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27 November 2019

Ralph Goodale wasn't the only...

...cough, cough... Nazi Hunter in Canada...
"We actually have a white supremacist trying to become prime minister of Canada," Kinsella says.
insert alt text here
"I've run campaigns depicting Preston Manning, Stockwell Day, Kim Campbell, depicting them as racists."
WOW... those words you're looking for right now are... "legally radioactive."

Maybe Kinsella just has too much money. I'm guessing his lawyer just threw up in his office waste basket... repeatedly.
Dubbed "Project Cactus," the campaign against Bernier and the PPC was run by Kinsella's political consulting firm, Daisy Group. Kinsella made the comments during a staff meeting about the campaign in May.

"I want the hatred you have for Maxime Bernier to wash over you as a purifying force," he tells his staff.
Hmmm... "hatred as a purifying force,"... where have I heard that before?
"All of you are capable of doing it but I need somebody who doesn't sleep, basically. I had one kid who did it. His name's Ahmed Hussen. He's now the Minister of Immigration."
Hussen, Hussen... that sounds so familiar.

Oh, it gets better, by which I mean worse...insert alt text here
Conservative Party Leader Andrew Scheer has refused to state whether his party had enlisted Daisy's services for the campaign.
Nobody's coming out of this one smelling sweet.