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21 October 2017

Smoke and Mirrors

If Justin can get everybody to spark one up... nobody will be interested in doing the math...liar,liar
"In 2012, we were promised funds from marijuana taxes would benefit our communities, particularly schools. Dr. Harry Bull, the Superintendent of Cherry Creek Schools, one of the largest school districts in the state, said, 'So far, the only thing that the legalization of marijuana has brought to our schools has been marijuana.'"
"Sunny Daze" indeed.


UPDATE: Make no mistake about it...'re paying for Justin's dope.
Police will be administering roadside saliva tests to check for drug-impaired driving. The federal government has announced it will spend $161 million over the next five years to help train and equip the officers.

RELATED: I'd settle for having a family doctor...
MONTREAL — Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says Canadians should maintain confidence in the immigration system even as thousands of asylum seekers continue to pour into the country. Federal authorities say that through the first two weeks of August, more than 3,800 people walked over the border into Quebec, compared to the 2,996 who similarly crossed the border throughout all of July.