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14 October 2017

Lawrence Heights, Lawrence Heights...

...isn't that where all the Rhodes Scholars come from?
"A man in his 20s is fighting for his life after a shooting in Lawrence Heights Friday night. Toronto Police say gunfire erupted at an apartment complex on old Meadow Lane, northeast of Allen Rd. and Lawrence Ave. W., around 11:10 p.m."

RELATED: Just another McStabbing... or two...
One man is dead and another has serious injuries after a double stabbing in Mississauga early Saturday morning. Police say the victims are both 18 years old.

UPDATE: Mess with my tribe...

...we'll kill you all...
"I need them to know that I have their back. They're a community that I love and they make up a great part of what makes this city beautiful," said Youth Services Minister Michael Couteau.
Of course, he said it from the heavily guarded Somali funeral after someone tried to gun down the dead kid's family.


LAST WORD: Somali community bemoans...

...Canadian violence... wait a minute...insert alt text here
MOGADISHU, Somalia — The death toll from the most powerful bomb blast witnessed in Somalia’s capital rose to 231 with more than 275 injured.