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28 February 2019

Maybe Gadhafi just wanted...

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A criminal enterprise...

...with borders...insert alt text here
A notorious Mexican cartel stashed bricks of methamphetamine in the spare tires of new cars built at Ford's assembly plant in Hermosillo, Mexico before sending the vehicles to Canada by rail in a sprawling drug smuggling operation, authorities alleged Wednesday.

Police said nine of 14 vehicles from the same shipment, found at 13 different Ontario dealerships, contained meth.
FWIW, it's not the first time the Ford Motor Company has been on the wrong side of the fence...
Ford opposed America’s entry into World War II, blaming the conflict once more on “international bankers,” well-known code words for “Jews.” In 1938, the automaker received the Grand Cross of the German Eagle from Nazi Germany.

RELATED: The words "Mexico" and "Justice"...

...shouldn't be used in the same sentence...
The body of María Elizabeth Macías Castro, editor-in-chief of the newspaper Primera Hora was found decapitated in a roundabout on the morning of Sept. 24 in the border city of Nuevo Laredo, Mexico.

Her killing occurred 10 days after two young people were found dead hanging from a pedestrian bridge with a sign warning against using similar blogs and websites in the same city.
Enjoy that new F150.

Forget about a wall, it's time to start calling in airstrikes.

Dumb it down...

...that'll fix everything...insert alt text here
RALEIGH, N.C. - That would mean only scores lower than 39 percent would qualify for an F grade for schools, a far cry from the current 60 percent failure mark in the state and most others.

Student grades would be unaffected by the changing scale system, but would allow underperforming schools to continue operating.
No wonder colleges and universities are full of imbeciles.

27 February 2019

As the prophet Dylan once said...

... ♫ You don't need a weather man ♫...
"Today, Metroland Media is exploring the 2018 Etobicoke homicides that remain unsolved, all involving guns and young or middle age men."
Hey, Clouseau... could there be any other point of commonality we're overlooking here?


RELATED: Rexdale • Burb of Broken Bros

HOMICIDE #10 OF 2019insert alt text here
"Police have identified the man gunned down on a Rexdale residential street as 18-year-old Nicklus McKain."
Should we be demonising firearms, or targeting the trigger-pullers?


LAST WORD: Not a single "privileged white guy" here
Homicide #9: Veronika Mrhova

Homicide #8 Tesfa Welsh-Hope

Homicide #7 Dean Howlett

Homicide #6 Jaunoi Christian

Homicide #5 Hanh Nguyen

Homicide #4 Lingathasan Suntharamoorthy

Homicide #3 Aseel Yehya

Homicide #2 Lorraine Kerubo

Homicide #1 Ian Dyer

Say YES to walkies

The politician we deserve... honest, loyal... relentless...insert alt text here
"If we come together and vote for Thor, we will surely defeat these - OMG DID IT JUST MOVE? I thought I saw it move."

26 February 2019

Meet Nathaniel White... bibliophile +

In Toronto's notorious "northwest" end... only a fool brings just Solzhenitsyn to a gunfight...insert alt text here
"On Thursday, February 7, 2019, at approximately 3:40 p.m., a shooting occurred at a library in the Keele Street and Wilson Avenue area."
I'm guessing "Mom & Tot Storytime Circle" ain't ever gonna be the same.

It gets better... by which I mean worse...
"Police have issued a Canada-wide warrant for 19-year-old Kyle Dias, of Toronto, wanted in connection with the fatal shooting of Tesfa Welsh-Hope, 27, outside a townhouse complex in Rexdale earlier this month."

RELATED: In other GTA murder attempts...
"Peel cops are hunting Devon Ruddock-Brooks, 20, after a woman was shot in Brampton on Monday. He is wanted for attempted murder and several firearms-related offences."

LAST WORD: What's worse than murder?
The violations were so "prolonged, abhorrent, egregious and intolerable" that staying the murder charge was the only appropriate solution, the judge said.
And then he dumped him back into the community.

Diversity is our streng...

...wait a minute...
“Why are you concerned about the police?” O’Shea asked. When arranging to meet, “Mohammed” had said he was afraid that Global reporters were the police.

“Mohammed” didn’t answer that or other questions, but did denounce O’Shea as “the fake news of Canada” before leaving, this time for good.
No wonder public transit has to be subsidised.


RELATED: Go BIG, or go home...
"Jun-Chul Chung, 68, and his daughter, Kathleen Chung, 36, were each fined $2.3 million for their roles in an insider lottery scam."

25 February 2019

I'm from the government...

...I'm here to save you...liar,liar
As the federal government forges ahead to replace the Phoenix payroll system, internal government documents obtained by CBC News say clearing the backlog is at least three to five years away, and "overall stability" won't be achieved for 10 or more years.

This week marks three years since the launch of Phoenix, the IBM-customized system that went live on Feb. 24, 2016.

Since then, tens of thousands of workers have been burned by Phoenix with some going months with little or no pay while others were overpaid.
I say we just blame Donald Trump... or go smoke some Tru-Dope.


RELATED: The Phoenix toll as of March 2018
$309 million: IBM contract, professional services contracts, program costs, 2009.
$210 million: $70 million per year of unrealized savings from 2016 to 2019.
$28 million: Advances to unions from 2017 to 2019.
$50 million: Building capacity, enhancing technology, supporting employees, 2016.
$142 million: Building capacity, enhancing technology, supporting employees, 2017.
$431.4 million: Building capacity, enhancing technology, supporting employees, Budget 2018.
$5.5 million: For CRA to process income tax reassessments related to Phoenix, Budget 2018.
$16 million: Researching a new pay system, Budget 2018.

Total: $1.192 billion.

LAST WORD: The cost of Justin's refugee tweet?insert alt text hereI mean... what could possibly go wrong?
Before the tweet, border officials prevented 315 people a month from illegally crossing the border.

Post-tweet in 2017, about 18,149 illegally crossed the border, then claimed asylum as refugees — even after entering illegally — and were allowed to stay, get welfare, education, housing, healthcare and work permits. By May 2018, the number of refugee cases pending has jumped to 54,906 from 18,348 in December 2016.
Nobody's talking... but Quebec wants compensation...
Quebec pays for their housing, education and health care costs, which have totalled roughly $300 million over two years, Legault said. He said Ottawa is responsible for the lengthy delays in the system.

"I expect Mr. Trudeau to compensate us."
Remember, these are the walk-ins... what is the bill for Justin's pet-project Syrians? You get to pay for it, but the Feds won't show you the bill.

Jussie Trudeau's fake firearms story

"City girls just seem
to find out early...
how to open doors
with just a smile...

You know how many of Toronto's gun murders are committed by citizens with legal, registered firearms? That'd be zero.

But those are the guns Jussie Trudeau says he wants to ban.most wantedVirtually every gun homicide in Toronto is committed by members of the "gangbanger community." That translates loosely into "black on black" homicide.

Jussie isn't gonna touch that narrative with somebody elses' ten foot pole.

Here's the latest... Homicide #10 of 2019
"Toronto Police said "THE INCIDENT" happened outside in the area of John Garland Boulevard and Kendleton Drive just before 2 p.m. The male victim was taken to hospital without vital signs from the scene but was later pronounced dead, police said around 3:30 p.m."

"Another male victim was taken to hospital with serious injuries."
Jussie needs to divert attention from the myriad of scandals he is currently caught up in.

Watch for a dramatic, "I'll ban those evil guns" announcement in the very near future. And then go buy a kevlar vest... because it isn't my legal, registered firearms that are doing all the killing.


RELATED: Smell the Hollyweird hypocrisy...
"Pro-gun control Hollywood celebrities attending Sunday’s Academy Awards ceremony will enjoy security “similar to when a U.S. president visits” Los Angeles, according to law enforcement."

24 February 2019

Fifty Shades of OJ

Mark my words... he gets the right jury, he's gonna walk...insert alt text here
"The Jussie that I know could never even conceive of something so unconscious and ugly. His innocence or judgment is not for any of us to decide."
I dunno, Terrence... that sounds like some kind of "tooth fairy" rationalization. Apart from the "hate crime" aspects here, it seems there might be real consequences to diverting hundreds of detective man-hours away from actual criminality in a place like Chi-Raq...
"Over the three weeks police were investigating the alleged hoax attack, Chicago endured at least 18 killings and dozens of shootings."

RELATED: Speaking of panned performances...
“Speaking for myself and my immediate Jamaican family,” he reportedly said, “we wish to categorically dissociate ourselves from this travesty.”

That's Donald Harris, the Jamaican-born father of Democratic 2020 presidential hopeful Kamala Harris.
Apparently Kamala can't even sweep her immediate family.

23 February 2019

How does taking registered firearms...

...away from trained & carefully vetted citizens stop the usual gangbangers from murdering people...most wanted
Toronto police have arrested two men, identified as Samir Adem, 18, and Salman Ahmed, 18, in connection to the city’s 93rd homicide of 2018.

Both men were charged with the second-degree murder of 29-year-old Jonathan Gayle-West.
My guns aren't the problem. Ask yourself... who's pulling the trigger?

Need another example?

22 February 2019

And Winston Churchill wept

Sara Thornton, head of Britain’s National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC), has said the law should be changed so forces can actively discriminate against white recruits in order to increase diversity.

Excluding certain people, generally white people, or at least white males, is already allowable under the Equality Act of 2010’s so-called “positive action” provisions.
Yeah... I'm shocked.

RELATED: More tiny, ethnic lady coppers...

...that's the solution...
"On Tuesday, London Mayor Sadiq Khan revealed he was planning to hike council tax by the highest possible amount for the second year in a row in order to pay for more policing, as killings in the capital reached the highest number for a decade."

LAST WORD: Professor Gad Saad interviewed
Near the end, Glen Beck asks him to explain the consequences of mass Muslim migration to the West. Dr. Saad, prefaces his remarks with something like, "As if I’m not getting enough death threats as it is."

The cure

I remember wishing I was one of the cool kids...insert alt text here

Justin's in trouble...

...let's change the channel, blow a little smoke...
OTTAWA -- Canada's top public servant, Privy Council Clerk Michael Wernick says he is worried someone will be assassinated during the coming federal election campaign given the disturbing tenor of recent public discussion.

21 February 2019

Not to worry, citizens...

...Skynet will be here soon enough and everything will be just fine...insert alt text here
Google said Wednesday it forgot to mention that it included a microphone in its Nest Secure home alarm system, the latest privacy flub by one of the tech industry's leading collectors of personal information.

The company said in a statement that the omission was a mistake. "The on-device microphone was never intended to be a secret."

RELATED: Because Bill Gates says so...
Microsoft’s Edge browser reportedly allowed Facebook to “run Adobe Flash code behind users’ backs.”

LAST WORD: Lavrentiy Pavlovich Beria would be proud...
Facebook’s Onavo VPN app has been dying a slow death since it was exposed as a clandestine data collection monster last year.

Silence of the BLMs... Toronto Homicide cops take another significant player off the board...insert alt text here
"Ibrahim Khiar, 33, was arrested Wednesday — charged with numerous weapons offences in addition to murder charges for two deadly shootings eight months apart."
And it's not Ibrahim's first rodeo...
In Aug. 2012, Khiar was one of six alleged gunmen sought by the TPS Gun and Gang Task Force in the days leading up to that year’s Caribbean Carnival parade.
Obviously, the only way to stop Ibrahim and his ilk is for Justin Trudeau to make guns "super-double-illegal."


RELATED: In another episode of "Justin fixes the World"insert alt text here
"With so much money to be made, street-level dealers are still shooting one another and another big pot bust north of the city shows illegal weed sales continue to boom."

20 February 2019

Going down like a two dollar hooker

Authorities in Chicago on Wednesday approved felony criminal charges against "Empire" actor Jussie Smollett, hours after he was "officially classified as a suspect in a criminal investigation" for allegedly "filing a false police report" in connection with his Jan. 29 attack claims.
Who you gonna believe... me, or your own damn eyes?
Chicago’s local CBS affiliate has obtained video of the two brothers tied to the alleged staged attack on Empire actor Justice Smollett purchasing ski masks from a store one day prior to the purported assault.

UPDATE: So much for Gay Tupac...

The lesson here is... never go "full Milli-Vanilli."
“Jussie Smollet is under arrest and in custody of detectives,” the department’s chief communications officers Anthony Guglielmi said on Twitter Thursday morning.

UPDATE2: Dropped quicker than a crazy ex-girlfriend...
Jussie Smollett has been removed from the final two episodes of the latest season of "Empire."

On Thursday, Warner Bros.-owned TNT pulled an episode of "Drop the Mic" that featured Smollett.
Jussie just got "Roseanne Barred."

Former Facebook Exec says...

insert alt text here
"I think we have created tools that are ripping apart the social fabric. The short-term, dopamine-driven feedback loops we’ve created are destroying how society works. No civil discourse, no cooperation; misinformation, mistruth."

"You are being programmed."
Need an example?
"Left-wing pop icon Cher speculated Monday that President Donald Trump may want to murder the cast of Saturday Night Live over their jokes about him."
Or how about this?
"Social media noted that Kamala Harris graduated from college in 1986 and Tupac and Snoop didn’t drop albums until 1991 and 1993, respectively."

"So, the collective thought is, her confession was a fabrication designed to get in good with the Black electorate."

RELATED: Special Rules for Special People
Recent events illustrate how Facebook -- which has previously championed blasphemy laws -- continues its "sharia censorship" regarding content it apparently deems contrary to its "Community Standards".

LAST WORD: As we've learned recently...

...the demand for "racism" and "homophobia" greatly outstrips the supply.

19 February 2019


insert alt text here
Toronto police were called to a residential building on Caledonia Road near Lotherton Pathway shortly after 9 a.m., where two victims, a male and a female, were found at the building without vital signs.
UPDATE:   "Cloak of invisibility" shooter strikes again...
No description of the suspect was available. Insp. Mandeep Mann would not say if a weapon has been recovered.
UPDATE2:   CP24... smell the journalism...
"According to police, suspect is believed to have been dressed in dark-coloured clothing.
Good chance the victims are East Asian... fwiw, Toronto spokescops often seem to be matched up to ethnicity of folk involved.

RELATED:   Diversity is our streng...

...oh, fuck it...
According to police, Nicholas Ortega, 42, an Ottawa resident, was arrested on Friday and charged with a number of drug and firearms charges. He is to appear at the courthouse in Toronto’s old city hall on Wednesday.

Warrants for the arrest of Vincent Yun-Hao Huang, 34, and Daniel Kam-Wah Siu, 33, have been issued. Police say both face numerous firearm and drug charges.

18 February 2019

Justin Trudeau said to be recovering...

...nicely after having puppetmaster's arm surgically removed from his arse...liar,liar
OTTAWA -- Gerald Butts, Justin Trudeau's principal secretary and long-time friend, has resigned amid allegations that the Prime Minister's Office interfered to prevent a criminal prosecution of SNC-Lavalin.

RELATED: It's funny because you can actually see...

...the words rattling around in his head...insert alt text here
OTTAWA – "Showing politicians everywhere that it can be done, Justin Trudeau proudly announced that he had created complete gender parity with the people he was sacrificing to the political wolves in order to save his own skin."

Once again, the lunatic left goes...

..."A Bridge Too Far"...insert alt text here**********

RELATED: "I fought the law and the law won"
Empire actor Jussie Smollett is refusing to be questioned by the Chicago Police Department and has hired the services of a crisis management firm amid reports he staged an attack on himself last month.

UPDATE: Whitewashing the Politburo
As the Jussie Smollett "attack" is looking more and more like a class-4 felony hoax, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) quietly deleted a tweet sympathetic to the Empire actor who claimed that he was assaulted, in what Pelosi uncritically described as a "racist, homophobic attack." It had over 100,000 "likes" and 21,000 retweets.

2020 Democratic contenders Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) and Corey Booker (D-NJ) have yet to delete their tweets.

LAST WORD: A database of fake hate crimes

17 February 2019

Legal guns are not the problem

Remember, magic is all about misdirection...toronto's most wanted
Last year Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale claimed there were more than 1,200 break-ins a year in Canada in which guns were stolen.

He credited StatsCan for that figure.

However, StatsCan’s database shows five “robberies to steal firearms” in 2013, 16 in 2014, 12 in 2015 and 18 in both 2016 and 2017.

There may not have been 1,200 break-ins to steal guns in the 151 years since Confederation.

RELATED: That's how the Librano bounces...
FLIP... Prime Minister Justin Trudeau revealed Friday that former justice minister and attorney-general Jody Wilson-Raybould had approached him to clarify whether he was in fact ordering her to make a particular decision on the bribery and fraud prosecution of SNC-Lavalin Group.

FLOP... Mr. Trudeau’s acknowledgment that Ms. Wilson-Raybould had approached him on the matter comes only three days after he told reporters that she failed in her duty to raise concerns about the government’s handling of the SNC prosecution.
Did Jody have her iPhone on record?

15 February 2019

All In The Family

Toronto's infamous "catch & release" program burps up yet another dead body...insert alt text here
Naod “Gritty” Tsegazab, 22, the brother of one of the Danzig St. block party triggermen has been arrested for the murder of a man killed in a wild shootout earlier this week in Toronto’s east end.

Tsegazab pleaded guilty to attempted murder in 2015 and was sentenced as an adult to seven years behind bars. It’s unclear when he was released from prison.
Seems pretty clear it wasn't anywhere near seven years.


RELATED: The family that preys together...
Nahom Tsegazab (brother of Naod) pleaded guilty to two counts of manslaughter and six counts of aggravated assault at a court hearing on Friday.
Hmmm... Danzig, Danzig... that sounds so familiar.


LAST WORD: Throw another shrimp on the barbie...
A 24-year-old woman, Veronika Mrhova, critically injured in an early morning shooting in Etobicoke on Sunday has succumbed to her injuries.
Homicide #9 of 2019.

From Gay Tupac to Nigerian Princess...

..."hoist by his own phone records"...insert alt text here
"CHICAGO (CBS) — Two brothers being questioned in the Jussie Smollett case are now under arrest, police said.

The men – Obabinjo Osundairo and Abimbola Osundairo – were arrested Friday in connection with an alleged attack on Empire actor Jussie Smollett. Two sources with intimate knowledge of the investigation tells CBS 2 Investigator Brad Edwards the attack on Smollett was potentially orchestrated by the actor himself, and involved two other men."

Chicago police said the two men were arrested Friday and that they have a "relationship" with the "Empire" actor.
UPDATE: Let's make a deal...
“Due to new evidence as a result of today’s interrogations, the individuals questioned by police in the Empire case have now been released without charging and detectives have additional investigative work to complete.”
Smollett had insisted on GMA that the then-unidentified, shadowy figures on the video were the masked, racist “strangers” who attacked him.

But Chicago police realized the two men on the video are Abel and Ola — Smollett’s close friends.
LAST WORD: The whole sad story

Well, we wouldn't want to interfere...

...with your Charter Rights to blow away dem foolz who ridin' dirty inna hood...insert alt text here
Toronto police have scrapped a plan to acquire "ShotSpotter," a controversial piece of technology that picks up the sound of gunfire and reports it to frontline officers.

A spokesperson for Attorney General Caroline Mulroney expressed concerns that the technology may violate residents' Charter rights pertaining to unreasonable search and seizure.
Hang on... unreasonable seizure of the illegal, unregistered firearms you're using to shoot people down in the street?

And exactly whose rights are we worried about violating?
“In 2003, Dalton McGuinty promised to build safe communities,” one of the advertisements states. “But last year in Toronto, seven out of ten people charged with murder were out on bail or probation when those murders were committed.”
Toronto had a record 96 homicides last year — 51 of which were gun-related. As of last Sunday, there have been 30 shooting incidents in the city and 39 victims, none of which can be attributed to legally owned & registered firearms.

Justin Trudeau and Bill Blair can confiscate and crush every legally owned firearm in Canada... and it won't affect crime and criminals one miniscule bit.

14 February 2019

Things hotting up in Banger Central

Homicide #8, third in the last week for Toronto the Good..insert alt text here
A man, who is believed to be 28 years old, was found at Bergamot Avenue, located near Rexdale Boulevard and Islington Avenue, suffering from a single gunshot wound. He was taken to a trauma centre via emergency run but later died.
It appears as though this may be the work of Toronto's infamous "cloak of invisibility" killers...
Det. Leslie Dunkley said police are unable to provide detailed suspect descriptions at this time. “The only description that we have at this point in regards to the suspects is two males wearing hoodies.”

UPDATE: Homicide #8
He has been identified as Tesfa Welsh-Hope, 28, of Toronto.

RELATED: Guns are not the issue...

...the real problem is criminal knuckleheads...toronto's most wanted
Despite massive gun restrictions rolling out across the country, for the past two years, the number of concealed carry permit holders has continued to soar. A study conducted at the end of last year showed that the number of Americans licensed to carry a concealed weapon is now over 17 million — a whopping 273 percent increase since 2007.

If we were to believe the rhetoric that more people carrying guns would lead to more crime, there would be a correlation showing an increase in crime among concealed carry holders.

However, a study conducted by the Crime Prevention and Research Center, which examined these numbers, found the opposite.

What’s more, not only are concealed carry permits not committing the crimes the anti-gun crowd would like us to believe, but the study found cops are far more likely to commit crimes than permit holders.

LAST WORD: Let's drill down a little...
Of Canada's two million "licensed" gun owners... 0.00555% used their firearm to murder someone.

On the other hand, in 2005, 64% of accused murderers had a prior criminal record, including 6% for homicide.
Not to put too fine a point on it, but... Michael Bryant's car has killed more people than my firearms.

If you have more than four wives... you have to buy the "professional edition?"insert alt text here
In another shocking example of Silicon Valley Sharia, Google and Apple have allowed for an app that lets Saudi Arabian men track their wives, to be featured and downloaded in the app store.

iTunes and Google Play stores are now hosting an app called Absher, which was initiated by the Saudi Arabian government to prevent women from leaving the country.
"Honey, you can't hide those lyin' eyes"



Forget about the planet, ladies... just save yourselves...insert alt text here
"Nathaniel Allen-Hall, 28, of Toronto, was arrested by TTC Special Constables and turned over to police.

Police believe there may be other victims."

13 February 2019

As usual, the real gold is... the comments...insert alt text here
“When asked his name again, Master Sergeant P. Hitler of the 101st Military Police Battalion at Fort Dix, New Jersey, replied, 'Sure, that’s my name. Let the other guy change his.'

Skinhead gangster, Angus McTartan...

...dammit, I got it wrong again...insert alt text here
"Hafis Mohideen-Hassan and Mohammad Patel, both 20, of Toronto have been charged with first-degree murder."
It gets better... by which I mean worse...insert alt text here
25-year-old Dean Howlett became the city’s latest homicide Tuesday — the second person killed in the city in less than a week.
More mayhem in Toronto "Community" Housing.


RELATED: Regent Park gets on the scoreboard
Toronto Police say gunshots rang out near a 24-hour convenience store in the area of Dundas St. E. and Sherbourne St. around 1:20 a.m.
Remember, if Justin Trudeau takes my legally registered firearms... all this crime will magically stop.

12 February 2019

Jody Wilson-Hagan glimpses the future...

...walks away from Justin Corleone "olive business"...liar,liar
"In a letter published on her website, the former justice minister says she has hired former Supreme Court judge Thomas Cromwell to tell her what she can say about her dealings with the prime minister on the SNC-Lavalin affair."

When asked about any conversations with Ms. Wilson-Raybould about the SNC-Lavalin prosecution, Mr. Trudeau would only say “we have a tremendous, positive working relationship with all members of our cabinet.”
Why do Liberal voters let Pierre-lite get away with this?


RELATED: What say David Clemenza?insert alt text here
David Lametti is the new justice minister. And oddly enough, he’s literally from the constituency, Lasalle-Emard, where SNC-Lavalin is headquartered.

Well, Lametti went on CTV over the weekend. Lametti said he's is not investigating. He’s not apologizing. He says an SNC-Lavalin settlement is "still possible." So they’re just going to brazen it out.


...the weed that makes you smarter AND better looking...insert alt text here
Thomas Clarke, who owns a cannabis retail store in Portugal Cove, N.L., recently ran out of supplies for two weeks. He then received a $15,000 shipment that he expected to last only a couple of days. Clarke told CTV’s Atlantic Bureau Chief Todd Battis that black market dealers are laughing at him.

"They say ‘Ha ha, you don't got any cannabis in your store, you're only making seven-and-a-half per cent (profit) ... our business on the black market is thriving and we're making 100 per cent’.”

RELATED: The budget will balance itself...
Aurora Cannabis Inc. lost $237.7 million in the second quarter of its fiscal year even though net revenues surged to $54.2 million as sales of cannabis by weight increased six-fold.

11 February 2019

Obviously, not all billionaires are...

...tarred with the same brush...insert alt text here**********

RELATED: I guess that's show biz...
In truth, the Chicago police are terrified of even hinting they doubt Smollett's story. There is no major city in the U.S. where the cops are more distrusted by blacks than in Chicago.

The police risk a riot if they let it be known they think Smollett is trying to hoax them.
Even Smollett's neighbours don't believe it...
“I’ve been in this neighborhood five years. I don’t believe it, not around here … Half the people are gay and the other half are black.”

09 February 2019

Diversity is our streng...

...wait a minute...insert alt text here
• TORONTO • A Brampton man, Jaunoi Christian, 24, has been identified as the victim in a fatal downtown nightclub shooting. Police are looking for a man described as black, 6 feet tall in his mid 30s, with a medium build seen running from the scene.
The sixth homicide in Toronto this year.

For what it's worth, it wasn't Jaunoi's first rodeo...
• Travelling at a speed of 137 km/h.

• Fentanyl with a street value of $3,000.00

• Oxycodone tablets with a street value of $13,000.00

• Drug trade paraphernalia

• 4 cell phones
Jaunoi also had, stereotypes be damned, a 17 year old girl along for the ride. Somebody just saved citizens of Ontario the cost of 60 man years of criminal activity.


RELATED: Live by the sword...

...well... close enough...
Brian Peter Maksoud, 46, who died after being struck by an arrow was banned from possessing any weapons, including a gun or crossbow, at the time of his death, court documents obtained by The Free Press show. Court records show Maksoud was out on bail for an aggravated assault charge at the time of his death.

LAST WORD: Toronto's "cloak of invisibility" shooter strikes again...
A woman was found without vital signs in her white Mercedes after a shooting at Lake Shore Boulevard and Silver Moon Drive just before 7 am Sunday morning.
Must be one of those sideways-shootin' Vin Diesel wannabees...
More than 20 shell casings were located at the scene.

08 February 2019

Remember back... you were a kid...

...and local farmboys & skeet shooters was crazytime droppin' foolz at that quiet-ass book place...

Yeah, me neither...insert alt text here
Toronto police say a fight broke out between two men inside the Downsview Library, on Keele Street near Wilson Avenue on Thursday afternoon and a gunshot was fired.
I'm guessing Storytime Circle ain't ever gonna be the same.


RELATED: In other non-book related shootings...insert alt text here
A man is dead after a shooting at a nightclub early Friday morning. Police say that they were dispatched to the establishment on Queen Street east of Parliament Street just before 2 am.

LAST WORD: To quote the philosopher, Mister T...

..."ah pities tha' fool"...
"Two men who died in a shootout at a Main Street restaurant have been identified by Winnipeg police. Police said Friday that Anthony Brian Cromastey, 30, and Rodney Albert Kirton, 25, died as a result of simultaneous gunshots to each other."

07 February 2019

Well, well, well...

...if it isn't the consequences of my own actions...


Pretty sure that Justice Kavanaugh was one of the two attackers.

Mad Cowz back in the Peg?

What's a little gender/species confusion among murderers...
WINNIPEG — "We got there and found two adult males had been shot inside inside Johnny G's on Main Street," said Const. Rob Carver. "Those males were transported to hospital in serious condition and unfortunately both males have died."
The dead men have been identified, but as of Thursday, police are keeping that information to themselves.


UPDATE: Thugz blew each other up?
Police are not looking for a suspect in the homicides and there is no risk to the public, said Police spokesman Const. Rob Carver.

UPDATE2: Not the first murder at Johnny G’s...
William Edward Moar, 24, a member of the B-Side Gang was killed by a member of a rival gang in February 2013.

Akech Dut Ajak, 22, of Winnipeg who has ties to the Mad Cowz, an African street gang, was arrested Wednesday and charged with first-degree murder.
Note that Mr. Dut Ajak was previously banned from possessing firearms.


RELATED: Totally not kidding about the Cowz...
The notoriously violent Winnipeg street gang African Mafia has splintered off from another Winnipeg street gang called the Mad Cowz after the fatal shooting of a 14-year-old boy by members of a rival group in 2004.

It is made up primarily of young men who immigrated to Canada from war-torn parts of eastern Africa.
Justin Trudeau's "post-national" state in action.


LAST WORD: Coming soon to a neighbourhood near you...
OTTAWA — Canada has begun resettling hundreds of people rescued from slavery in Libya, Immigration Minister Ahmed Hussen says. Canada was “one of the few countries” to respond to a request from the United Nations refugee agency in 2017.

"More than 150 people have been resettled and another 600 more are expected over the next two years through the regular refugee settlement program."

06 February 2019

One side wants to stop the trafficking...

...the other side wants to abolish the border...insert alt text hereLet's ask "We the People"...insert alt text here**********

"Don Lemon, worst journalist ever, took his shirt off, cried and tried to cut his wrists with a cucumber sandwich."

"Trump began a two year long project to destroy the Democrat party tonight. That socialism line was brilliant."

"Who but Trump could do that? He worked that crowd like a plow horse!"

05 February 2019

Remember Ebonics?

insert alt text here
"During their time at the school, students learn about African contributions to science and mathematics, and the history of black people in Canada."
Oh, yeah... one other thing...
"107 students attend TDSB's Africentric Alternative School, a record low in its 10-year life."
That's not a record low... this is a record low...
“We haven’t given up on the program,” said Spence Tuesday night. But, “when you’ve got enrollment down across the board you can’t defend three teachers for six students.”

MORE MEMORY LANE: The soft bigotry of low expectations
"Time to dump that silly, 'All men are created equal' nonsense. Toronto education professionals say we have to get back to the good ol' days of segregation."

04 February 2019

That's Showbiz!

Just not sure self-identifying as "Gay Tupac" is the most effective way to score points within "the community."

On the other hand, Ellen Page & Steven Colbert sure ate it up...insert alt text here
“It never happened. CPD is wasting hundreds of man hours to solve a Grindr date gone bad. The 'victim' is refusing all forms of cooperation, his 'ear witness' isn’t cooperating, the Hollywood press is running with a non-existent narrative."

UPDATE: This is Quiznos country!
"If it had been a club sandwich, he could have used it as a weapon."

02 February 2019

Solving... rather expensively at that...

...another problem that doesn't exist...insert alt text here
Over two years, $10 million will be dispersed to Indigenous organizations to develop various activities and events across the country in memory of the hundreds who have been killed or gone missing over the past 30 years.

The National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls pointed out that activities should be funded that honour the lives and legacies of Indigenous women, girls and LGBT people.

Those initiatives could include things like pow-wows, healing circles, lecture series, art workshops, community monuments and totem poles, the government said.
Hang on... what exactly is the issue here?insert alt text here
Crucially for a prevailing stereotype related to the issue, nearly 90 per cent of murders of aboriginal women were solved, a rate that barely differed from that of non-aboriginal women (88 versus 89 per cent).
More to the actual point...
Of the 2,500 murdered aboriginal Canadians, murdered in Canada between 1982 and 2011, fully 71 per cent — 1,750 — were male, and 745 were female.
It gets better... by which I mean worse...
The 2013 and 2014 RCMP data reveals that the offender was known to the victim in 100% of the solved homicides of Aboriginal women in RCMP jurisdictions, and in 93% of cases of solved homicides of non-Aboriginal women.

Violence within family relationships is a key factor in homicides of women.

LAST WORD: Too many Chiefs...

...not enough responsible, sober adults...
One in 10 aboriginal children now lands in foster care, compared to one in 200 for non-aboriginal children, the AFN said. There are currently three times as many children in foster care as there were in residential schools.
Which still beats the alternative...
"The rate of deaths from injuries is 3 to 4 times higher for Aboriginal children than for other children in Canada."

Source: Government of Canada (2002)

01 February 2019

As usual, the real gold is always... the comments...
One of my favourite left-baiting tactics is to pose this question: If unusually hot weather is evidence of global warming, and unusually cold weather is also evidence, what weather patterns would you expect if we were in a period of global cooling?

All I ever get is a blank stare.