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25 February 2019

I'm from the government...

...I'm here to save you...liar,liar
As the federal government forges ahead to replace the Phoenix payroll system, internal government documents obtained by CBC News say clearing the backlog is at least three to five years away, and "overall stability" won't be achieved for 10 or more years.

This week marks three years since the launch of Phoenix, the IBM-customized system that went live on Feb. 24, 2016.

Since then, tens of thousands of workers have been burned by Phoenix with some going months with little or no pay while others were overpaid.
I say we just blame Donald Trump... or go smoke some Tru-Dope.


RELATED: The Phoenix toll as of March 2018
$309 million: IBM contract, professional services contracts, program costs, 2009.
$210 million: $70 million per year of unrealized savings from 2016 to 2019.
$28 million: Advances to unions from 2017 to 2019.
$50 million: Building capacity, enhancing technology, supporting employees, 2016.
$142 million: Building capacity, enhancing technology, supporting employees, 2017.
$431.4 million: Building capacity, enhancing technology, supporting employees, Budget 2018.
$5.5 million: For CRA to process income tax reassessments related to Phoenix, Budget 2018.
$16 million: Researching a new pay system, Budget 2018.

Total: $1.192 billion.

LAST WORD: The cost of Justin's refugee tweet?insert alt text hereI mean... what could possibly go wrong?
Before the tweet, border officials prevented 315 people a month from illegally crossing the border.

Post-tweet in 2017, about 18,149 illegally crossed the border, then claimed asylum as refugees — even after entering illegally — and were allowed to stay, get welfare, education, housing, healthcare and work permits. By May 2018, the number of refugee cases pending has jumped to 54,906 from 18,348 in December 2016.
Nobody's talking... but Quebec wants compensation...
Quebec pays for their housing, education and health care costs, which have totalled roughly $300 million over two years, Legault said. He said Ottawa is responsible for the lengthy delays in the system.

"I expect Mr. Trudeau to compensate us."
Remember, these are the walk-ins... what is the bill for Justin's pet-project Syrians? You get to pay for it, but the Feds won't show you the bill.