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25 September 2018

Justice Shaun Shungi Nakatsuru...

...setting Ontario police officers and prosecutors straight since 1988...toronto's most wanted
The judge considered the societal backdrop to Morris carrying a gun and fleeing police. “I can understand why a man of your background, a young Black man, suffering from trauma, with such limited opportunities, with feelings of despair, being influenced by others, may think that 'I will have that gun.'
Well, judge... I guess we just need more basketball cou... sweet baby jebus...
"A man believed to be in his 20s has been pronounced dead at the scene of a North York shooting at 8 p.m. Monday night. The fatal shooting took place outside of a community centre in the area of Don Mills Road and Sheppard Avenue, at around 8 p.m."

As of Monday, there had been 310 reported shootings so far in 2018, with 137 people injured and 40 killed.
I don't think Judge Nakatsuru's "catch & release" program is gonna blunt those numbers.


RELATED: A little sweat lodge fixes everything
The enraged father of a murdered Woodstock girl and his supporters are planning a rally on Parliament Hill to protest the transfer of killer Terri-Lynne McClintic from prison to an aboriginal healing lodge. McClintic, convicted of first-degree murder in the 2009 kidnapping, rape and killing of eight-year-old Victoria (Tori) Stafford, is living at Okimaw Ohci Healing Lodge in Saskatchewan, relatives of the girl say.

Stephen Harper’s Conservative government had proposed the Life Means Life Act, which would have amended the Criminal Code to ensure the worst killers receive a mandatory life sentence without parole, rather than parole eligibility after 25 years.