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09 February 2019

Diversity is our streng...

...wait a minute...insert alt text here
• TORONTO • A Brampton man, Jaunoi Christian, 24, has been identified as the victim in a fatal downtown nightclub shooting. Police are looking for a man described as black, 6 feet tall in his mid 30s, with a medium build seen running from the scene.
The sixth homicide in Toronto this year.

For what it's worth, it wasn't Jaunoi's first rodeo...
• Travelling at a speed of 137 km/h.

• Fentanyl with a street value of $3,000.00

• Oxycodone tablets with a street value of $13,000.00

• Drug trade paraphernalia

• 4 cell phones
Jaunoi also had, stereotypes be damned, a 17 year old girl along for the ride. Somebody just saved citizens of Ontario the cost of 60 man years of criminal activity.


RELATED: Live by the sword...

...well... close enough...
Brian Peter Maksoud, 46, who died after being struck by an arrow was banned from possessing any weapons, including a gun or crossbow, at the time of his death, court documents obtained by The Free Press show. Court records show Maksoud was out on bail for an aggravated assault charge at the time of his death.

LAST WORD: Toronto's "cloak of invisibility" shooter strikes again...
A woman was found without vital signs in her white Mercedes after a shooting at Lake Shore Boulevard and Silver Moon Drive just before 7 am Sunday morning.
Must be one of those sideways-shootin' Vin Diesel wannabees...
More than 20 shell casings were located at the scene.