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17 October 2017

Maisum Ansari, Maisum Ansari...

...that sounds so familiar...carfentanil
"Police said the total seizure equals 42 kilograms or 420,000 doses of carfentanil with a street value estimated at $13 million. It’s believed to be the largest seizure of the drug in the country.

In addition to the firearm-related charges, Ansari now faces a charge of possession of carfentanil for the purpose of trafficking."
"The only outrage here is the continued persecution of people for committing non-crime such as drug dealing and owning [illegal] guns."
Is he still willing to go to bat for Mr Ansari?

RELATED:   Your National Broadcaster

Well, there were some crimes today... but unless it involves racist police officers, we don't really want to get into that.

LAST WORD:   Once again, Canada's National Broadcaster...

...refuses to name the man behind Canada's largest opiod bust...
"A 33-year-old man is in custody in relation to the charges."
Dear CBC... why exactly is this guy's name off limits?