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14 November 2019

The Gift of Fear

What happens when you ignore those nagging little voices inside your head?insert alt text hereShort answer... nothing good...
You’re not a serial killer, right?” she messaged him before leaving the house. Khalil Wheeler-Weaver was exactly that, prosecutors said on Thursday.

The 23-year-old is accused of murdering three women and attempting to kill a fourth, and authorities say that Butler was his final victim.


If only there was a law...most wanted
Bilal Deeb was a 19-year-old member of the Eglinton West Crips street gang, on STRICT house arrest at the time with a bail condition that he not possess any weapons.

Being on a TTC bus with a handgun and using it to shoot someone at point-blank range was not one of the exceptions for being out of his home.