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30 September 2018


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TORONTO -- The interim leader of Ontario's struggling Liberals said Saturday that voters made the “right call” in stripping them of their power - and official party status - in the last provincial election.

29 September 2018

Diversity is our streng...

...sweet baby jebus...insert alt text here
“Does it not concern you that your son was murdered in a gang related incident and days later, your other son is in Wasaga beach with drugs and a loaded handgun?”

UPDATE: And you pay him a salary...
BARRIE – Jerome Pantlitz-Solomon, 20, of Mississauga — an alleged member of the Crips street gang — receives $1,000 a month from the Children’s Aid Society in a so-called extended care program, a court has heard.

28 September 2018

Put aside your preconceived...

...never mind.. scratch that...insert alt text here
28-year-old Corey Denton is facing a charge of attempted murder in connection with a shooting in Scarborough’s Agincourt neigbourhood earlier this month that sent one person to a trauma centre.
insert alt text here
Eventually everything, no matter how horrible, becomes “old news” if the same stories keep repeating themselves and nothing really changes.

Meanwhile politicians propose banning handguns, as if that will stop the criminals. What it suggests to us is that too many of our civic leaders have essentially thrown in the towel on this crisis.

"A 17-year-old boy who cannot be identified as per the terms of the Youth Criminal Justice Act, has been charged in connection with the fatal shooting of an 18-year-old man in Yonge-Dundas Square back in May."
But, wait... there's more.


LAST WORD: Even out in the burbs

27 September 2018

I'm not sure it was at Ford's Theater...

It might have been at Ford's Theater, but it might also have been on the Mall, or in the White House, or on Capitol Hill. I'm a little hazy on the day, too. It might have been April 4, 1865, but it also could have been a few days before or after, maybe even as early as 1864.

The suit alleges Swetnick "engaged in unwelcome sexual innuendo and inappropriate conduct" directed at two male employees during a business lunch, with Webtrends customers present.

Swetnick claimed two other employees had sexually harassed her, according to the suit.

Don't like prison? Well, just transfer out...

...if you simply say you're female... or in this particular case, aboriginal... doesn't that magically make it so?insert alt text here
Alvin Francis, chief of the Nekaneet First Nation says his band is 'shocked' that convicted child murderer Terri-Lynne McClintic has transferred to a minimum-security healing lodge on their land. "We have no say in who goes there."

McClintic was convicted eight years ago of the gruesome rape and murder of eight-year-old Tori Stafford.

Francis said band members are forced to trust federal prison officials to make the right decision, which makes him feel uneasy. "Elders are concerned about who comes there," said Francis. "Because with no fences there she can walk off, right?"
So, what exactly are the "wages of sin"...
In December, Terri-Lynne McClintic was quietly moved to Okimaw Ohci Healing Lodge in Saskatchewan where she has a bedroom, living room, kitchenette and access to teachings, ceremonies and workshops with elders.

RELATED: Ask a Liberal Cabinet Minister...
Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale referred to McClintic's role in Stafford's murder as "bad practices."
Sorry, Ralph... "bad practices" is biting your fingernails. Kidnap, rape and murder is way beyond that.


LAST WORD: In other "Hug-a-Thug" news...most wanted
In a year where gangland shootings, murders and drug overdoses could set records, Toronto Police have decided to trim the very units that fight all three. "Two of the six Integrated Guns and Gangs Task Force teams will be eliminated and the drug squad will go from six to four teams.”

Gangsters feel emboldened to carry firearms because they know police can’t card them and there will be no fast moving TAVIS-style surprise visit.

This is happening just as Toronto Police are about to receive a $6-million boost from Premier Doug Ford’s new government to help combat this year’s out-of-control shootings and murders.

26 September 2018

Julie Swetnick´s stunning claims...

...made, serendipitously, on the eve of a Senate committee hearing for Justice Brett Kavanaugh...
The accuser contends she attended at least ten house parties over a three-year period, that began when Kavanaugh was 15 or 16 years old. She contends “numerous boys” were involved in multiple acts of sexual assault, and literally lined up outside the room to wait their turn to commit sexual assault.

As far as we know, not a single victim or witness ever called the police.

As far as we know, not a single victim or witness ever told their parents, teachers, or any other responsible adult.
Hang on... Ms Swetnick apparently wasn't willing to take this to the police... but decades later gives it to the Democratic Party & porn star "Stormy" Daniels lawyer, Michael Avenatti?


Julie Swetnick says that she was not only at all of these parties, but she stayed even when she was aware of what was going on behind those closed doors with the lines outside.

Did Avenatti build her from a kit? She is inhuman.

UPDATE: Let's talk about the restraining order...
Miami-Dade County court docket shows a petition for injunction against Swetnick was filed March 1, 2001, by her former boyfriend, Richard Vinneccy. Swetnick threatened him after they broke up and even after he got married to his current wife and had a child. “Right after I broke up with her, she was threatening my family, threatening my wife and threatening to do harm to my baby at that time.”

LAST WORD: No such thing as "bad publicity."

Ontario disarms Ontario Prov. Police...

...over links to Russian Mafi... wait a minute...

insert alt text here
"Authorities in southern Mexico disarmed and placed under investigation the entire police force in the once-glittering resort of Acapulco on Tuesday. Officials in Guerrero state issued arrest warrants for two top Acapulco police commanders, accusing them of homicide."

"The rest of the police officers were stripped of their guns, radios and bullet-proof vests."
It gets better... by which I mean worse...insert alt text here
MEXICO CITY - Feb 20 (Reuters) - Mexico's armored-car makers predict 2007 will be a record year, their business boosted by reports of severed heads and heavily armed drug gangs murdering police.
MEXICO CITY – Prosecutors and soldiers raided a local police force in central Mexico and found a strange thing: 113 of the 185 officers weren't policemen at all.
And again...
MEXICO CITY (AP) — The top prosecutor in Mexico's Gulf coast state of Veracruz confirmed Tuesday that more than 250 skulls have been found in what appears to be a drug cartel mass burial ground on the outskirts of the city of Veracruz.

From the folks who brought you...

...Omar Khadr... multi-millionaire...insert alt text here
Later in the House of Commons, the Conservatives introduced a motion calling on the Liberal government to "revoke the Veterans Affairs Canada benefits that have been extended to convicted cop-killer Chris Garnier." The motion was defeated 151 to 127.
Oh, trust me... it gets better.


ASK A CONSERVATIVE: Time to crack down...
Deputy Conservative leader Lisa Raitt said when in government the Conservatives stopped convicted rapist and murderer Paul Bernardo from having conjugal visits, and blocked child killer Clifford Olson from getting pension benefits.

Can't Wynne for losing

"The audit’s key finding, explaining why Ontario after 15 years of Liberal rule 'has the highest subnational debt of any jurisdiction in the world'."

25 September 2018

Rexdale, Rexdale...

...that sounds so familiar...
Toronto Police are looking for a gunman after two people were shot and a third sustained “other injuries” in Rexdale Tuesday morning. A woman was also located with stab wounds.

RELATED: Latest drive-by shootee id'd
Homicide #80 has been identified as Paul 'Boulos' Rizk, 27, of Toronto.


...what Regent Park do...
"Police have identified the teen shot and killed at a Regent Park apartment building on Tuesday afternoon as 15-year-old Mackai Bishop Jackson."
Homicide #81... usual victims... usual suspects.

Justice Shaun Shungi Nakatsuru...

...setting Ontario police officers and prosecutors straight since 1988...toronto's most wanted
The judge considered the societal backdrop to Morris carrying a gun and fleeing police. “I can understand why a man of your background, a young Black man, suffering from trauma, with such limited opportunities, with feelings of despair, being influenced by others, may think that 'I will have that gun.'
Well, judge... I guess we just need more basketball cou... sweet baby jebus...
"A man believed to be in his 20s has been pronounced dead at the scene of a North York shooting at 8 p.m. Monday night. The fatal shooting took place outside of a community centre in the area of Don Mills Road and Sheppard Avenue, at around 8 p.m."

As of Monday, there had been 310 reported shootings so far in 2018, with 137 people injured and 40 killed.
I don't think Judge Nakatsuru's "catch & release" program is gonna blunt those numbers.


RELATED: A little sweat lodge fixes everything
The enraged father of a murdered Woodstock girl and his supporters are planning a rally on Parliament Hill to protest the transfer of killer Terri-Lynne McClintic from prison to an aboriginal healing lodge. McClintic, convicted of first-degree murder in the 2009 kidnapping, rape and killing of eight-year-old Victoria (Tori) Stafford, is living at Okimaw Ohci Healing Lodge in Saskatchewan, relatives of the girl say.

Stephen Harper’s Conservative government had proposed the Life Means Life Act, which would have amended the Criminal Code to ensure the worst killers receive a mandatory life sentence without parole, rather than parole eligibility after 25 years.

24 September 2018

So, Justin... you take my guns...

...and all our problems are solved...most wanted
"A Tottenham man has been identified as the victim of a fatal shooting in Vaughan on Friday night. Behget Toma Eyup, 49, was shot and killed in the rear of a plaza at 3850 Steeles Ave. W."
Of course you have to leave the CBC website to find the identity of the shooter. So tell me, Sockboy, what are you gonna do about 18 year-old Shaquwan and friends?

Yeah... that's what I thought.


RELATED: Let's fix drunk-driving forever... banning cars...
"A Toronto town hall that saw repeated angry outbursts and interruptions from an unruly audience offered the Liberal government its first glimpse of the road ahead in its work on a possible ban on handguns."
Well, I can't imagine why...insert alt text here
"The 'presenters' agreed on many issues, including the need to approach gun crime not simply as a criminal matter."
Yeah... "He's bleeding out... get me a social worker... STAT!!!"


LAST WORD: Remember Toronto's Eaton Centre shooter?
Husbands was also supervising children at a City of Toronto-run facility from November 2011 to May 2012 while on a $4,000 house arrest bail for the sexual assault.
Why wouldn't taking guns away from farmers, hunters and sport shooters solve Canada's inner city urban homicide problems?

Be careful what you wish for...

...Black Lives Matter Edition...
"Evergreen State College enrollment plummeted after fallout from the controversial “Day of Absence” in May 2017 when all white people were asked to leave the campus.

In May, to prepare for the drop in enrollment, Evergreen cut $6 million out of its budget – a little over 10 percent of the total – and laid off 20 faculty and staff, as well as not filling 19 vacant staff positions, the Seattle Times reported."

RELATED: What has happened to America?
Every civil libertarian in the country, liberal, conservative, Republican, Democrat, led by the Civil Libertarian Union should be outraged by this demand. It is so un-American.

23 September 2018

Affirmative Action...

...the logical conclusion...
"The Ontario Police College is scrapping their physical fitness testing for new recruits, according to a memo obtained by CTV News Toronto."

22 September 2018

Diversity is our streng...

...sweet baby jebus...
"Rich foreigners seeking to gain Canadian residency through a controversial Quebec program are being advised to hide questionable assets, lie about their intention to settle in the province and even adopt a new identity, according to a hidden-camera investigation by Radio-Canada."

21 September 2018

Slicing & Dicing

Twitter promoted a post advocating for female genital mutilation this week, after building a history of blacklisting ads from pro-lifers, before claiming it was an “error.”

RELATED: Airbrushing the Politburo

Why is the media pretending Faith Goldy doesn't exist?
(h/t reader Malcolm)

What it boils down to is...

...who's zoomin' who...
If you kill someone with a gun in Toronto — you have a three in five chance of getting away with murder.
That's a startling statistic for Canada's so-called "civil society." What's the deal here?
Shauna Brown said her son’s case “could be solved at any time,” if certain people broke free from “the pull of the street mentality” and gave information to police.
"Certain people," Shauna? There's an expression that Doug Ford... or myself... wouldn't get away with using.

I'm guessing you don't mean the University of Toronto lacrosse team.


AND THE BAND PLAYED ON: Ages 18, 16 & 15
"Three teens have been taken into custody in connection with the fatal shooting of a 49-year-old man outside a bar at Steeles Avenue and Weston Road."
Only one shooter is old enough to be named... wait for it...
Shaquwan Reid, 18, of Toronto has been charged with second-degree murder.

LAST WORD: The usual suspects, usual victims
"Hamilton police are investigating after a 19-year-old man was reportedly shot to death in the city’s east end early this morning. He has since been identified as Natshon Defreitas of Toronto."

20 September 2018

Justin Trudeau straps on those...

..."post national state" kneepads...

But, wait... here's more from the guy who made Omar Khadr a multi-millionaire...
Tensions ran high in the House of Commons on Thursday over Veterans Affairs Canada's decision to pay for the PTSD treatment of a Halifax man who murdered an off-duty police officer.

The Conservatives made Christopher Garnier's case a focus of question period, pressing the Trudeau government to halt payments.
Don't blame me... I didn't vote for him.

There's a reason they call it...

...the lunatic left...
She really doesn’t want to testify because when she does she’s going to look like the loon that she is.

She’s not sure when it happened, where it happened, who else was present.

She never reported it to anybody.
And I think we now know why.


RELATED: One for the good guys

19 September 2018

Scarborough, Scarborough...

...that sounds so familiar...
"A man was shot and killed in Toronto’s east end on Tuesday night in the area of Sheppard Avenue East and Brimley Road just after 9:50 p.m. He has been identified by Toronto police as Toronto-resident Jago Anderson, 19. This is the city's 78th homicide of 2018."
You wanna take my guns, Justin? How about going after the actual homicidal thugs?


"A man believed to be in his 20s has been transported to a trauma centre in life-threatening condition following a shooting outside of a public library in the city’s Jane and Finch neighbourhood at around 7:10 p.m. on Wednesday."
A 41-year-old man, Nader Fadaei was fatally attacked with a machete late Wednesday in North York. Fadaei is the city’s 79th homicide of the year.

LAST WORD: Get me a social worker, STAT!!!
"A new unit is being set up bringing together staff from health, police, local government agencies, and youth clubs in an attempt to keep potential killers away from crime, with initial funding of £500,000."

18 September 2018

From the dufus who brought us...

...the budget will balance itself...insert alt text here
Trudeau says NAFTA deal 'might not be' close as talks set to resume.

17 September 2018

Not me... not mine...

...not today...
"No charges will be filed against a man who shot and killed an alleged carjacker Friday in Lake Park, according to the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office.

Investigation showed that Terrence Wilson Jr., 22, was shot to death by the unidentified man after he attempted to carjack a vehicle with the man’s 5-year-old daughter sitting in the back seat."

RELATED: Toronto and Quasi-News...
The incident occurred around 3 a.m. on July 25, 2015. According to the province’s Special Investigations Unit (SIU), Toronto police were preparing to arrest Kwasi Skene-Peters, 21, who was wanted for first-degree murder in connection with two shooting deaths in Toronto.

It is unclear from the video who fired the shots.
Yeah... maybe it was the hot-dog vendor.

Why are so many universities...

...airbrushing the Politburo...insert alt text here
"Within days, Brown University pulled down an article promoting Littman’s study. The university said it removed the article in order to conduct an academic review, but it’s clear the decision had more to do with political correctness and uncomfortable results."

There’s no excuse. You can’t be an ally of the transgender movement and reject this research. You can challenge it. You can debate it. You can encourage more of it. But you can’t suppress it.

14 September 2018

You had me at...

..."A Fair Gun Policy for Canada"...


RELATED: Obviously we should be rounding up...

...local farmers, hunters and skeet shooters...
Toronto police say a 16-year-old boy is dead after being shot in the city's east end on Friday evening. Investigators say they found the boy with a gunshot wound and no vital signs at about 6:45 p.m.

They say the teen's death is the city's 77th homicide of the year.

13 September 2018

TAVIS Squads and "Carding"...

The cops had two successful strategies that were working... but the Mayor buckled and cancelled them... because.... racism...
"A project that put extra frontline police officers on Toronto streets during the summer has come to an end, but it's not yet clear what the multi-million dollar effort accomplished. It appears there was little impact on the number of shootings and gun-related homicides."
There are bodies dropping daily... I'd say it's pretty clear.

Not familiar with TAVIS?


RELATED: Usual suspects... usual victims...
A man has been arrested in the brazen daylight shooting in Coronation Park over the Labour Day long weekend that claimed the life of Michael Lewis.

Toronto Police say Andrew Douglas, 25, of Toronto, was arrested Thursday with the help of the Gun and Gang Task Force.

Those Wacky Liberals

"Former Trudeau Fisheries Minister Dominic LeBlanc broke conflict of interest rules by approving lucrative surf clam licence set to go to wife’s cousin. The process to issue the licence, worth about $24 million dollars, was cancelled this summer."

RELATED: Hey, Dom... go big or go home...
"One of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s closest friends is benefiting from an exclusive agreement between his data analytics company and the Liberal Party of Canada."
Oh, yeah... Liberal Party of Canada CFO Chuck Rifici became a multimillionaire because of Tru-Dope. Just a couple more stories you ain't gonna see on the CBC.

12 September 2018

Diversity is our streng...

...sweet baby jebus... meet Noah Saib...insert alt text here
His dad took away my son’s keys and told him to get his own apartment,” she alleged. “That’s when he ran to the kitchen and got a knife and stabbed my husband in the shoulder and the stomach.”

“Then he stabbed himself in the stomach and took off in the car.”

Homicide detectives are investigating the deadly stabbing — the city’s 76th murder of the year.
No gun... no problem.


RELATED: Toronto Homicide Squad...

...rounds up local farmers, hunters & skeet shooters...
A teen has been taken to hospital with serious injuries after a daylight shooting in Etobicoke near Capri Road and The East Mall at around 12:45 p.m. Meanwhile in Scarborough, the city's east end, officers are investigating a shooting that unfolded within the same hour.

11 September 2018

The capricious & unknowable will of...

...well, you know...insert alt text hereSept 11, 2001 wasn't just another day for us... it was my son's first day of school. Everything was changing for us. We had left Toronto the week before and moved out into the country.

So after watching the boy climb on the bus, and then following it to watch him walk into kindergarden, my wife and I set off for the nearest city to pick up a cell phone. At the Bell phone centre in the mall we were treated to the never-ending loop of planes crashing into the Twin Towers on their recently installed wide screen televisions.

My first selfish reaction was vindication, as our move had been a reaction to my fears and perception that the urban environment, even Toronto the Good, was no place to raise a child. That very quickly turned to horror as the extent of the days unforgiveable events became evident.

Just yesterday, the news came out about one of Justin Trudeau's hastily vetted Syrian refugees being arrested for the murder of a 13 year old girl. How little we have learned in the intervening years.


RELATED: Never say never


RELATED2: Toronto back on the board...
Toronto Police detectives are investigating Toronto’s 76th murder of the year after a man was stabbed to death Tuesday afternoon at Redgrave Dr., near Martin Grove Rd., around 4:30 p.m.
No gun... no problem.


LAST WORD: Of course, living in the country... no guarantee...
Investigators have identified a man shot dead in rural Clarington, Ontario on Monday afternoon as 29-year-old Cody James. Investigators say they are looking for two suspects in connection to the incident who they described only as black males.

10 September 2018

Another Day, another Akbar

insert alt text here
Armed with a 15-inch blade and a metal bar, he first stabbed two men and a woman outside the MK2 cinema complex. He then proceeded to a nearby street, where he attacked two British tourists, according to investigators.

The 31-year-old attacker was using child identity documents issued to an Afghan minor, according to claims made by an investigating source.

RELATED: Dear Justin... are you happy now?liar,liar
"Ibrahim Ali, 28, who came to Canada 17 months ago from Syria as a refugee, is charged with first-degree murder of 13-year-old Marrisa Shen, the Integrated Homicide Investigation Team said Monday."
How could this have happ... sweet baby jebus...insert alt text here
"The report said that to meet Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s election campaign promise to bring in 25,000 Syrian refugees by the end of 2015, changes were made to the screening process."

"The screening period was shortened to 96 hours from 30 days, for example."
What could possibly go wrong, huh?

Of course, your National Broadcaster thinks there's a more important story here.

09 September 2018

Shooty McShootface...

...the slaughter by the water continues...most wanted
A 65-year-old man is dead and a suspect is in custody after a shooting near Toronto’s Stockyards District on Saturday afternoon. Toronto paramedics say they were called to the flea market at 404 Old Weston Road for a report of a man shot at 3:34 p.m.

This is the city’s 74th homicide of the year.
So far in 2018, there have been 378 shooting victims in Toronto. What sort of new laws would have prevented this 16 year old thug from murdering Rocco Scavetta?


RELATED: Parkdale, Parkdale...

...that sounds so familiar...
Toronto police have launched a suspicious death investigation after a body was discovered outside of a building on West Lodge Avenue, near Queen Street and Lansdowne Avenue early Sunday morning.
And that's lucky #75.

08 September 2018

Diversity is our streng...

...sweet baby jebus...
The video allegedly shows two men – who police say are BMW employees in the Don Valley Parkway and Eastern Avenue area – grabbing the man’s water bottle and filling it with the poisonous substance before placing it back in the service area.

Police have since charged a suspect identified as 34-year-old Rahim Jaffer with one count of administering a noxious substance.

RELATED: Me Tarzan... you property...
Investigators say they have arrested and charged a Toronto man seen in a security camera video threatening to kill a woman and dragging her by her hair off the porch of a Richmond Hill home last month.

LAST WORD: Their best and brightest... certainly less than impressive...
A case being investigated by Ottawa police's sexual assault and child abuse unit was delayed until police could get permission from the Afghan government to speak to the suspect, the teenage son of a high-ranking diplomat​.

The complainant is a Canadian citizen and a high school student, sources tell CBC News. The incident was first reported in an online Afghan news service.
Yeah... there's a shocker.

07 September 2018


what could possibly go wrong?insert alt text here
"HER penis was erect and sticking out of the top of HER trousers.”

RELATED: Comment of the week...
"Make pussy hats but with big willys coming out the top. More inclusive."
Problem solved.

06 September 2018

News organisation that consistently...

...refuses to publish physical descriptions of urban shooting suspects accuses Canadian military of being "too secretive."

Here's a question... why isn't CBC investigating "fake news?"
In short, there is no surge in crime guns that can be traced back to licensed Canadian gun owners. None. It’s just not there. The Toronto Police Service’s own statistics show no such surge.

Do our political leaders know they’re reacting to a story with bad information? Perhaps the more depressing question is whether they’d care if they did.

05 September 2018

Those Homicidal Hogtowners

Mom... can I have kevlar for Christmas?insert alt text here
"At some point, as the male victim attempted to get off the streetcar, police say he was stabbed. The suspects, identified as 22-year-old Gumercindo Diaz and 23-year-old Emanual Ortez-Escobar, both of Toronto, have been charged with attempted murder and assault."

RELATED: Pepperoni, double cheese & mayhem
Toronto resident Abdihakim Saeed, 20, is facing various gun-related charges after allegedly shooting himself while at a restaurant in Scarborough and then crashing his car when he tried to flee the scene.
Remember... "diversity is our strength."


LAST WORD: Scarborough, Scarborough...

...that sounds so familiar...
"A middle-aged woman who was critically injured by gunfire in a Scarborough home Tuesday night will never walk again, sources say. Toronto Police say the victim was shot in the basement apartment of a bungalow on Birchmount Rd. near Laura Secord Walk, north of Lawrence Ave. E., just after 10 p.m."
One person is in hospital following a shooting at Sheppard Avenue East and McCowan Road. in Scarborough Wednesday evening. Police said between four and 10 shots were heard before a vehicle was seen fleeing the area.


...JUST DO IT...insert alt text here
Will the #NikeBoycott campaign gather momentum? Will the company's stance impact a reported billion-dollar deal with NFL which is one of Nike's biggest partners? What should we, as investors, do with our holdings of Nike in our portfolio?

RELATED: The right returns fire...
"There are plenty of heroes in this country that Nike could feature, but Colin Kaepernick -- a Castro-loving American, a cop-hating, ex-three year backup quarterback – he’s not one of them."

04 September 2018

Diversity is our streng...

...sweet baby, duck hunters, target shooters
Zion Sankar-Beharry, 20, was arrested on Monday without incident outside of Trenton with the assistance of the OPP. He faces 11 charges including two counts of attempted murder and occupy motor vehicle with firearm.
It gets better... by which I mean worse...insert alt text here
Toronto police say a man is in custody after allegedly shooting himself in the foot and then crashing his car when he tried to flee the scene.

LAST WORD: If only there was a common thread...
Following the city’s most violent weekend of the year, Mayor Rahm Emanuel delivered a message calling for more attention on the criminals and lack of morals behind Chicago’s bloodshed rather than solely criticizing the police and his leadership of the city.
Let's take guns away from farmers, hunters and skeet shooters... that'll solve everything.

03 September 2018

Ford tough

The Ontario government is requiring the province’s publicly funded colleges and universities to develop a public free speech policy that adheres to the Chicago Principles by January 1, 2019.

Institutions that fail to meet this requirement may suffer funding cuts.

I'm so old, I can remember when...

...Scarborough wasn't a war zone...toronto's most wantedMeet Rudolph Augustus Tyrell...
"One person is dead and another seriously injured after a double shooting on Alford Crescent, near Morningside and Sheppard Avenues in Scarborough early Sunday morning."
It gets better... by which I mean worse...
Toronto Police are searching for several suspects following a fatal shooting at a busy lakefront park near the CNE, at a barbecue memorializing the 9th anniversary of the shooting of Kamal Hercules. It was the fourth homicide in the GTA on Sunday.

02 September 2018

Barack Oblabber and guns

Researcher apparently pulled 31 percent figure out of his ass...
A widely-popularized study adopted by the Obama administration claiming the U.S. has by far the most mass public shooters in the world has been criticized and dismissed by new research.

After crunching the numbers, Lott concluded in his study that the U.S. accounts for less than three percent of the world’s mass public shootings over a 15-year period – between 1998 and 2012.

RELATED: Does she float??


MEANWHILE BACK AT THE RANCH: Torontonians R Resiliant
A man believed to be in his 20s is dead following a shooting in the area of Sewells Road and McLevin Avenue in Scarborough.

01 September 2018

Come for the Starbucks...

...stay for the sucking chest wound...insert alt text here
Toronto Police have released the name and security camera image of an “armed and dangerous” suspect in Thursday’s Yorkdale Shopping Centre shooting incident. Zion Sankar-Beharry, 20, is wanted in an investigation involving the discharge of a firearm “with intent.”

RELATED: Compare and contrast...

Toronto Police Service:
"Police released two suspect descriptions shortly after the shooting. The first suspect was described as a black male in his 20s, wearing a hoodie and blue jeans. The second suspect was described as mixed-race male in his 20s, with a skinny build and standing about five-foot-nine, carrying a black handgun."
Your National Broadcaster:
"Police tweeted that they were seeking two men in their 20s, one of whom may be carrying a handgun."
Smell the journalism.


LAST WORD: Ride the Ripper, er... Rocketinsert alt text here
A man in his 20s was rushed to hospital and remains in critical condition after being stabbed on a streetcar early Saturday morning at Spadina Ave. and Queen St. W.

From the guy who brought us...

..."the budget will balance itself"...liar,liar
While the 46-year-old leader has had plenty of political stumbles during his first mandate, the events of the last few days are among the heaviest blows Trudeau has taken on core economic files.

They come just as his Liberal government prepares to reset its parliamentary agenda going into an election year.

"If Trudeau did a cross country tour... he'd win the next election in a heartbeat. This is a celebrity-loving culture and that's all he is. A Kardashian."