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27 December 2019

What could possibly go wrong?

When you say "control his beliefs"... do you mean the unwavering conviction that his gawd has commanded him "to execute infidels?"insert alt text here
The Ontario Review Board held a review on Ali’s case in July and deemed him to still be a significant risk to the public but added that if Ali can control his beliefs, he may be entitled to 48 hours passes to visit family in Toronto.

A similar pass was given to London Bridge terror attacker Usman Khan who murdered two people in November.
Why is attempting to kill someone less concerning than actually succeeding? More to the point, where is the blanket condemnation of Ayanle Hassan Ali's beliefs?

In other "Religion of Pieces" news...
ISIS released a video Thursday that purportedly shows militants in black masks beheading 10 blindfolded Christian men and shooting an 11th in Nigeria, as part of a grisly campaign to avenge the deaths of its leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and the group's spokesman.
It’s a sad day for journalism when the top comments in the comment section (surprisingly not closed) explain the situation far better than the negligent reporters.