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20 December 2019


Remember the last time they went to the polls?insert alt text here
So you’re referring to Mark Zuckerberg's somewhat jaw-dropping initial post after the election on November 11th or 12th or whatever it was, right? The one where he basically dismissed the claim that Facebook could have impacted the election.

I mean, that was kind of a crazy claim. I also was clearly astonished when I read it.

Until literally a few days before, this entire ad sales team at Facebook was literally telling every politician with any budget that Facebook can actually hand them the election.

Two or three days later someone sat him down, and he very quickly backpedaled.
It gets better... "Yeah, the Russians... that's the problem"...
In my mind, the scary sort of parts of Facebook is the fake news, the filter bubble, the online tribes that don’t speak to each other, the political polarization. The organic side, to me, is scarier than the ad side.