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31 December 2019

President "Immediate Responder"

Wake up and smell the Eagle, babycakes...insert alt text here
The U.S. Army’s 82nd Airborne Division’s alert brigade of roughly 4,000 paratroopers has been told to pack their bags for a possible deployment in the days ahead.

A LIITLE BACKGROUND: The Usual, well... you knowinsert alt text here
“Those who have attacked our forces and our Jihadi brothers… God willing, if this fire reaches inside of the embassy, we will not spare a single employee. We are the children of the martyrs and this is our statement, 'Death to America.'

The embassy attackers were able to penetrate the “Green Zone” safe area without resistance from Iraqi security forces.
RELATED: New Years Eve... it's Car-B-Q timeinsert alt text here
Firefighters across the Belgian capital of Brussels are expected to be escorted by police officers during New Year’s Eve celebrations due to the high level of danger involved when operating in the city.
And, it's not just Belgium... or New Years Day...
France's national holiday, Bastille Day has been overshadowed by a night of rioting in which more than 300 cars were torched on the streets of Paris and other cities.
More stories you won't hear about on the CBC.

There's another destination off...

...the vacation list...insert alt text here
GUYANA • Toronto-area man’s dream of a new life under the sun has ended in murder. Cops in Guyana say hotelier Vivekanand “Veka” Narpatty, 71, was hacked to death along with his employee Harry Persaud Prashad at his remote beachfront property.

Detectives believe the two men were tortured and had been dead at least four days before the gruesome discovery.
TORONTO - Six people are facing charges in connection with a home invasion in the Entertainment District near Adelaide Street West and Peter Streeton Boxing Day.
And 2019 goes out with a bang...
A man was fatally shot in the underground parking garage of a highrise on Wingarden Ct., in northeast Scarborough, on Tuesday, the final gun murder in a year that saw a record-high number of shootings in Toronto.

No suspect information is available at this time.
If only there was a law, right Justin?

The Brittle GrrrMaid

Just a typical little girl...insert alt text here
She stopped talking… she stopped going to school,” said Greta's father, Svente Thunberg.

"She had struggled with depression for three to four years and even refused to eat — the ultimate nightmare for a parent.”
There's a reason 16 year-olds don't get to vote.

Draining the Swamp... Liberal Party appointee at a time...
TORONTO • Created 43 years ago to help buyers of new construction homes, the Ontario government now says Tarion Warranty Corp. has become an agency that favours builders over consumers and has subsequently asked the company’s CEO to step down, said Minister of Government and Consumer Services Lisa Thompson.

The auditor general’s report released Wednesday slammed the home warranty program, saying it was spending millions of dollars on bonuses for its executives but not paying attention to disputes raised by new homeowners.

The Minister also said the board would no longer be stacked with builders and developers.

30 December 2019

The Gift that keeps on giving

"I’m not joking about this."insert alt text here
Former Vice President Joe Biden claimed during a Sunday campaign event that “we’re all dead if fossil fuels continue to be used as one of the world’s primary energy sources."

“Number two, holding them liable for what they have done,” he said of fossil fuel executives. "And by the way, when they don’t want to deliver, put them in jail.”

It is unclear whether Biden meant he would also imprison his own son, Hunter Biden, who served on the board of directors of Ukrainian gas giant Burisma Holdings between 2014-2016.

"When seconds count, the Cops are..."

"...only minutes away"...insert alt text here
The Dallas Morning News quoted Lt. Gov. Patrick, "The immediate responder is the most important. The citizen responder."

"In over 50 percent of shootings, our first responders, it’s usually over when they get there, no matter how hard they try."
Creepy hair-sniffing Joe Biden disagrees...insert alt text here
Biden’s resurfaced remarks come as an attacker opened fire on a church congregation in Texas on Sunday, where he was immediately stopped by a good guy with a gun.
UPDATE: Do the right thing...insert alt text here
When asked how he is dealing with killing another man, Wilson said, “I don’t feel like I killed a human, I killed an evil and that’s how I’m coping with the situation.”

"I had a clear shot and I was comfortable taking the shot," Wilson said Monday.

RELATED: No "good guys" here...
Toronto Police say shots were fired at a bar in the area of Jane Street and Weston Road shortly after midnight. The windows of the building were shattered as a result of the gunfire and three shell casings were found at the scene.

Detailed descriptions of possible suspects or a suspect vehicle have not been released.

29 December 2019

Gawd tells ya to blow shit up...

...whaddaya gonna do..insert alt text here
The mayor of Mogadishu, Omar Mohamud Mohamed, said that most of those killed were civilians, including two Turkish citizens.

Hodan Ali, adviser to the mayor, said that the death toll “is above 90 at the moment,” but is expected to rise because of the many severely injured persons.
MEANWHILE BACK AT THE RANCH:insert alt text here
TORONTO • Bloody Christmas added another notch to its belt early Sunday. Cops say one man is dead after being shot to death at a TCHC apartment building at 400 McCowan Rd. in Scarborough.
UPDATE: Victim identified as Koshin Yusuf, 26

Homicide #76.

The secret to a good marriage... keeping things fresh and exciting...insert alt text here

28 December 2019

Maybe the Prime Minister is right...

...the "justice" can balance itself...more bang-bang
Police confirmed Friday the identity of the deceased as Farah Hersi Handule, 23, of Ontario. They believe he had been in Calgary since Christmas Eve. Ottawa homicide detectives had previously charged Handule with second-degree murder in the fatal shooting of 20-year-old Hamzeh Serhan in 2017.

Police say there’s currently no description of a suspect.
RELATED: "You not like Ugg when him angry"...
Two men, 28 and 44 years old, are believed to have fought to the death at a Mississauga residence early Saturday, each delivering fatal stab wounds to the other.

Their names were not released.
No gun, no trial, no jail... no problem.

Anoshirvan Shirizadeh, 34, who allegedly opened fire on a police officer at a gas station in Richmond Hill on Friday morning has been charged with nearly a dozen offences, including attempted murder.


Apparently, out in "the communities"... "it's nuanced"...insert alt text here
Ottaway confirmed that 13 out of Peel Region’s 27 homicides were alleged to have been committed by family members or those who were intimate partners of the victims.

The unique nature of how domestic violence is seen in different communities, cultures, is also an added nuance that we are quite focused with,” Chief Nish Duraiappah said.
FROM THE COMMENTS:   Ask Aqsa Parvez... wait...
"In my family, we got grounded... not undergrounded."

RELATED:   Another one bites the dust...
An 18-year-old Brampton man was the victim of a fatal shooting Saturday night, according to Peel Regional Police.

27 December 2019

I'm so old, I remember...

..."The First Amendment"...insert alt text here
"Parents from the Manchester, Indiana public school district walked out of a school meeting focused on gender identity after being barred from discussing a transgender bathroom policy."

Political Correctness Kills

Do the math, LaKeesha...insert alt text here
In 2014, before street checks (a.k.a. carding) were abandoned because of concerns blacks were being unfairly targeted by police, there were 177 shootings, 242 victims and 27 deaths.

Compared to 2019, that means there has been a 166% increase in shootings, a 204% increase in the number of victims and a 52% increase in shooting deaths over the last five years.

We support the city’s plan to hire more police officers in 2020, to alleviate understaffing. But in addition to that, the sensible approach to combating violent urban street crime would be to restore strategies that worked in the past.

That means bringing back street checks and restoring the Toronto Anti-Violence Intervention Strategy (TAVIS) — the gangs and guns squad — disbanded in early 2017 because of allegations that, like street checks, it was racist.
Or you can just sail on... oblivious to all the death & maiming.

Hey... it ain't folk from my community that are being killed.

BREAKING: TORONTO - Homicide #75insert alt text here
Police say a man is dead following the reported sounds of machine gun fire early Friday morning in Etobicoke in The West Mall and Eva Road area.
UPDATE: Victim identified as Domonic Romal Kelly, 26

What could possibly go wrong?

When you say "control his beliefs"... do you mean the unwavering conviction that his gawd has commanded him "to execute infidels?"insert alt text here
The Ontario Review Board held a review on Ali’s case in July and deemed him to still be a significant risk to the public but added that if Ali can control his beliefs, he may be entitled to 48 hours passes to visit family in Toronto.

A similar pass was given to London Bridge terror attacker Usman Khan who murdered two people in November.
Why is attempting to kill someone less concerning than actually succeeding? More to the point, where is the blanket condemnation of Ayanle Hassan Ali's beliefs?

In other "Religion of Pieces" news...
ISIS released a video Thursday that purportedly shows militants in black masks beheading 10 blindfolded Christian men and shooting an 11th in Nigeria, as part of a grisly campaign to avenge the deaths of its leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and the group's spokesman.
It’s a sad day for journalism when the top comments in the comment section (surprisingly not closed) explain the situation far better than the negligent reporters.

Get Woke...

...Be a Joke... a really expensive joke...most wanted
Police forces in the United Kingdom have squandered £1.49 million on electric cars that are incapable of chasing criminals or performing emergency services.

The vehicles are used almost exclusively in non-emergency situations or to drive police chiefs to work, reports the Daily Mail.

Note that the actual cost of the eco-police fleets is likely much higher as many districts have not reported their purchases.

26 December 2019

Damn you, Donald Trump...

...for killing our precious economy... oh, wait...
Dec. 26 (UPI) — U.S. stocks surged higher Thursday as a year-end rally stoked by bullish economic news pushed the Nasdaq Composite index to 9,000 for the first time in its history.

The S&P 500 also posted a fresh all-time high at 3,235.46 in late morning trading.

RELATED: Sounds like he's got it in hand
North Korea has said that its “Christmas gift” to the United States will depend on Washington's actions. The president was asked what he will do if North Korea does conduct a long-range missile test.

"Maybe it's a present where he sends me a beautiful vase as opposed to a missile test," Trump said. “I may get a nice present from him. You don't know. You never know.”
I'm thinkin' he's got this.

BRAMPTON: No gun... no problem...

Real men don't need small claims court...
"The driver then points the van in the direction of the victim and accelerates, running over his head and torso with the right front wheel, before reversing, straightening out and speeding off."

“We are aware that there is a video circulating but I am not able to speak about it at this time,” said Const. Ahkil Mooken.
They've arrested a 53 year-old man for 2nd degree murder, but as of today at 6pm... they're not releasing his name. Funny how that works.

Brampton, Brampton... that sounds so familiar.


On Friday, officers identified him as Amarjit Lamba...
Amarjit's wife, Poonam, told CTV News Toronto she doesn't believe her husband knew the victim.

She said her husband works as a taxi cab driver and speaks limited English.
Toronto police say the homicide unit is investigating after a man, identified as 55-year-old Dalibor Dolic, died in a community housing building.
Homicide #74


LAST WORD: Remember... pick your crime carefully
White-collar criminals have little to fear from the Canadian judicial system, in which nearly all money laundering charges get thrown out before trial, according to statistics obtained by the Star.

A mere nine per cent of money laundering charges during that period resulted in a guilty plea or a conviction.

Protecting Your Tiny, Fragile Minds

So, what else is the CBC censoring these days?most wanted
The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation has removed a 10-second cameo scene featuring an appearance from Donald Trump in its broadcast of the film Home Alone 2: Lost in New York.

Your CBC: expanding your intellectual horizons

Live and don't learn... that's us

All other charges, including four counts of attempted murder, were withdrawn.
insert alt text hereHe'll be back on the streets in five... mark my words...
On five separate occasions in January 2018, Adam Abdi drove his mother’s white Honda to Etobicoke, parked the vehicle, pulled a black mask over his face and randomly shot people he’d never met.

At the time, Abdi was under a firearm prohibition order.
And still the Commie-Pinko Star sings the guy's praises.

TORONTO -- A man has been rushed to hospital in critical condition after being shot in Regent Park shortly after 11 p.m. on Christmas night.

There is no information so far about possible suspects.
Toronto police are investigating a death after a body was found in a dumpster in North York’s York University Heights area Tuesday afternoon and said they are treating the incident as suspicious.

25 December 2019

Our Modern World

insert alt text here
When Neophyte was 4 years old, he asked Mrs Neo (who, sadly... couldn't tell a lie to save her life) whether Santa was real. Needless to say, when he tried to spread this startling revelation to his peers... mayhem ensued.

Kids like certainty AND consistency.
Do with this what you will.

Merry Christmas to all.

24 December 2019

The Usual... well, you know...

It's the most wonderful time of the year...
A male victim - approximately 18 years old - was rushed to hospital in serious condition after he was shot at least twice in North York’s Jane and Finch neighbourhood on Tuesday afternoon at around 2:25 p.m.
Don't you worry, the cops are on it...
Police said they were looking for four males seen fleeing the area in a silver vehicle.
Four "males," huh?

It gets better... by which I mean worse...
Durham police have identified 24-year-old Jahquar Stewart aka Bvlly, a popular Toronto rap artist as the victim of a deadly shooting outside a north Oshawa townhouse early Tuesday morning.
Even before the dust settles from Bvlly’s death, another news came through that one more rising Toronto rapper, Why-S has been shot to death in a separate shooting in South Surrey, British Colombia, late on Monday night.

RELATED: No gun... no problem...
After taking the cash, but before hopping over the counter and leaving, the suspect repeatedly stomped on the victim’s head, rendering him unconscious, police say.

"The Loneliness will Balance Itself"

And then he took two nannies and a dozen armed guards to the airport, climbed aboard a taxpayer-funded jet and flew to Costa Rico....insert alt text here
OTTAWA — Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is urging Canadians to do what they do best this time of year • lend a hand where a hand is needed.

Trudeau says it’s the season for giving, and for giving back and reaching out to neighbours who might be alone for the holidays.

RELATED: I understand the middle-class experience...

...because I drive a "hand-me-down" car.

What 6 year-old girl wouldn't want...

"...Robotics Engineer Barbie"...insert alt text here
She hasn’t given up her dream house, but the new Barbie knows how to code like a boss. With eight different ethnic variations and careers spanning musician, pastry chef and even beekeeper, diversity was the biggest focus for the brand.
It gets better...insert alt text here
The American toy company announced it's adding dolls with braided hair texture, a new body type and Barbies who reflect permanent physical disabilities.

Barbie's new body type features a smaller bust, less defined waist and more defined arms.
The backstory here is paramount. For example, did wheelchair Barbie take a stray round at a Drake concert? Did less endowed Barbie get bullied by the mean girls?

And where was Ken... off retouching his makeup?

Don't mess with Texas

Not me... not mine... not today...insert alt text here
“The law allows residents inside their own homes to defend themselves,” said Gonzalez, adding that the matter would nonetheless be referred to the grand jury for an inquest."

"The one with the shotgun was able to shoot at the three males and they were all pronounced dead here at the scene.”

RELATED: Not everyone will sit & take it...insert alt text here
An Air Force vet shot and killed one of two armed robbery suspects who pistol-whipped him as he worked behind the register of a California convenience store.

Mark Kasbrowicz went down... but then grabbed the store's gun.
"Toronto police say two men were injured in separate shootings overnight. They have not released suspect descriptions in either of the shootings."
Surprise, surprise.

23 December 2019

Christmas comes early

Apparently, those third graders really appreciate it when you go the extra mile...insert alt text here
"Now who wants to come up here and palpate Mrs Duque's liver?"

"Much like professional basketball..."

"...pimping is a bit of a monoculture."
A 58-year-old Burlington man is facing 19 charges after a luxury home in Burlington was raided by heavily-armed Halton Regional Police tactical officers and a well-known restaurant was shut down in an incident that left neighbours in shock.

Mohan "Jarry" Ahlowalia, is charged with seven counts of assault, assault with a weapon, sexual assault, uttering threats and a rash of human trafficking and firearms charges.
UPDATE: Ordering off-menu?
Made a reservation for a Christmas lunch for 8 people on Saturday the 21st (tomorrow). Have people coming from all over … one of us called today to see if we could get a round table and their message says
'due to unforeseen circumstances' they are closed until January.


"Alleged seized items?"
Some of the "alleged seized items" included 14.5 kilograms of fentanyl, 2.5 kilograms of crystal meth, as well as cocaine and MDMA.

Investigators also recovered a loaded firearm, ammunition and $70-thousand in cash. The Dung Nguyen, 41, of Richmond Hill is facing multiple charges including possession for the purpose of trafficking, careless storage of a firearm, and unauthorized possession of a firearm.

As 2019 winds down in Toronto...

...murders continue to ramp up...
Toronto Police say they were called around 2:20 p.m. to an assault on Brunswick Ave. at Harbord St., near Bathurst and Bloor Sts. Julie Berman, 51, of Toronto, was taken via emergency run to hospital but died.

Colin Harnack, 29, of Toronto,
was arrested at the scene.
Homicide #72.

UPDATE: The other stiletto drops...
TORONTO - Friends are remembering a Toronto woman who was killed on Sunday as an outspoken advocate for transgender rights and a strong voice against the violence that impacts her community.
And again...
A man has died of his injuries in hospital after being stabbed at an apartment complex at King Street West and Jameson Avenue at around 1:56 p.m. Monday afternoon.
As per usual, no suspect description is available.

Homicide #73.

And again...
Police arrested a man after a female was stabbed near Bay and Gerrard streets. Staff from the nearby Chelsea Hotel made the call to police around 4 a.m. on Monday.
And again...
Toronto Police are looking for help identifying an “armed, violent and dangerous” man wanted for a downtown sexual assault on Saturday.
Get out while you still can.


RELATED: More Urban Irregular Firearms Enthusiasts
"Two men were taken to hospital with serious but non-life-threatening injuries after a double shooting in East York on Saturday night."
Thornecliffe, Thornecliffe... that sounds so familiar.

Brave, New Millennial World

insert alt text here**********

RELATED: Biggest, Baddest, Fastest, Strongest?

We'll have none of that nonsense, mate... says United Nations...
The United Nations has placed strict gender quotas on a British Army peacekeeping deployment to Mali in west Africa, demanding more females are sent to contain the deadly Islamist jihadi threat in the disputed Sahel region.

22 December 2019


insert alt text here
"The EarthCruiser FX is designed and engineered for long distance, remote travel with a roomy, ergonomic living quarters fit for a family. Utilizing similar construction materials and methods of long-distance cruiser yachts on a fully upgraded Fuso chassis, the FX is the pinnacle of elegance melded with performance, on and off the road."

Emptying your bowels for three days...

"...but, hey... at least it wasn't a 'serious virus'"...
said absolutely none of the 123 people affected...insert alt text here
"If there was an issue, they would easily shut the business down. There was no critical violations to health,” said Izzo Avufarha, co-owner of Jerusalem Shawarma.

Alberta Health Services stated Inspectors ensured the chain improve their hand-washing practices and more frequently disinfect food preparation surfaces and equipment.

AHS says that norovirus is a 'highly contagious but non-serious virus' that can cause nausea, vomiting and diarrhea for up to three days.
Reg: "All right, but apart from the sanitation, medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, the fresh water system and public health, what have the Romans ever done for us?"

The Wild, Wild Western GTA

Remember back... you were a kid... and people made off with family pets at gunpoint?insert alt text hereYEAH... ME NEITHER.
A 20-year-old man faces charges after allegedly stealing a puppy at gunpoint in Brampton during a meeting arranged through an online ad, then shooting himself as he ran away Friday night.

The accused, whose name was not released, is charged with robbery and firearms offences.

RELATED: Brampton... where rules are for pussies...
Junior, the 11-week-old American Bulldog snatched from a 12-year-old boy out walking him in Brampton Monday afternoon, has been reunited with his family.

Thirteen people were shot Sunday morning at a Chicago memorial held in honor of gun violence victim Lonell Irvin.

Diversity is our streng...

...sweet baby jebus...insert alt text hereDon't be too upset... at least they're equal-opportunity death-worshipping religious zealots...
MULTAN, Pakistan (AP) – A Pakistani court on Saturday convicted Junaid Hafeez, a Muslim professor, of blasphemy, sentencing him to death for allegedly spreading anti-Islamic ideas.

21 December 2019

Smell the "Professional" Journalism

When is beating someone to death not a murder? And, no... that's not a rhetorical question...insert alt text hereSounds a little like an Olympic Ice Dancing routine...
TORONTO • Police have arrested 49-year-old Karl Hoyes in the "fatal assault of a woman" in an apartment building elevator and they say that there is a "sexual assault component" to their investigation.
Homicide #71.

UPDATE: Margaret Cameron, 66, id'd as victim


"Another CAMH patient with a violent history has gone AWOL."

I'm with Bernie Sanders...

...roll those bones...insert alt text here**********

RELATED: I also hear Brazil is nice...
A Brazilian governor says a gang leader had four rideshare drivers tortured and killed after his mother’s Uber ride was cancelled. That same day police cornered two of the suspects and killed them in a shootout.

Two days later, the gang leader who ordered the killings was found fatally shot, the paper reported.

20 December 2019

The Usual, well... you know

Remember back... you were a kid... and folks were pistol-whipping random grannies into submission?

YEAH... ME NEITHER...insert alt text here
Vaughan, ON • The victim suffered two broken orbital bones, a broken nose, a broken jaw, a sprained thumb, a broken ankle and a concussion.

The main suspect is described as male, Black, between six-foot and six-foot-one with a medium build. He was wearing black clothing and carrying a black pistol.
BONUS FACT: Cops say it was the wrong house


LAST WORD: Not an AR15 in sight
The changes the Liberals will soon bring down will cost hundreds of millions of tax dollars, anger and inconvenience thousands of citizens and devastate a thriving sports shooting industry.

It won’t stop the shootings in our cities... It’ll just disarm law-abiding, non-violent Canadians. That’s the goal. It always has been.


Remember the last time they went to the polls?insert alt text here
So you’re referring to Mark Zuckerberg's somewhat jaw-dropping initial post after the election on November 11th or 12th or whatever it was, right? The one where he basically dismissed the claim that Facebook could have impacted the election.

I mean, that was kind of a crazy claim. I also was clearly astonished when I read it.

Until literally a few days before, this entire ad sales team at Facebook was literally telling every politician with any budget that Facebook can actually hand them the election.

Two or three days later someone sat him down, and he very quickly backpedaled.
It gets better... "Yeah, the Russians... that's the problem"...
In my mind, the scary sort of parts of Facebook is the fake news, the filter bubble, the online tribes that don’t speak to each other, the political polarization. The organic side, to me, is scarier than the ad side.

$2000 restricted rifles • Not the problem

So, Justin... you really think these folk are going to respect your (cough, cough) new laws?insert alt text here
"Three people are injured • one in critical condition • after a drive-by shooting lanes near Whites Road on westbound Highway 401 at Pickering."

"There is no description of the suspect or suspects."
There never is... these days...insert alt text here
“I think that kind of talk about sort of, you know, where this all arises from, or sort of who’s to blame, is not very constructive,” Toronto Mayor John Tory told reporters in Nathan Phillips Square.
"Sort of" to blame, Mr Mayor?

UPDATE: Well, I'm gonna call that a clue...
Seems there was an altercation just prior to the shooting at the Island Mix Restaurant on nearby Brock Rd.
What possible island are we talking about?

Let's drill down a little...
Of Canada's two million "licensed" gun owners... 0.00555% used their firearm to murder someone.

On the other hand, in 2005, 64% of accused murderers had a prior criminal record, including 6% for homicide.
Shshhh... it's a secret.

The Monsters Among Us

This sick fuck just wanted to see someone's lights go dark. How long will Toronto's notorious "no snitches" community continue to protect these savages?insert alt text here
"A 22-year-old OCAD student was just taking some trash out on a cold December evening when a masked suspect shot him numerous times from behind."

"This killing is 'among the most monstrous acts' I've ever dealt with," said veteran Toronto Homicide Detective Sergeant Terry Browne. "It was callous, cowardly and evil incarnate."

19 December 2019

Gates of Vienna Redux

Gonna party like it's 1683...insert alt text here
Not only was former Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf sentenced to death for treason on Tuesday, but on Thursday a special rider was attached to his death sentence.

It stipulates that if he dies before he can be executed, his corpse must be “dragged” to the street outside parliament and “hanged for three days.”
Okay, then... that's a thick red line through Karachi.


RELATED: Another exotic vacation spot off the list
TORONTO -- The wife of an Ontario man who had a heart attack on vacation in Jamaica is furious that her husband was taken to a hospital two hours away • despite there being one only 30 minutes away • before then being pressured to pay thousands of dollars upfront for his treatment.
No place like home, I guess.

In this neighbourhood, they call that...

..."Wednesday"...insert alt text here
"The man, who is believed to be in his 30s, was found slumped over the wheel with a gunshot wound."
*(re: the gun in the picture)

"Scarborough General Hospital has the highest rate of deaths in the Toronto area – and the third highest in Canada."
Here's a thought... maybe it's not the hospital.


RELATED: Don't take my word for it

Ask "Toronto Life" magazine...
"How did boring, white-bread Scarberia become Scarlem • a mess of street gangs, firebombings and stabbings?"

UPDATE: In other "judicial" news..
The victim has been identified as Dwight Angus, 38, of Brampton. On Monday, December 16, 2019, Edgar Stalin Brown, 38, of Toronto, was arrested.
Homicide #69.

He should "identify" as Lesbian...

...nose ring, a muscle shirt & dirty sneakers and let them choke on that...
Tracy Macdonnell, who identifies as Scottish-Canadian, filed an appeal to the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal in 2017 after he was censured by his supervisor for wearing a kilt to work on a casual Friday.

Grand River Transit had specifically issued a ban on kilts.

RELATED: Stop the insanity...
The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is calling for men's restrooms to include tampons in order to prevent discrimination against "every person who menstruates."

The left-leaning legal group argued that it wasn't a "full or accurate portrayal" to say that women are the only ones who "menstruate, get pregnant, or breast feed."

"Congratulations, kid..."

insert alt text here
Eighty-six of Virginia’s 95 counties are now Second Amendment Sanctuaries and various law enforcement figures in the state have made clear their intention to defend gun rights, should the need arise.

For example, Culpeper County Sheriff Scott Jenkins made clear he is ready to “deputize thousands” to defend gun rights.

Let's ask veterans of Easy Company...

...of the 506th Parachute Infantry what they think...insert alt text here
Nancy Pelosi launched the debate over the impeachment of President Donald Trump on Wednesday by comparing the Democrats’ struggle to remove him from office to the Battle of the Bulge against Nazi Germany in World War II.

Over the course of the six-week battle, 10,733 Allied troops were dead, 42,316 wounded and 22,636 missing in action.

LAST WORD: It's all just "bad theatre"...
The nausea meter hit the roof when Nancy Pelosi took the microphone. Wearing a funereal black dress, she stood next to a cardboard American flag and recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
The lunatic left, yet again.

18 December 2019

So why not sue the folks who...

...let disturbed wannabe jihadis into the country?insert alt text here
"According to police, Faisal Hussain opened fire along a bustling stretch of the Danforth using a M&P40 recently stolen from a Saskatchewan arms dealer, causing carnage and chaos before turning the gun on himself."
P.S. - What exactly is a "Saskatchewan arms dealer?" Do you mean a gun store?

Police discovered a cache of ammunition underneath Faisal Hussain’s bed, including loaded magazines for an AK-47 rifle, two fully loaded 9mm handgun magazines, and a variety of loose ammunition.

Conspiracy theory videos about 9/11 were also found, newly unsealed police documents revealed.
AND ANOTHER: Ask Liberal MP Mark Holland...
"But despite writing in a report that they had “confirmed, through facial recognition” that Md. Tarekh Rana was a fugitive, Canadian Immigration Officers at the Toronto immigration enforcement centre did not proceed with a case against him."

Not sure what the problem is...'s all compostable...insert alt text here
“Between 2011 and 2018, San Francisco experienced a massive increase in reported incidents of human feces found on public streets.

In 2011, just over 5,500 reports were logged by the San Francisco Department of Public Works; in 2018, the number increased to more than 28,000.”

The numbers are most likely much higher than that because the statistics are based only on reported incidents.
Last year a private developer introduced "Snapcrap," which allows residents to upload a photo of an offending specimen directly to the SF311 website.

LAST WORD: RUN!!!insert alt text here

"Nice country you've got there..."

..."be a shame if anything happened to it..."
In Brig.-Gen. Khaled Saber Abdelhamed Zahw’s case, visitor visas were issued after a senior official from the Department of National Defence in Ottawa wrote a letter to Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada.

The letter said Zahw and his wife should be given visas to avoid upsetting Canada’s relationship with Egypt’s military.
Sounds like that "swamp" we've been hearing about.

Well, Judge... that's good to know

Exploring Aboriginal Rights... and wrongs...
What’s more, the judge said, nearly everyone on Cornwall Island — situated in the St. Lawrence River with bridges linking it to the U.S. and Cornwall, Ont. — has a relative with a criminal record, which means that also cannot be considered reasonable grounds for a search.
Meanwhile, Bay of Quinte Mohawks say Cornwall bro's are a bunch of pussies.

17 December 2019

The Usual...

...well... you know...insert alt text here
A warrant has been issued for the arrest of Hassan Hassan, 27, wanted in connection with a shooting in this city’s downtown core last summer that left two men critically injured.

On Tuesday, Toronto police confirmed that another suspect, Kenyon Ohamu, 23, of Windsor, is believed to be involved in the shooting.

RELATED: In Toronto's notorious "northwest" end...

...they call that "Monday."
Occupants in a car shot at a man and that the boy was injured during the shooting. Police said it wasn’t exactly clear where the incident happened.
Because nobody, including the kid who got winged, will talk to police.

You voted him in, folks

Well, well, well, if it isn't the consequences of my own actions...liar,liar
During that election, Trudeau promised — not predicted, • PROMISED • during one of the televised leaders’ debates — that the Canadian government under his leadership would have a $1 billion surplus this year.

Instead, Morneau’s economic update puts the deficit at $26.6 billion this year and $28.1 billion next year, before gradually shrinking to $11.6 billion in 2024-25.

It’s $12.6 billion higher than last year’s $14 billion deficit.
Apparently the budget isn't going to "balance itself."