toes. Worshippers started collecting it and drinking it believing it was holy.

The source of the water was later found to be a clogged toilet near the statue."

16 November 2019

Well, well, well...

...if it isn't the consequences of my own actions...insert alt text here
WASHINGTON — A federal judge ruled Thursday that Hoda Muthana, an American-born woman who joined the Islamic State in 2014 and says she now wants to return home to her family in Alabama, is not a U.S. citizen.

Muthana's father was a former Yemeni diplomat at the time of her birth, and was therefore under the diplomatic protection of his home country.

For this reason, it said, Muthana did not obtain US citizenship by birth.

Got a craving for real Jerk Chicken? it safe and do the cafeteria at IKEA instead...insert alt text here
Toronto police received several reports of gunshots being fired at 1:42 a.m. this morning in the area of Oakwood Avenue and Vaughan Road and located a victim screaming and suffering from serious injuries.

Paramedics were called and he died, but police are unsure if he died in the ambulance or at the hospital. No suspect information has been released.

“It was like a normal thing to us,” said Thamim Chowdhury.
Oakwood, Oakwood... that sounds so familiar.

UPDATE: The Usual, well... you know...
The victim has been identified as Craig Campbell, 42.
Homicide #64.


AND SPEAKING OF MURDER: Bethelhem Geleta, 22

Homicide #59
On Saturday, October 26, 2019, at 12:32 p.m., police responded to a call for unknown trouble at 141 Davisville Avenue and located a woman without vital signs and a man suffering from obvious trauma. Both were taken to hospital and later pronounced deceased.

The woman has been identified as Bethelhem Geleta, 22, of Toronto. An autopsy revealed her cause of death to be strangulation.

The man has been identified as Aboma Daba, 30, of Toronto.

15 November 2019

Who's Zoomin' Who?

From the folks who brought you melamine in baby food...
China's biggest dump is already full - 25 years early - after the massive amount of waste produced by the country's 1.4 billion people forced the garbage graveyard to accept four times as much trash per day as it was designed for.

Trash at the site allegedly is piled up 50 stories high in some spots.
Oh, don't you fret... the pollution will balance itself, right Justin?
Last year, China boosted its new coal power plant capacity by more than 50 per cent, and Beijing approved 155 new coal-fired power plants, and now China is building coal plants for export.

The floggings will continue...

...until morale improves...insert alt text here
The cost to run the Senate of Canada has increased by more than a third over the last five years as Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's reform agenda has led, in part, to increased expenditures in the upper house.
It gets better... by which I mean worse...
That $25 billion ballooned to $70 billion. And Trudeau’s promise of a balanced budget has been replaced by a $93-billion deficit over the next four years.

Canada has seen that cliff before in the disastrous legacy of Justin Trudeau’s father.

14 November 2019

Fairy Dust & Unicorn Farts

"The de-incarceration movement is at best naive, and if enacted, dangerous. It would result in tens of thousands of violent murderers, rapists and child molesters being let free."

The Gift of Fear

What happens when you ignore those nagging little voices inside your head?insert alt text hereShort answer... nothing good...
You’re not a serial killer, right?” she messaged him before leaving the house. Khalil Wheeler-Weaver was exactly that, prosecutors said on Thursday.

The 23-year-old is accused of murdering three women and attempting to kill a fourth, and authorities say that Butler was his final victim.


If only there was a law...most wanted
Bilal Deeb was a 19-year-old member of the Eglinton West Crips street gang, on STRICT house arrest at the time with a bail condition that he not possess any weapons.

Being on a TTC bus with a handgun and using it to shoot someone at point-blank range was not one of the exceptions for being out of his home.

Why can't Canadians be more like...

...sweet baby jebus...insert alt text here
"In an analysis article titled ‘Sweden’s 100 explosions this year: What’s going on?’, the BBC acknowledged the epidemic of gang crime, gun crime, and criminal use of explosives."

“Swedish police are dealing with unprecedented levels of attacks, targeting city centre locations as well as heavily migrant-populated suburbs.”

“This category of crime was not even logged prior to 2017. Then, in 2018, there were 162 explosions."
By Jiminy... who could have seen this com...insert alt text here
"Sweden is also remarkable for a shocking number of grenade attacks, with criminals using the military explosives at least 43 times in 2017."

13 November 2019

De Villa: Junkies Good, Hunters Bad

toronto's most wanted
De Villa’s hostility to hunters, farmers, ranchers, sport shooters, gun collectors and the firearm industry contrasts with her views on drug dealers and users.

Toronto’s top medical officer recommended decriminalizing all drugs for personal use last year, saying the “criminalization approach” … “is not working.”

De Villa earned more than $300,000 in 2018, making her one of the highest paid public officials in Ontario.

RELATED: There oughta be a law...insert alt text here
Ali Showbeg is now the poster child for why Justin Trudeau’s proposed gun bans simply won’t work.

RELATED2: Schrödinger's Gat


LAST WORD: "Irregular Firearms Enthusiasts"...
On Wednesday, Toronto police said they have charged two youths with eight offences each, after a 14-year-old girl was shot in the leg in Toronto’s north end.

They cannot be identified under the Youth Criminal Justice Act.

12 November 2019

The really sad thing is...

...I'm sure she actually believes it...insert alt text here
"On Tuesday, former Secretary of State and 2016 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton told BBC Radio 5 Live she was under “enormous pressure” to consider a 2020 White House run."

Oh, we got so close! Oh! We almost had a woman! Oh, girls, relax..."
insert alt text here
"If Hillary Clinton was my own mom, I’d be like, 'Mom! You can’t be president. You can’t stand up fast.'”

11 November 2019

The 24/7 Prime Minstrel Media...

...sho' nuff doin' what it do best...insert alt text here
“I have just learned I’ve been fired by Sportsnet for comments made on Coach’s Corner Nov. 9,” Cherry told Joe Warmington in a phone interview.

No problem.” said Cherry. “I know what I said and I meant it. Everybody in Canada should wear a poppy to honour our fallen soldiers.

“I speak the truth and I walk the walk. I have visited the bases of the troops, been to Afghanistan with our brave soldiers at Christmas, been to cemeteries of our fallen around the world and honoured our fallen troops on Coach’s Corner.”

RELATED: Cowards die a thousand times... right, Ron?insert alt text hereJoin the discussion here.

UPDATE: Not the Canada I grew up in...
"One day after Remembrance Day, Toronto Police are investigating an act of vandalism at the cenotaph at Old City Hall."

LAST WORD: Cherry has been in their sights for a while