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31 October 2017

Diversity is our strength...

...except, of course, when it's our executioner...
At least six people were killed and 15 were injured when a truck driver deliberately mowed down people and targeted a school bus in lower Manhattan Tuesday in what authorities are investigating as an act of terror.

More than a dozen people were hit when the driver of a Home Depot rental truck zoomed at least 10 blocks down a popular bike bath from West Houston to Chambers streets.
It seems the murderer was shouting something as he went about his merry way. I wonder what that could be.


UPDATE: Death toll rises
Eight people were killed on the bike path before the driver was shot by police.
29-year-old Uzbek national Sayfullo Habibullaevic Saipov shouted “Allahu Akbar after getting out of his vehicle.

That's some "religion of peace."


LAST WORD: Where is the alt-left on this?
"The Latino Victory Fund released an ad featuring an Ed Gillespie supporter with a Confederate flag and a Gadsden flag license plate attempting to run down minority children."

Never a Naturopath around...

...when you really, really need one...
"I have participated in as least 15 Famadihana ceremonies and I've never caught the plague."

Some 1,300 people have been infected by the deadly Medieval disease.
And while we're on quaint local customs...
Asiya Bibi was desperate to end her arranged two-month-old marriage, police say, and decided the best way would be to pull the plug on her husband, Amjad, with a poisoned glass of milk.

Pakistan has the highest number of forced marriages, according to the U.K.’s Forced Marriage Unit in 2016.
And cousin marriages as well, I'm guessing.

I'm just waiting for the...

..."Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster" to weigh in...
HALIFAX — In what is being described as a first for the RCMP, the Mounties in Nova Scotia are now offering victims, witnesses and police officers the option to swear legal oaths on an eagle feather, instead of using a Bible or offering an affirmation.

RELATED: Speaking of local customs...
According to Toronto police, the man was sitting in his car at Pape and Withrow Avenues when a suspect walked up and fired at least four shots. The victim was found with life-threatening injuries and taken to hospital.

Police are looking for a black male suspect, described as five-foot-eight inches tall. He was last seen wearing a dark hoodie and a red hat.

As per usual, the meatiest part is... the comments...
"I'm giving the kids Carbon Credits, Planned Parenthood Pamphlets and copies of the Koran."

Don't blame me...

...I didn't vote for them...
Twenty-one minutes after she responded “I have no records to a Freedom of Information request seeking documents from the office of outgoing Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty on the infamous cancelled gas plants fiasco, Laura Miller’s “life partner” Peter Faist tried to wipe clean her desktop computer.

It was Jan. 24, 2013.

29 October 2017


insert alt text here
"I don't feel safe at Jane and Finch. Can we take that down?"
insert alt text here**********

RELATED: Well... not all of them...

28 October 2017

The spirit is rising

"Bishop Wayne Marlon Jones told a troubled parishioner that having sex with him was the only way to purge evil spirits haunting her, his trial heard Wednesday."

RELATED: Those darn "Northenders"...
Police are looking for two suspects after an early morning shooting in the city’s north end. Paramedics say a 21-year-old man suffered multiple gunshot wounds and was transported to a trauma centre in serious but non-life threatening condition.

LAST WORD: Just an "incident"
The incident occurred at a Toronto Community Housing property at 5 Wakunda Place, a building that in the past has been described as troubled because of widespread drug dealing and violence.
What sort of "incident?"
Dabrowski was pronounced dead at the scene, and an autopsy was conducted Sunday.
Decidedly not the sort of incident we see in my neighbourhood.

27 October 2017

"A Year in the Life"

pantsuit on fire
"I didn’t choose to be Karma’s janitor, it chose me."

David Burge (@iowahawkblog)
insert alt text here
In ancient Greece: The sin of thinking you are above the gods or forgetting to give them credit when they have helped you. Committing hubris always leads to NEMESIS, the gods' punishment.

26 October 2017

PM Selfie's "Apologize for Everything" tour...

...dishes out another $31,000,000...liar,liar
Three Canadians who were tortured in Syria have received just over $31-million in federal compensation. In March, Goodale and Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland apologized to the men on behalf of the government.

"We hope that the steps taken today will support them and their families in their efforts to begin a new and hopeful chapter in their lives."

"All done in an effort to keep from going to court and having members of Chretiens cabinet testify."

Entitled to her "entitlements"

I can't even get a family physician...-wynning
And heaven forbid this government, the world’s most indebted sub-sovereign borrower, should have to make do with working in unrenovated offices.

"Like many of you I read that Blacklocks Reporter scoop on the $212,000 the Liberals paid an advertising agency to produce a cover and related materials for last spring’s federal budget with an appreciative shiver of disdain."
Oh, Justin.

25 October 2017

Sigh... yet another country dropped...

...from the vacation list...
“Now, adultery by a woman is a very serious attack on a man’s honour and dignity,” the judges wrote. “Societies exist where the adulterous woman is stoned to death. In the Bible, we can read that the adulterous woman should be punished with death.”

The judges cited a criminal law from 1886 that called for merely a symbolic penalty against a husband who, finding his wife committing adultery, killed her.
And, no... this is not a Muslim country.

Wanna keep your whiny...

...all too easily bruised millennial progeny safe from the big bad world?spaceman**********

RELATED: Ice cream, rainbows & unicorns
Does it really matter that there will finally a be Muslim on American television who is saving people instead of blowing them up? In a word: Yes!

That’s right, America: Today it’s a Muslim superhero, tomorrow it’s a Muslim president!
Because hastily assembled comic book fantasy fiction, as opposed to actual human behaviour, is what makes the world go round.


LAST WORD: It's not your imagination...
To summarize: it appears that the millennial males in college measured in this study were significantly weaker than their fathers. These results, the Post points out, comport with a 2011-2012 nationwide survey.


Welcome to Helicopter Glamping at Mains Farm, Thornhill, Stirling.

His lawyer looked at the jurors...

...and solemnly intoned... "Once upon a time..."that's some accident
The accused’s lawyer, Matt Gonzalez, however, said it was all a grand mystery to his client. Jose Ines Garcia Zarate, an illegal immigrant who had been booted from the U.S. five times didn’t know he had picked up a gun after finding it under a bench, wrapped in a T-shirt.

Garcia Zarate, 54, has acknowledged shooting Steinle in the back but said the shooting was accidental.

He did not know he was handling a firearm.”

RELATED: In other "Sanctuary City" news...
Sreynuon Lunn, the illegal alien whose case was used to turn Massachusetts into a “sanctuary state” has been arrested for allegedly robbing a woman in a wheelchair, stealing $2,000 and slapping her.
Sweet baby jebus.

24 October 2017

The Wynne-ing... gotta have priorities

Free syringes and methadone for junkies... sweet f@ck-all for low income diabetics...wynne-ing
Every day, I check my blood-glucose levels a minimum of four times. Each test strip costs upwards of $2, and is not covered by provincial health insurance.

Since May, Liberals have been refusing a long-standing disability credit to Type 1 diabetics of a chintzy $1,500 a year to help them subsidize their fight against a disease that can cost sufferers upwards of $15,000 a year.
Funny, it seems there's plenty of money for Premier Wynne's pet projects...more wynneing
Obviously, one of the significant demographics interested in IVF will be women suffering from so-called “social infertility” - that is, women who reject the increasingly obsolete and icky idea of male-female procreation... (which would've absolutely, positively in no way influenced Ontario's first gay Premier).

RELATED: RIP Hector MacMillanwynningOntario Liberals will pay for IVF or a new vagina... but not to remove a cancerous tumour.

Don't look at me... I didn't vote for them.

Ready, Aim, Discuss

As Crowder phrases it at one point in the video, the discussion taking place in this country is generally between two camps: Gun owners and the ill-informed.

He’s right in many ways. There are a handful of people who do understand gun laws, despite possibly not owning a firearm, but they’re generally on the side with gun owners.

It’s amazing how many people believe, like the one guy, that you don’t have to undergo a background check to get a gun, or that we don’t already have laws in place to block violent people from getting guns.

RELATED: Meet Samuel Sinyangwe, social justice warrior...
"Just landed in Sioux Falls. THEY ARE SELLING GUNS IN THE AIRPORT."
No... of course they aren't.

23 October 2017

And Winston Churchill wept...

While both London and New York have populations of around 8 million, figures suggest you are almost six times more likely to be burgled in the British capital than in the US city, and one and a half times more likely to fall victim to a robbery.

London has almost three times the number of reported rapes and while the murder rate in New York remains higher, the gap is narrowing dramatically.

RELATED: So much for neutrality...
"A Swiss terror expert has warned that the jihadist threat is evolving, with more ‘homegrown’ terrorists and a total of around 1000 people in Switzerland thought to be linked in some way to terrorist organizations."

Too many criminals...

...not enough law-abiding citizenry...
Police say they received a call Saturday night about a man being fired at by some people in a vehicle.

Police found and chased the vehicle, which they say rammed an RCMP cruiser. An RCMP officer shot and wounded the driver of the suspect vehicle in what police describe as a “response to the driver’s actions.”

Brydon Bryce Whitstone of Onion Lake, Sask., died on his way to hospital.
Onion Lake, Onion Lake... that sounds so familiar...
"Currently, 2,408 of the band’s 4,003 members live on the 57,737.5 ha of reserve land, situated 50 km north of Lloydminster."
Sadly, yet another stereotype confirmed.


RELATED: CBC gets over their usual aversion... identifying suspects... when it involves those racist death squads... aka the police...
"He was a good kid. I'm still shocked at what happened," cousin Eldon Whitstone told CBC News. Whitstone said his cousin had spent time in jail, and had been living in North Battleford before his death. He also had a son.

Whitstone expressed anger at the police decision to shoot and said he hopes whoever pulled the trigger faces consequences. "There's other ways to stop and ... instead of shooting all the time."
Pump the brakes, Eldon... your sainted cousin was anything but "a good kid." He died because he was shooting at people himself BEFORE he rammed a police car.


LAST WORD: No good deed goes... what the f@ck?
"Drugs, alcohol and an argument over a failed attempt to steal gas on the Big Island Lake Cree Nation led to a man fatally shooting the man who offered to get him gas for his stolen truck."

All in the family

TORONTO - A senior political staffer nicknamed a project to wipe clean computer hard drives — allegedly to erase data linked to the gas plants scandal — within the office of former Ontario premier Dalton McGuinty, court documents alleged Thursday. Laura Miller, McGuinty’s former deputy chief of staff, who hired her common-law spouse Peter Faist, an outsider, for the job, dubbed the assignment “Pete’s Project.”

Miller and her boss, David Livingston, McGuinty’s then chief of staff, are accused of deliberately and illegally destroying relevant public records stemming from the billion-dollar gas plants cancellation boondoggle. In the two months before McGuinty handed over the premier’s office to Kathleen Wynne in 2013, thousands of computer files were wiped.

RELATED: In other Liberal Party news...
"Trudeau will increase per person federal debt by 5% from 2015 to 2019 — the largest increase of any prime minister whose time in office didn’t include a world war or economic recession."

22 October 2017

Must be another one of those...

...megalomaniacal "Grad School" killers...insert alt text here
"Toronto police responded to a call around 9 a.m. in the area of Finch Avenue and Sentinel Road near Derrydowns Road. The body was reportedly found in a ravine but no other details have been released."
Wait a minute... isn't this also the location of Toronto's infamous Driftwood "community housing" project?

So, what's up with CTV and CBC's never-ending quest to misdirect your attention? Wait for it...
"In Toronto, nobody gets kicked out of social housing for bad behaviour – not even for criminal activity, or owning a gun. With 164,000 tenants, Toronto Community Housing is the second-largest housing provider in North America."
Just something to think about while you're writing out that outrageous municipal tax cheque.


UPDATE: Those darned "Northerners" dance
"A series of robberies in the city’s north end have prompted Toronto police to issue a public safety alert for the area."
The "north end, huh?" Where exactly are we talking about, Inspector Clouseau?
"Police say the robberies happened between Oct. 12 and 20 in the area spanning from Finch Avenue up to Pond Road and from Keele Street over to Sentinel Road.

Police say descriptions of the suspect or suspects vary and a single consistent description is not available at this time."
Well, of course. We wouldn't want to malign all those PhD candidates unnecessarily.


UPDATE2: No word yet...

...on which university program they were enrolled in...
"On Friday evening, Philip Okeugo, 20, was arrested and charged with robbery with violence. On the same evening, Betu Kalala, 21, was also arrested and is facing multiple charges including two counts of robbery with violence, robbery with a weapon and uttering threats."
Dang, there's a tough school.

Reaping the "affirmative action" whirlwind

an unrepentant killer
Tedros Ghebreyesus, is a former Ethiopian official who became the World Health Organization's first African director-general this year. His election was not without controversy. He has recently been accused of covering up three cholera epidemics in Ethiopia.
Professional competence aside, what sort of ethical human being could shill for one of the planet's most despised dictators?
Outrage erupted around the world Saturday as ruthless Zimbabwean dictator Robert Mugabe was honored by the United Nations.
Totally beyond the pale and many were quick to register their complete and utter disgust...
Two dozen organizations — including the World Heart Federation, Action Against Smoking and Cancer Research U.K. — released a statement Saturday slamming the WHO appointment, saying they were shocked and deeply concerned given Mugabe’s “long track record of human rights violations.”

Zimbabwe’s economy has shrunk by more than a third during the past 20 years and its average life expectancy fell from 60 to 50 years in the 30 years since it became independent in 1980.
Ol' Tedros reacted, not by immediately repudiating the terrorist who destroyed the "Breadbasket of Africa" and millions of lives, but with a mamby-pamby tweet.

Such is the world we now live in.


UPDATE: Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Mugabe...insert alt text here...apparently Tedros finally figured it out...
"Over the last few days, I have reflected on my appointment of H.E. President Robert Mugabe as WHO Goodwill Ambassador for NCDs in Africa. As a result I have decided to rescind the appointment."
Ethiopia's best & brightest? I don't think so.

21 October 2017

Smoke and Mirrors

If Justin can get everybody to spark one up... nobody will be interested in doing the math...liar,liar
"In 2012, we were promised funds from marijuana taxes would benefit our communities, particularly schools. Dr. Harry Bull, the Superintendent of Cherry Creek Schools, one of the largest school districts in the state, said, 'So far, the only thing that the legalization of marijuana has brought to our schools has been marijuana.'"
"Sunny Daze" indeed.


UPDATE: Make no mistake about it...'re paying for Justin's dope.
Police will be administering roadside saliva tests to check for drug-impaired driving. The federal government has announced it will spend $161 million over the next five years to help train and equip the officers.

RELATED: I'd settle for having a family doctor...
MONTREAL — Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says Canadians should maintain confidence in the immigration system even as thousands of asylum seekers continue to pour into the country. Federal authorities say that through the first two weeks of August, more than 3,800 people walked over the border into Quebec, compared to the 2,996 who similarly crossed the border throughout all of July.

20 October 2017

Ignorance of the law is no exc...

...wait a freakin' minute...insert alt text here
"An Ottawa man has been found not guilty of sexually assaulting his wife because of his honest belief that he had the right to have intercourse with her whenever he wanted. The judge ruled the man was not guilty of sexual assault because the Crown had failed to establish that he knew his behaviour was, in fact, criminal."
Hmmm... what would "Gaza Rules" allow this man to do to someone who insulted the prophet? Or to persons of non-heterosexual persuasion?

In any case, I thought Canadian judges were bound by precedent.
"Mohamad Rafia, a Syrian refugee told a Fredericton court that he didn’t know it was a crime in Canada to beat your wife with a hockey stick for half an hour."

TRIP DOWN MEMORY LANE: Shafia, Shafia...

...that sounds so familiar...

Apparently this jolly fellow got the wrong judge...liar,liar
"A Canadian-Afghan entrepreneur accused of murdering three of his teenaged daughters and his first wife denied the charge, but nonetheless insisted that what had happened was God’s will, and that the four women "deserved to die'".
Sounds like a sincere belief to me.


RELATED: In other "Religion of Peace" news...
"Hamzeh Serhan was shot and killed in broad daylight on Caldwell Avenue on September 20, 2017. Ottawa Police say they're now looking for information on the whereabouts of 20-year-old Farah Handule."
Black Lives Matter Ottawa was apparently unavailable for comment.


RELATED2: I'm noticing a pattern here...
At least three teenagers were injured and a high school was placed in hold and secure after an altercation at a commercial plaza in Scarborough on Friday afternoon. A witness who attends the school told CP24 he had just left the high school when he saw a male on the ground with two of his friends covering a wound.

“He was yelling ‘wallahi, wallahi,’” he said. “Wallahi” means “I swear by God,” in Arabic.
An altercation, huh? After the first three people get stabbed, I think we can safely call it a knife fight.

19 October 2017


Terry Milewski, one of Canada’s most knowledgeable journalists on the 1985 Air India Flight 182 bombing, Canada's worst case of domestic terrorism, asked NDP leader Jagmeet Singh whether it was appropriate for some Canadian Sikhs to put up posters honouring Talwinder Singh Parmar who was identified by the Air India Inquiry as the leader of the terrorist atrocity.

Two weeks later, after some pundits accused Milewski of racism for asking the question, Singh himself criticized Milewski, saying the “premise” surrounding it was racist.

RELATED: The new paradigm...
The $51,050 spent by the board since September 2016 was for “legal interpretation and facilitation” in connection with code of conduct complaints, according to a memo from staff. Blackburn maintains the code of conduct was adopted to shut her up.

“I predicted the code of conduct would be used for political purposes, and that is what has happened,” Blackburn said Tuesday. The $51,050 could have been used to hire an educational assistant to help in a classroom instead, she said in an interview.

How many Diversity Officers...

...can the changing economy absorb?

insert alt text here
"Amanda would have been able to create her own major or minor in gender or ethnic studies. She would have been able to satisfy her first semester humanities requirement by reading Frederick Douglass, Karl Marx and Virginia Woolf. Her second semester, she could have taken courses in anything from the Big Bang theory to vampires."

RELATED: Where art meets science
"Alberti captured the facial expressions of more than 20 women before, during, and after their sexual journey, while using personal massagers."

18 October 2017

Wynne-ing AND LOSING

Kathleen Wynne's Liberals are willing to let Ontario Power Generation take on 4 billion dollars of extra debt... to keep it off the province's books...insert alt text hereThat's not simply my opinion... that comes from Ontario's Auditor General...
TORONTO - Kathleen Wynne’s Liberal government is flouting accounting rules and taking on an unnecessary $4 billion in extra borrowing costs — to be applied to future electricity bills — to keep the true cost of its Fair Hydro Plan buried, Ontario Auditor General Bonnie Lysyk says.

While the Liberals tried to minimize the conflict as a mere accounting dispute, Lysyk said what was at stake was far more important as the financing manoeuvre allows the government to write its own budget bottom line.
It's not too late to reverse this irresponsible chicanery...
The provincial government’s method of accounting, a first in Canada for any government, is not yet carved in stone and the $4 billion can be saved, Lysyk said.

“This is wrong. There’s still time to fix it.”
If not, your kids and grandkids will pay for this in perpetuity.

As he once told Livingston, “The only organization that didn’t keep any records was a criminal organization.” Peter Wallace may be a slight, short man, but he has the biggest nuts in the courtroom.

17 October 2017

Maisum Ansari, Maisum Ansari...

...that sounds so familiar...carfentanil
"Police said the total seizure equals 42 kilograms or 420,000 doses of carfentanil with a street value estimated at $13 million. It’s believed to be the largest seizure of the drug in the country.

In addition to the firearm-related charges, Ansari now faces a charge of possession of carfentanil for the purpose of trafficking."
"The only outrage here is the continued persecution of people for committing non-crime such as drug dealing and owning [illegal] guns."
Is he still willing to go to bat for Mr Ansari?

RELATED:   Your National Broadcaster

Well, there were some crimes today... but unless it involves racist police officers, we don't really want to get into that.

LAST WORD:   Once again, Canada's National Broadcaster...

...refuses to name the man behind Canada's largest opiod bust...
"A 33-year-old man is in custody in relation to the charges."
Dear CBC... why exactly is this guy's name off limits?


"Why should we have to go to class if we came here to play FOOTBALL, we ain't come to play SCHOOL - classes are POINTLESS."

RELATED: Gotta have priorities, right?
Cynthia Trevillion, 64, a teacher at Chicago’s Waldorf School, was struck in the head by a bullet as she walked down the street with her husband on Friday.

LAST WORD: Reading, writing & Reefer
Looking to capitalize on the rising demand for cannabis, Northern Michigan University is offering a marijuana-focused degree.

16 October 2017

Like father, like mother... daughter...pantsuit on fire
The explanation comes after foundation board member Chelsea Clinton ducked questions about Weinstein’s money from a reporter while attending a Clinton Global Initiative University event at Northeastern University in Boston on Saturday. The former first daughter hustled out a side door after the event, evading a reporter as she rushed to her car surrounded by aides and security.

The Clinton Foundation and a spokesperson for Hillary Clinton had previously declined to comment on the Weinstein matter.

RELATED: No connection at all!
Disgraced movie mogul Harvey Weinstein helped pay former President Bill Clinton’s legal bills during the Monica Lewinsky sex scandal.


LAST WORD: Follow the money...
Hillary Clinton’s State Department was one of eight agencies to review and sign off on the sale of U.S. uranium to Russia. However, the then-Secretary of State Clinton was the only agency head whose family foundation received $145 million in donations from multiple people connected to the uranium deal, as reported by the New York Times.

Vibrant urban cultural mosaic

Meet Dr. Kitty...insert alt text hereCall me a deplorable clinger... but teenage plastic surgeons in basement operating rooms would likely raise a few red flags in my neck of the woods.


RELATED: In other "signs of the times" news
Between 1998 and 2015, chlamydia has risen from 39,372 to 116,499 annual cases among all ages and genders, and gonorrhea infections increased from 5,076 to 19,845 in the same time period.

Infectious syphilis rates rose dramatically from 501 to 4,551 cases, which is doubly shocking considering experts say it was nearly eradicated in North America 10 years ago.

15 October 2017

In other "victimless crime" news

insert alt text here
"The victim in a deadly shooting outside a North York plaza near Finch Avenue and Milvan Drive at around 9:45 p.m. on Saturday night has been identified. Reports from the scene indicate that 43-year-old James Clayton Holland was locking up a marijuana dispensary in the plaza when he was shot."
Toronto’s 50th homicide of 2017.


RELATED: Over at the CBC...

Smell the "professional" journalism... not a mention of the "marijuana" angle. It's a murder mystery... just down the road from Jane & Finch.


UPDATE: Should've seen it coming...
"Councillor Giorgio Mammolitti said the plaza has a 'bad history' in his York West ward. He said Sunday he has tried to shut down the massage parlour in the plaza, but the city’s Municipal Licensing department has permitted it to remain open."

UPDATE2: The medicine he deserved
The man shot to death over the weekend outside a North York strip mall was a former B.C. biker. James Clayton “Jamie” Holland, 43, was once a member of the elite Nomads chapter of the Hells Angels.

"The only outrage here is the continued persecution of people for committing non-crime such as drug dealing and owning [illegal] guns."

Gotta do away with that whole...

..."level playing field" thing...
If the NFL is to prove their progressive cred, they must begin to bring social justice to their games and play by the same progressive rules that have been adopted in all other spheres of life.

First of all, they must "level the playing field" by building a slope. Let's call it Affirmative Action in Sports

14 October 2017

Lawrence Heights, Lawrence Heights...

...isn't that where all the Rhodes Scholars come from?
"A man in his 20s is fighting for his life after a shooting in Lawrence Heights Friday night. Toronto Police say gunfire erupted at an apartment complex on old Meadow Lane, northeast of Allen Rd. and Lawrence Ave. W., around 11:10 p.m."

RELATED: Just another McStabbing... or two...
One man is dead and another has serious injuries after a double stabbing in Mississauga early Saturday morning. Police say the victims are both 18 years old.

UPDATE: Mess with my tribe...

...we'll kill you all...
"I need them to know that I have their back. They're a community that I love and they make up a great part of what makes this city beautiful," said Youth Services Minister Michael Couteau.
Of course, he said it from the heavily guarded Somali funeral after someone tried to gun down the dead kid's family.


LAST WORD: Somali community bemoans...

...Canadian violence... wait a minute...insert alt text here
MOGADISHU, Somalia — The death toll from the most powerful bomb blast witnessed in Somalia’s capital rose to 231 with more than 275 injured.

13 October 2017

Remember back... you were a kid...

...people used to set each other on fire?

Yeah... me neither...insert alt text here
"Police are looking for three suspects after two young men were doused with gas and nearly set on fire during a confrontation in the parking lot of Agincourt Mall earlier this month."
Meanwhile... just across town, the Somali "community" is up in arms...insert alt text here
"We lose a lot of youth. We bury a lot of youth," said Aya Nomar, who spoke at the event.
Aya, you're not "losing" them... they're murdering each other.


UPDATE: The tribal warfare continues...
The family of 16-year-old Zakariye Ali who was killed in a triple shooting last weekend, are unharmed after shots were fired at them in the Chester Le Boulevard and Morecambe Gate area overnight.

It was reported that a male approached them from a distance, pulled up his hoodie and began shooting at the group. Witnesses told police they heard between five to seven shots.
Wait a minute, is there anything you're not telling us? Chester Le, Chester Le... that sounds so familiar...
Toronto Community Housing 132-152, 160-172, 180-192, 260-272, 275 Chester Le Blvd

RELATED: Not just a Toronto problem
-- FORT MCMURRAY -- Alberta's Somali community is accusing the province's justice minister of "playing political games" by refusing to set up a task force to find out why so many young Somali-Canadians have died violently in the province.
That is a mystery... wait a minute...
"A lot of these kids are gangsters and drug dealers," said Clark, who noted unco-operative witnesses is a common problem in many of the region's Somali shooting cases.
Oh, trust me... it gets better.

12 October 2017

Consciousness of Guilt...'s a bitch...
Boyle is refusing to board an American military plane in Pakistan waiting to take them home. Some officials say Roberts is fearful of perhaps being sent to Guantanamo Bay, based off his background.

Boyle was previously married to the sister of Omar Khadr, a Canadian man who spent 10 years at Guantanamo Bay after being captured in 2002 in a firefight at an Al Qaeda compound in Afghanistan.
Is Omar gonna leave a bro' hangin'?

No good deed goes unpunished

Oh, look... a simple test for detecting lying & cheating, uh... I mean "Islamophobia"...
"Swedish dentist Bernt Herlitz revealed to authorities that after checking the molar teeth of hundreds of migrant children that 80% of the so-called children were actually adults."

"Herlitz was quickly fired and now may lose his home."


Something is rotten in the state of, well... you know...
"Danish authorities have found that 634 out of 700 asylum seekers under investigation for lying about their identity were claiming to be persecuted minorities in Kuwait but almost all were really from Iraq."

"According to investigators almost half of the migrants, around 300 people, were from the same Iraqi family."
Don't worry... I'm sure Justin's 50,000 lightly vetted refugees were from the only honest country in the middle east.


LAST WORD: Relax... Ralph & Justin have you covered...
The three-page form, obtained by CBC News, asked people who were trying to cross the Quebec-U.S. border on Roxham Road, east of Hemmingford, Que., for details on their work history, whether they had a criminal record and what motivated their decision to leave the United States.

It also asked for their views on women bosses, terrorist attacks and Islamic State.

The RCMP interview guide is "inappropriate and inconsistent with government policy," the Trudeau government says.
Well, that much seems pretty obvious.
Muslims, in particular, appear to be targeted, as no other religion is mentioned in the questionnaire.
Yeah, why do all those homicidal Albanian nuns crushing pedestrians with trucks & blowing themselves up at tweener-centric concerts get a total pass?

11 October 2017

You had me at...

...Plasma Coil Bottle Launcher...
"This bottle launcher is a combination of some of my earlier alcohol fueled launchers and the propane pop gun project from a few years ago. I hope you enjoy this one, I'm very happy with how it turned out."

10 October 2017

Gotta love that minimalist journalism...

...over at Canada's national broadcaster...
"Homicide detectives have identified a boy who was shot and killed in the parking lot of an elementary school in Etobicoke on Sunday night as 16-year-old Zakariye Ali."
Interestingly, CP24 seems to have some information the CBC couldn't seem to unearth...
"Police earlier described the suspect as a black male in his 20s with a slim build. He was last seen wearing all-black clothing and is about five-foot-seven inches tall."

RELATED: The hits just keep on coming...
When officers arrived on scene, they found a man, who has been identified as 30-year-old Michael Khan, unconscious. He was rushed to hospital but later died from his injuries.

On Monday night, police said the death had been deemed "suspicious."

LAST WORD: You think tougher gun laws...

...are gonna slow these guys down?
Toronto police said Sunday that the raid was executed as part of an investigation into the murder of a 29-year-old man who was fatally shot outside a complex on Dixon Road earlier this week. 23-year-old Liban Hussein, 26-year-old Deshawn Hibbert and 30-year-old Jamal Hibbert are all facing a list of charges related to weapons, drugs and possessing the proceeds of crime over $5,000.

It's all about "friction"

You can Make a Bump Stock on a 3D Printer.

No, I can’t. I don’t own a 3D printer. Neither do most criminals. What you mean is that the few people who own 3D printers and have the skill to use them can print bump stocks.

Chances are, you’re not one of those people.

Again, laws are not designed to stop the most motivated super-criminals. They have lots of ways to get weapons.

Dear United States of America... sure you want to move to "socialised medicine?"
A Nova Scotia hospital has rewritten wait-time rules and end-of-life protocols in response to the disturbing story of how a 68-year-old man dying from pancreatic cancer languished for six hours in an ER hallway.

09 October 2017

Diversity might be Justy's strength...

...I'm simply thankful I no longer live in gang-happy Hogtown...zayn yahya
"Homicide investigators say two suspects wanted in an ongoing murder investigation have turned themselves in."

"19-year-old Zayn Q. Chaudry and 20-year-old Yahya Abdirahman are facing first-degree murder charges in connection with the death of 29-year-old Abdulkadir Bihi."
Sadly... it's the same old story...
"The cousin, who did not want to be identified, told CBC News that Bihi "fell in with the wrong crowd" as a youth but was trying to turn his life around."

RELATED: Dollars to donuts...

...cops aren't looking for a band of switchblade wielding Born-again Baptists...
"One man was stabbed to death during a fight in Stan Wadlow Park in East York just before 9 p.m. on Saturday night. The park is located near the intersection at Cosburn and Woodbine."

UPDATE: Stabbed murder victim id'd... 15 year-old Isaiah Witt.


UPDATE2: One dead, two others down...

...late Sunday night...
"Homicide Det. Stephen Matthews told reporters a suspect ran northbound on York Road and entered into a smaller, light-coloured car. He has been described as black, in his 20s, standing 5’7” and has a slim build. He was wearing all-black clothing."
Location of said murder... Kingsview Village School on York Rd. near Kipling Ave. and Dixon Rd.

The hits just keep on coming.

07 October 2017

"There has been one arrest..."

insert alt text here
"...of a male and police say “Enquiries to establish the circumstances and motive are underway.”
Nine people taken to hospital... doesn't sound like a typical driver/ pedestrian interaction.


UPDATE: Cops say "not terrorism"...
An update from the force said the incident was now being treated as "a road traffic collision".

The current terror threat level in the UK is "severe" - the second highest - meaning an attack is highly likely.

RELATED: Here we go again...
PARIS — A man who fatally stabbed two women outside Marseille’s main train station had been detained for shoplifting and released the day before the attack, and used seven fake identities in previous encounters with police, officials said Monday.
Meanwhile, a couple of countries over...
ZURICH, Oct 7 (Reuters) - A refugee was shot and killed by Swiss cantonal police on Saturday after he charged at two other asylum seekers with knives, law enforcement officials said.

His nationality was not immediately released.

LAST WORD: As Canadian as suicide bombing...
Abdulrahman El Bahnasawy, a 19-year-old Canadian citizen from Mississauga, has pleaded guilty to charges of terrorism.
Funny how "Canadians" always seem to be in the thick of it..
Toronto police have identified a man killed in a daylight shooting outside an Etobicoke apartment building as 29-year-old Abdulkadir Bihi.
And in an unrelated case...
Abdirizak Yabarow is charged with second-degree murder and assault causing bodily harm.

How can you tell if the bees are queer?

"Oh, dahling... I wouldn't be caught dead at a heteronormative beekeeping venue"...insert alt text hereFROM THE COMMENTS:
"Of course it's different. this is from section 25b of the gay agenda which specifies that making the bees look fabulous causes them to produce honey that makes people gay when they eat it."

06 October 2017

What's really horrifying... that these two are being portrayed as "victims"...insert alt text here
The brothers earlier pleaded guilty to charges of kidnapping, sexual assault causing bodily harm, robbery and uttering death threats after they snatched a 17-year-old girl from a bus stop off a residential street on Nov. 14, 2014 and took her to a nearby alley where they both sexually assaulted her.

They then forced her to walk 20 minutes to their home where they kept her for hours and repeatedly raped her.
The kicker? Everyone involved acknowledges they'll probably do it again.


RELATED: What's she crying for...'s our money...
OTTAWA — Crown-Indigenous Relations Minister Carolyn Bennett held back tears as she announced an agreement in principle with survivors of the ’60s Scoop. The agreement provides up to $750 million in compensation for individuals classified as status Indians and Inuit.
How much compensation did the 17 year old girl in the story above receive?

05 October 2017


Alternate headline: “Statistician obviously never wants a job in media again...”

insert alt text here
"By the time we published our project, I didn’t believe in many of the interventions I’d heard politicians tout.

I was still anti-gun, at least from the point of view of most gun owners, and I don’t want a gun in my home, as I think the risk outweighs the benefits.

But I can’t endorse policies whose only selling point is that gun owners hate them."

RELATED: Who really believes...

...if you take legal guns away from law-abiding citizens, there will be no more crazy people, no more criminals...insert alt text here
"Actually, the CBC's total cost figure of $2 billion for the entire gun registry "file" amounts to about $685,000 per day, which means they spent the entire initially estimated budget of $2 million, again according to the CBC, every three days, for eight years straight."
Let's remember that "only 0.00555% of Canada's two million licensed gun owners used their firearm to kill someone."

Well, obviously we have to take these engines of death out of the hands of private citiz... wait a minute...
In 2015, the number of motor vehicle fatalities in Canada was 1,858, with 10,280 serious injuries.
Assuming, as with stats in the U.S., that half of these "killings" were actually suicides... you are 30 times more likely to be killed in your car on your daily commute than by a legal firearms owner.

Let the lawsuits against the Big Three automakers commence.


- TORONTO - One person has been pronounced dead after a shooting at Islington Avenue and Dixon Road area shortly before 3 p.m. on Thursday afternoon.
Not to be confused with yesterday's incident...
Just after 1 p.m., Toronto police said they responded to a call for three to four gunshots fired in the Eglinton Ave. E., and Brimley Rd. area., said Toronto police spokesperson Const. Allyson Douglas-Cook.

One male was transported to hospital with serious gunshot wounds.
More good news for "the community"...
"A man who spent more than a decade behind bars for a 2004 drive-by shooting is now free after charges against him were stayed on Thursday. Jason Wisdom had been convicted of murder, attempted murder and murder to benefit a criminal organization."

04 October 2017

Justin Trudeau's "Khadr Doctrine"

I'm from the government...I'm here to save you...insert alt text here
The Somali refugee accused of stabbing an Edmonton police constable on the weekend and running down four pedestrians was ordered to be deported from the United States in 2011 by a U.S. immigration judge.

But Sharif was released on Nov. 23, 2011, on an ICE order of supervision, "due to a lack of likelihood of his removal in the reasonably foreseeable future." Sharif failed to report to the ICE enforcement and removal operations centre on his scheduled date, Jan. 24, 2012.

Sharif entered Canada in 2012. Initial information on the documents indicated he was sponsored by the federal government for one year. In 2012, immigration officials had no reason to red flag Sharif, Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale said.
Oh, it gets better... much better...
When Abdulahi Hasan Sharif was flagged as a potential terrorist threat two years ago, police in Alberta complained they were overwhelmed with Islamic State-inspired suspects.

A former colleague said Mr. Sharif was sympathetic to the Islamic State, prone to religious rants about "polytheists" and expressed "genocidal beliefs."

Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale and the RCMP have refused to give details of the 2015 investigation.
Was there actually an investigation, and if so, why is it a big hairy ball secret?


RELATED: What happens in Alberta...

...stays in Alberta...
-- CALGARY -- Aset Magomadova will not go to jail for strangling her teenage daughter with a head scarf at their northeast Calgary home more than three years ago, a Queen Bench's justice ruled on Thursday.
P.S. - maybe there is a gawd.


LAST WORD: In other diversity news...
Relaxed rules for obtaining Canadian citizenship will take effect on Oct. 11, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Minister Ahmed Hussen announced Wednesday. Hussen said at an event in Brampton, Ont., that the new requirements will make the path to join the "Canadian family" easier and more flexible.

"During the opening monologue..."

insert alt text here
"...on Monday’s Jimmy Kimmel Live!, host Jimmy Kimmel cried over the Las Vegas attack, pushed for more gun control, bad-mouthed Republicans, but did not say a word about the number of innocents gunned down in Chicago every month."

"Kimmel rightly lamented the “59 innocent” who are dead as result of the Las Vegas attack, but there was a not a peep about the nearly 59 a month on average that have been killed year-to-date in Chicago in 2017."

RELATED: Let the mockery commence...
Other posters show Kimmel wiping a tear from his face and advertise a faux show called The Jimmy Kimmel Estrogen Hour.

03 October 2017

Who's Zoomin' Who?

- TORONTO - The Crown confirms two suspects have been arrested in connection with the shooting deaths of Amir Jamal and Tyler McLean in the parking lot of a port lands nightclub early on Sunday morning.

The suspects, identified as Ali Abdurisaq, 23, of Toronto and Mohamed Tanade, 24, of Edmonton were arrested Monday night, police said.

CBS legal Exec says Vegas victims...

...are Trump supporters and got what they deserved...
“I’m actually not even sympathetic because country music fans often are Republican gun toters,” wrote Geftman-Gold on Facebook, perhaps referring to Sandy Hook.
It's possible Ms. Geftman-Gold would like to rethink this obvious idiocy...
"Another Canadian victim is Jessica Klymchuk, a single mother of four from Valleyview, Alberta. Her grandmother, Margaret, confirmed the death of the 28-year Ms. Klymchuk, a school librarian and bus driver."
Surprisingly, in this case, actions do appear to have consequences...
Later Monday, CBS announced that Geftman-Gold had been fired."
Good riddance.

02 October 2017

A world gone mad

UPDATE: Two Canadians among those murdered...
Jordan McIldoon, 23, of Maple Ridge, B.C., was among the dozens of people killed when a gunman opened fired on a large crowd near the end of an outdoor country music festival on the Vegas Strip.

The second Canadian who died in the attack is a woman from Alberta. Two Manitoba women are also in a Las Vegas hospital after being shot on Sunday night.

UPDATE2: Canadian death toll rises...insert alt text here**********insert alt text here
LAS VEGAS, Nevada (KTRK) -- Already labeled as the deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history, police in Las Vegas said the death toll in the massacre at a music festival on the city's Strip tourist area jumped to 58 people.

The shooting also left at least 515 people injured following the chaos.

RELATED: Who is Stephen Paddock?insert alt text here
Eric Paddock, the suspect’s brother, told CBS that his 64 year old brother, Stephen, was “not an avid gun guy at all. The fact that he had those kind of weapons is just — where the hell did he get automatic weapons?

He has no military background or anything like that. He’s a guy who lived in a house in Mesquite, drove down and gambled in Las Vegas.”

Libs and Dippers attempting to...

...wipe out conscience and free speech...
"Now the Liberals want to micro-manage even the voices of the Opposition? Parliament’s rules dictate that the chair of this committee be appointed by the leader of the Opposition."

"That ought to mean at least one voice that the Liberals do not have the right to control."

01 October 2017

It raises an interesting question...

...who exactly does Canada turn away?
"The suspect, identified by multiple media outlets as Abdulahi Hasan Sharif, is originally from Somalia and has claimed refugee status in Canada, according to Royal Canadian Mounted Police Assistant Commissioner Marlin Degrand. An ISIS flag was found inside the suspect’s car."
So how did an ISIS sympathizer slip past the security apparatus? Apparently, he didn't... police have known about him for years.
"Sharif was investigated by the RCMP in 2015 after a complaint was made that he was “espousing extremist ideology.” Police found there was “insufficient evidence” to pursue terrorism charges or a peace bond."
So, here we go again... too little, too late...
"Abdulahi Hasan Sharif is expected to be charged with five counts of attempted murder. He will also be charged with terrorism-related offenses."
Feeling safer yet?

So, Justin... just spitballin' here...

...but I'm guessing this wasn't some lone-wolf Jehovah's Witness...this is a test
"The video shows a white Chevy Malibu driving directly through a road barricade at an intersection near Commonwealth, hitting a police officer who goes flying through the air before he is then attacked."

"The stabbing of a police officer and a subsequent high-speed chase where several pedestrians were run down is being investigated as an act of terrorism."
Make no mistake, this is a socio-political litmus test, if you will. How we, as a country respond to this, will determine how hard and how frequently these crazies will come back at us.


FROM THE COMMENTS: TheTooner October 1, 2017 12:15we all fall down
"Congratulations Canada, for being on the world stage! Everybody, look at our diversity! Look at our tolerance! Look at how our magic soil, our compassion, our generosity, our enlightened ways have guaranteed our country is safe and peaceful! Look at our Prime Minister's cute socks!"
Bill Elder | October 1, 2017 1:07

"Trudeau OWNS this very predictable violence - his answer to importing terror is to pass laws that criminalize talking about it."
Sadly, Prime Minister "Sunny Ways" has already started to muddy the water.


RELATED: In other Religion of Peace news...insert alt text here
"French media reported that one of the women had her throat slit, while the second woman was stabbed in the stomach."
Busy day at "Allan's Snackbar."


LAST WORD: Where's the CBC on all this?

Predictably, Canada's national broadcaster focuses on a different set of victims...
"Politicians and Muslim community leaders are cautioning against potential community backlash after a "SUSPECTED" terrorism attack in Edmonton Saturday night."
Sweet baby jebus.

Welcome to John Tory's Toronto..., scratch that... three dead, one down... must be Saturday, the weekend...just shopping
TORONTO – Police say they’re investigating a homicide at North York Sheridan Mall for the second time in one month. The victim, 32-year-old John Trevor Paul, was pronounced dead in hospital.
"A man in Etobicoke is in serious condition after police found him with gunshot wounds at Kipling Ave. and Steeles Ave. W around 8 p.m."

UPDATE: And it ain't over yet...

...another two bite the dust...
Toronto police say two men in their 20s are dead after a shooting in the parking lot of a nightclub in the city's Port Lands early Sunday.

A description of the suspects was not released.
Toronto Homicide cops are in the process of ruling out local farmers, hunters and target shooters.


UPDATE2: Down the road in the "Shwaa"...
"Three people suffered non-life-threatening injuries after a shooting in Oshawa on Saturday night. The incident took place on Elgin Court, near Adelaide Avenue West and Gibbons Street."

"Police said following the shooting 'several black males were seen running from the scene in different directions.'”
Sorry, folks... stereotypes do come from someplace.

"The budget will balance itself..."

...says Justin "You can't get there from here" Trudeau...liar,liar
Days after Justin Trudeau told the United Nations that his government was working hard to improve the quality of life for indigenous peoples in Canada, it has emerged that his government spent more than $110,000 in legal fees to avoid spending $6,000 on orthodontics for a First Nations teenager suffering from chronic pain.