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26 November 2019

"Toronto Police said Monday..."

"...that they are investigating two separate reports of feces being thrown at people inside libraries on Toronto university campuses."
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One student, who told CP24 she was in the University of Toronto’s Robarts Library at the time, said a man appeared out of nowhere with a bucket that smelled of urine and feces.

She said the man walked over to a male who was seated at a table and dumped the bucket over his head.
UPDATE: Third time unlucky...
Police say a bucket of what was believed to be feces was dumped on a female outside a University of Toronto building at College Street and University Avenue late Monday night, the third such incident in the city within a four-day period.
UPDATE2: Those sick, violent, er... Torontonians...

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The CBC News Morning show this morning did not show the distributed picture of the recyclable-throwing man, leaving CBC sufferers in the dark as to what the perp looks like.