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27 September 2018

Don't like prison? Well, just transfer out...

...if you simply say you're female... or in this particular case, aboriginal... doesn't that magically make it so?insert alt text here
Alvin Francis, chief of the Nekaneet First Nation says his band is 'shocked' that convicted child murderer Terri-Lynne McClintic has transferred to a minimum-security healing lodge on their land. "We have no say in who goes there."

McClintic was convicted eight years ago of the gruesome rape and murder of eight-year-old Tori Stafford.

Francis said band members are forced to trust federal prison officials to make the right decision, which makes him feel uneasy. "Elders are concerned about who comes there," said Francis. "Because with no fences there she can walk off, right?"
So, what exactly are the "wages of sin"...
In December, Terri-Lynne McClintic was quietly moved to Okimaw Ohci Healing Lodge in Saskatchewan where she has a bedroom, living room, kitchenette and access to teachings, ceremonies and workshops with elders.

RELATED: Ask a Liberal Cabinet Minister...
Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale referred to McClintic's role in Stafford's murder as "bad practices."
Sorry, Ralph... "bad practices" is biting your fingernails. Kidnap, rape and murder is way beyond that.


LAST WORD: In other "Hug-a-Thug" news...most wanted
In a year where gangland shootings, murders and drug overdoses could set records, Toronto Police have decided to trim the very units that fight all three. "Two of the six Integrated Guns and Gangs Task Force teams will be eliminated and the drug squad will go from six to four teams.”

Gangsters feel emboldened to carry firearms because they know police can’t card them and there will be no fast moving TAVIS-style surprise visit.

This is happening just as Toronto Police are about to receive a $6-million boost from Premier Doug Ford’s new government to help combat this year’s out-of-control shootings and murders.