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26 September 2018

Julie Swetnick´s stunning claims...

...made, serendipitously, on the eve of a Senate committee hearing for Justice Brett Kavanaugh...
The accuser contends she attended at least ten house parties over a three-year period, that began when Kavanaugh was 15 or 16 years old. She contends “numerous boys” were involved in multiple acts of sexual assault, and literally lined up outside the room to wait their turn to commit sexual assault.

As far as we know, not a single victim or witness ever called the police.

As far as we know, not a single victim or witness ever told their parents, teachers, or any other responsible adult.
Hang on... Ms Swetnick apparently wasn't willing to take this to the police... but decades later gives it to the Democratic Party & porn star "Stormy" Daniels lawyer, Michael Avenatti?


Julie Swetnick says that she was not only at all of these parties, but she stayed even when she was aware of what was going on behind those closed doors with the lines outside.

Did Avenatti build her from a kit? She is inhuman.

UPDATE: Let's talk about the restraining order...
Miami-Dade County court docket shows a petition for injunction against Swetnick was filed March 1, 2001, by her former boyfriend, Richard Vinneccy. Swetnick threatened him after they broke up and even after he got married to his current wife and had a child. “Right after I broke up with her, she was threatening my family, threatening my wife and threatening to do harm to my baby at that time.”

LAST WORD: No such thing as "bad publicity."