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01 October 2017

So, Justin... just spitballin' here...

...but I'm guessing this wasn't some lone-wolf Jehovah's Witness...this is a test
"The video shows a white Chevy Malibu driving directly through a road barricade at an intersection near Commonwealth, hitting a police officer who goes flying through the air before he is then attacked."

"The stabbing of a police officer and a subsequent high-speed chase where several pedestrians were run down is being investigated as an act of terrorism."
Make no mistake, this is a socio-political litmus test, if you will. How we, as a country respond to this, will determine how hard and how frequently these crazies will come back at us.


FROM THE COMMENTS: TheTooner October 1, 2017 12:15we all fall down
"Congratulations Canada, for being on the world stage! Everybody, look at our diversity! Look at our tolerance! Look at how our magic soil, our compassion, our generosity, our enlightened ways have guaranteed our country is safe and peaceful! Look at our Prime Minister's cute socks!"
Bill Elder | October 1, 2017 1:07

"Trudeau OWNS this very predictable violence - his answer to importing terror is to pass laws that criminalize talking about it."
Sadly, Prime Minister "Sunny Ways" has already started to muddy the water.


RELATED: In other Religion of Peace news...insert alt text here
"French media reported that one of the women had her throat slit, while the second woman was stabbed in the stomach."
Busy day at "Allan's Snackbar."


LAST WORD: Where's the CBC on all this?

Predictably, Canada's national broadcaster focuses on a different set of victims...
"Politicians and Muslim community leaders are cautioning against potential community backlash after a "SUSPECTED" terrorism attack in Edmonton Saturday night."
Sweet baby jebus.