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18 November 2019

Fake News Dude kinda sorry...

...he opened up that particular can of bullshit...insert alt text here
"In 2018 the New York Times cut their capital investments nearly in half to $57 million, which equates to a rounding error when compared to the $6 billion of capital that FedEx invested in the U.S. economy during that same year.”


When our basement dehumidifier died this year we decided to go all in and buy the biggest consumer model we could find. Unfortunately the local Big Box store was all out and, incredibly, couldn't even give us a date for when they could have one in.

Mrs Neo went on the InterTubes, and like magic, FEDEX plopped one down on our doorstep 36 hours later.

A more telling and significant example would be the months it took to get a copy of my birth certificate and renewal of my firearms license.

As far as I'm concerned, we should turn over the civil service to the folks who can make this sort of shit happen.