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18 October 2017

Wynne-ing AND LOSING

Kathleen Wynne's Liberals are willing to let Ontario Power Generation take on 4 billion dollars of extra debt... to keep it off the province's books...insert alt text hereThat's not simply my opinion... that comes from Ontario's Auditor General...
TORONTO - Kathleen Wynne’s Liberal government is flouting accounting rules and taking on an unnecessary $4 billion in extra borrowing costs — to be applied to future electricity bills — to keep the true cost of its Fair Hydro Plan buried, Ontario Auditor General Bonnie Lysyk says.

While the Liberals tried to minimize the conflict as a mere accounting dispute, Lysyk said what was at stake was far more important as the financing manoeuvre allows the government to write its own budget bottom line.
It's not too late to reverse this irresponsible chicanery...
The provincial government’s method of accounting, a first in Canada for any government, is not yet carved in stone and the $4 billion can be saved, Lysyk said.

“This is wrong. There’s still time to fix it.”
If not, your kids and grandkids will pay for this in perpetuity.

As he once told Livingston, “The only organization that didn’t keep any records was a criminal organization.” Peter Wallace may be a slight, short man, but he has the biggest nuts in the courtroom.