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19 November 2019

Diversity is our streng...

...sweet baby jebus...insert alt text here
As Sweden’s national police chief put it last week, there is “no equivalent” to this bombing campaign in any other Western country. And the violence extends beyond bombings.

On Saturday, gunmen killed a 15-year-old boy and critically wounded another at a pizzeria, minutes after yet another explosion in Malmö.
And no... it's not some freak anomaly.

They’re b-a-a-a-ck. Two suspected ISIS sympathizers are back in Ontario, according to published reports.

LAST WORD: He called the tune...
“I watched him from the window for a while and he walked up and down the street chanting something, doing these karate kicks and swinging,” Jim Tingley said. He didn’t recognize the man, who appeared to be alone, but Tingley said he told his wife to call the police when the man stopped in their driveway.

Tingley said he couldn’t understand what the man was “chanting” because it was not in English.