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29 April 2016

Gawds forbid you use an actual...

...picture of the actual people who are involved...where's the beef
It was removed after the department “determined that some of the details and descriptions provided were inconsistent with the values of the UW spirit program and department of athletics.”
This was a no-brainer. Even all my junk mail from Sears and Crappy Tire features mixed race couples and their ambiguously bi-racial progeny frolicking amongst the weed whippers and expresso machines.


RELATED: In other #fakehate news

Just another dumbass junkie...

...albeit with a fiercely glowing weapons grade platinum AMEX card...
The official told AP Prince was found unconscious on the plane and given a shot of Narcan, which is a so-called ‘save-shot’ used in suspected opioid overdoses, when the jet was on the tarmac.
Just another casualty of the "because it feels good" generation.
"Remember that naked restaurant in London that we told you about last week with 5,000 people on the waiting list? Yeah, that number’s now at almost 30,000."
Uh, waiter... there's a pubic hair in my soup.

The Diversity Chronicles

The teens were reportedly tied to chairs, beaten, forced to perform sex acts and moved to different locations in the Flemingdon Road area of Lawrence Heights over the course of two days. Police also said the teens were forced to play Russian roulette with a loaded handgun.

UPDATE: They do like their "streetnames"...
Police arrested 19-year-old Quinton Gardiner, who is suspected of being one of the leaders of the ‘Young Buck Killas,’ on April 23. Gardiner was charged with kidnapping-related offences.
In other unspeakable acts news...
The human remains found earlier this week in the St. Clair Avenue and Weston Road area belong to 28-year-old Rigat Ghirmay, who was the victim of a homicide in 2013, Toronto police say.

28 April 2016

Ask a Librano

Of course... you might not like the answer...insert alt text here
Reading is about to become more expensive – and difficult – in Newfoundland and Labrador. To close a budget deficit, the province has announced it is closing 54 of 95 libraries. The move comes just days after Newfoundland became the country’s first province to institute a new 10-per-cent tax on books.

RELATED: Gotta have priorities
B.C. Premier Christy Clark has received $277,000 from the B.C. Liberal Party since 2011, including $50,000 last year.
No... shame... whatsoever.

How many of these Eco-Warriors...

...donated big scratch to the Liberal Party of Ontario?kathleen wynnes rich friends
Five Ontario drivers who purchased a Porsche Spyder hybrid, which retails for about $1.1 million, got $5,000 rebates from the province’s electric vehicle incentive program last year.

The province also provided similar rebates for dozens of other drivers who purchased a BMW i8 at $362,000 or a Fiskar Karma at $212,000.
Your tax dollars... Kathleen Wynne's obscenely rich friends.

Meanwhile, at the other end of the socio-economic scale...
Pharmacist William Brown, who launched the complaint, said dozens of the doctor’s patients alleged they were coerced to fill their prescriptions at a business in Dr. Jatinder Dhillon’s building. The pressure included threats to cut off their “carries” — doses of methadone they can take home rather than having to visit the clinic every day — and physically walking them into the store.
Why worry, right? This doesn't affect you.

Perhaps you need to think again...
The number of patients in Ontario has soared from 3,000 to more than 50,000 since 1996. Scores of physicians heavily involved in the field are billing the Ontario government more than $900,000 a year.
It's only money, right? This type of thing is why Ontario's debt has doubled since the Liberals were elected in 2003.

26 April 2016

Words of wisdom from the socialist...

.. who couldn't even negotiate an agreement with Ontario's teachers minister care bearIt speaks volumes that Justin Trudeau's point man in the War against Terro... excuse me... "bad people" who do "bad things" that have absolutely no connection to any known religion trots out all the same old tired cliches.

With "involvement" like this... who needs executioners?
“I am outraged by the news that a Canadian citizen, John Ridsdel, held hostage in the Philippines since Sept. 21, 2015, has been killed at the hands of his captors,” Trudeau told media in a hotel ballroom hastily equipped with Canadian flags and a black backdrop for the occasion.
His captors, Justin? I guess we can't use the words "Muslim" or "terrorist"... right?
The government “will not comment or release any information to compromise ongoing efforts.”
Oh... I bet they won't.
Trudeau and his cabinet are currently on a three-day retreat in Kananaskis, Alta.
Of course they are. How convenient... only I'd call it more of a four year retreat.


RELATED: Negotiate with terrorists?

Justin "Care Bear" Trudeau can't even negotiate with his own Members of Parliament...
It was Justin Trudeau’s view when he was in opposition. But one suspects the perspective has changed since moving into the prime minister’s office.
Pants on fire, Justy?


"PM Dropout has billions for resettling Jihadis but will quibble with kidnappers over spare change to release a Canadian citizen."

25 April 2016

I guess some Liberal deadlines...

...are more important than others...insert alt text here
"We are being very careful, we can't say whose head it was," army spokesman Major Felimon Tan told reporters, adding that tests would be carried out to identify the victim.

He said Abu Sayyaf militants had threatened to behead one of four captives on Monday if the 300 million pesos ($8.1 million) ransom for each of them was not paid by 3 p.m. local time.
Well, at least Justin got all those Syrian Muslim refugees here on time.


"Global warming scientists have experienced 235% extra greening from taxpayer funded studies in the same period."

22 April 2016

CBC's ""#catchthesniper" hornswoggle

Dear Steve Rukavina... Not presuming to question your obviously vast & eclectic firearms expertise, but I wager I could take Wendy Mesley to a gun range and have her hitting man-sized targets at 200 meters over iron sights before our coffee got cold.
"Toronto police Det. Sgt. Tam Bui believes a highly trained sniper who shot and killed a Toronto man in his driveway last fall may be in Montreal."
FWIW, Sgt. Tam... (kudos btw, to the Toronto Police Service for upholding their tradition of finding a "spokescop" who approximates the ethnic makeup of the murder victim) no "sniper" worthy of the name would be caught dead using a lever action varmint rifle.

The Browning BLR is, in fact, the antithesis of a sniper rifle. It is simply a modern take on the ubiquitous 19th century cowboy rifle... a close range deer blaster known mostly for it's beginner-friendly (half-cock safety, well placed forward swivel) carrying options.

Serious hunters and competition benchrest shooters use bolt action firearms. Putting a scope on a short barrel, lever action bush gun is like those urban Vin Diesel wannabes who screw fibreglass Porsche-lookalike whaletails to the trunklids of their souped up Honda Civics.

For anyone unfamiliar with firearms (which is basically any/every CBC viewer), a 200 meter shot with a rifle is child's play.
Most owners report groups ranging from 1-4 MOA. If you fall into the middle of that range, then 400 yard shots are pushing the limits of taking a deer humanely. This rifle, combined with a 4, 6, or 3-9 power scope offers easy shots on deer up to 400 yards.
I guess having a sniper loose on the streets just underscores the importance of banning those nasty, evil lifetaking guns.

Perhaps the CBC should shy away from attempting to say anything at all about guns... and stick to their well-oiled 24/7 unashamed public fellating of once famous/recently deceased music personalities.

21 April 2016

It didn't stop Justin either

Hillary’s breathtaking lack of concrete achievements or even minimal initiatives over her long public career doesn’t faze her admirers a whit. They have a religious conviction of her essential goodness and blame her blank track record on diabolical sexist obstructionists.
True believers... the scariest people on the planet.


RELATED: Despicable, despicable people

20 April 2016

He's just so good... so many things...insert alt text here
“Really any military equipment is just so helpful,” gushed Saudi Arabia’s defence minister Mohammad bin Salman Al Saud. “We’ll now be much more efficient in our policing of the Shi’a minority. Mass arrests and public execution of political dissidents will be a breeze with the new LAVs.”

After receiving a whispered message from one of his aides, he added, “I mean, not those things. Just ISIS. All the Canadian stuff is just for fighting ISIS.”
Meanwhile, in actual non-satirical news...

Snoop Dogg called out both the Canada Border Services Agency and Vancouver's Downtown Eastside in a brief but pointed Instagram post this week, in which he asked why the fuck he was getting hassled at the border — presumably over weed — when Vancouver is full of people openly using heroin.

"Y'all need to raise up off me Canada, y'all need to just walk me through and stop taking me back into that fucking customs office. Clean this shit up out here!"
Go Snoop.

From our voluminous...

..."if I had a son, he'd look like... [insert name of felon here]" file...
The 40-year-old rapper — whose real name is William Leonard Roberts II — was in Washington, D.C. to support the administration’s My Brother’s Keeper initiative, which aims to keep young black people out of jail.

Barack Obama had just finished speaking when Ross’s ankle monitor began beeping loudly. Ross has worn an ankle monitor since he was released from jail after posting a $2 million bond in July 2015. He was arrested after he allegedly kidnapped and assaulted his groundskeeper.

RELATED: #BlackLivesSplattered
“He was really, you know, just goofing around, playing like he could rap a little bit,” she said. “He wasn’t no rapper. He was a newcomer just trying to say some lyrics.”

He sometimes went by the name “Thugga,” according to family and friends.

At least eight other people were wounded in shootings on the West and South sides from midmorning Monday through early Tuesday, police said.
Isn't Hussein Obama's BFF the mayor of Chicago? I guess there's never a Brother's Keeper around when you really, really need one.


LAST WORD: No photo-op left behind...hunting toddlersDon't worry... Barack can have another party.

19 April 2016

The same way they fixed...

...Ontario's power generation crisis...
The health ministry has approved a plan that front-line doctors fear will create an even deeper health care crisis: outsourcing hundreds of allogeneic transplants to three American centres at a cost of more than $100 million (U.S.). So far, the program has proved a hard sell. Only 19 of 202 patients approved for transplants to date in Cleveland, Buffalo and Detroit have agreed to go.

“If there is that money, why can’t we spend it to fix our system?” asks Dr. Richard Wells, a clinician-scientist at Sunnybrook’s Odette Cancer Centre. “Is that not the obvious thing?”
Don't look at me... I didn't vote for them.


"I hear they're dumping big bucks into palliative care and assisted suicide programs. - Tells ya something."
As anyone who has waited in a hospital emergency room for 7 hours can tell you... we're all doomed.

The folks who teach your children...

...right from wrong...
Ranked number 6 overall is the Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation (OSSTF). It's the biggest donor among the public-sector unions.
OSSTF... that sounds so familiar...
Taxpayers will of course be footing the bill, estimated to be around $63 million. This is on top of compensation to fund more days off, extended sick leave and maternity leave for both teachers and support staff represented by OSSTF.
Bribery... it works.

Oh, hells bells... just read it all.

18 April 2016

Oops... looks like they forgot... refer to it as "a friendly neighbourhood bar"...
Toronto police say three people were injured in a stabbing at an uptown bar on Sunday night. Around 11:30 p.m., a patron at the African House on Jane Street near Wilson allegedly tried to leave with his beer and was stopped by staff on his way out. “An argument ensued,” Staff-Sgt. Ian Lamond said.
Yeah... an argument with a deadly weapon.
Police were looking for the suspect Monday morning. Lamond said police weren’t releasing a description, but believed witnesses at the bar knew the man. “I think he’s known to people at the bar,” Lamond said.
Looking for a description of the suspect? Sorry... that only happens under special circumstances.

Speaking of special circumstances...
Bradley Cheveldayoff, 22, of Toronto, faces a charge of second-degree murder.
So... Cheveldayoff murdered Nikov. Sounds a little Putin-esque to me.


UPDATE: Yet another body drops...
Murder victim Abdullah Farah, 20, of Toronto, was gunned down early Sunday in the Danforth-Coxwell Aves. area.

UPDATE2: And another...
According to police, units responded to an unknown trouble call. On scene, officers located a garbage bag with what appeared to be a human torso behind a building that houses a butcher shop.

Police tape is seen behind a building in the Broadview Avenue and Gerrard Street East area following the discovery on what police said could be human remains on Tuesday, April 19, 2016.

The discovery was made by an employee of the butcher shop.
In other diversity news... the chill 'em & grill 'em murder victim is id'd...
The human remains found in a Northwood Park fire pit has been identified as those of a Toronto man, Julio Cesar Soto, 29, police say.
The Sentinel Rd. area is keepin' it real.

And real.

And real.

17 April 2016

Apparently, she wasn't as fluent... she thought...
“They spoke to each other in a language that only they could understand. And I can’t put into words or make you understand for anyone who didn’t know Stacey how much she loved these tigers and how much this zoo family loved her.”
How do you say "love" in Tiger?

My suggestion would be... "from behind a very solid set of hardened steel bars."

16 April 2016

Because... racism

The heartless killer whose hail of gunfire outside the Duke of York Tavern in 2008 killed Bailey Zaveda and seriously injured four others says his aboriginal heritage should get him a shorter sentence. It’s a terrifying thought.

Weese was a career criminal with a frighteningly long history of gun violence.
What... it wasn't a farmer, hunter or target shooter with a legally owned firearm?

That's shocking. Sort of like the girl who was gonna graduate with a degree in victimology who got smoked recently in a firefight between her two exes... (one of whom had been arrested in the USA attempting to smuggle in a fuck-ton of coke).
A ex-boyfriend of Christina Voelzing, [who was killed in a shootout in Bells Corners on Easter Sunday], was arrested without incident on Friday in the Greater Toronto Area.

Police had issued a Canada-wide arrest warrant for Behnam Yaali, 23. He was wanted on a charge of second-degree murder.
I'm sure Mr Yaali has a similar tale of woe to Mr Weese.

15 April 2016

Look... Justin's a busy man-child...

...and it's not like these two guys are either Syrian... or refugees...
A video has emerged of two Canadians who are being held hostage by Abu Sayyaf gunmen in the Philippines, appealing to the Canadian government to pay their ransom.

Canadians John Ridsdel and Robert Hall warn they will be beheaded if their ransom is not paid within the next 10 days.
I'm guessing these two guys would have been ecstatic to be back in Canada last Christmas.

What appears to be...

...a stunning reversal of a longstanding CBC policy to not provide physical descriptions of urban shooting suspects...wowMaybe the Mother Corp felt this "statistical anomaly"... WAS THE ACTUAL STORY?

BREAKING: The CBC won't identify certain killers...

...even after they've been arrested.


UPDATE: Call it "Tupac Syndrome"

And Gabriel Nikov apparently embraced the life...
"A woman at the scene who claimed she knew the victim and tried to save his life before police arrived said he had recently become a father."

“I know he just had a baby a month ago.”
I'm thinkin' Toronto's new logo should be a Venn diagram showing the intersection of "Trawna teenager" and "aspiring rapper."killer music
Nikov’s Facebook page reveals he was an aspiring rapper who had set up a SoundCloud account with his recordings.
Don't bother looking for Nikov's Facebook or Soundcloud accounts... they've been scrubbed.


RELATED: Dear Inspector Moreira...

..perhaps that "S" word doesn't mean what you think it means...
"A second man was shot dead hours later in a Mimico parking lot, bringing this year’s murder total to 25 — a far cry from the 11 killings at this point last year."
Yup... safer all the time.

14 April 2016

Chaos Thinking

If Bootless Clem in Owsley County says “n!gger,” it could create a ripple effect that leads to a proud young African-American genius being barred from admission to a prestigious Ivy League university.

If Fartmaster Chad at Kegger House wears a tiny sombrero on his head during his frat’s “tequila sunrise” party, the ripple effects might lead to a brilliant Latino tech wizard being passed up for a job at a major Silicon Valley firm.
(via ffof)

Meanwhile, in other extremely affirmative action news... will the PM check his white privilege?strongarm tactics**********

LAST WORD: No beheadings, behandings, stonings...

...crucifixions or Inquisitions... so, obviously, it's not a real religion.

13 April 2016

72 Virgins Dating Service

"We arrange the meeting... the rest is up to you."already gone**********

RELATED: In other Middle East news...
Foreign Affairs Minister Stephane Dion is insisting that he would have canceled the deal if he had proof of human rights abuses in the theocratic dictatorship, but he'll be open to retroactively killing the deal at some point in the future if he sees evidence of Riyadh using the Canadian-made weaponized on its own citizens.

Speaking to reporters on Wednesday afternoon, Dion went on to offer a litany of other explanations for his decision to approve the sale of $15 billion worth of the LAVs to the regime, which brutally executes hundreds of people a year, offers few rights to women or sexual minorities, faces accusations of war crimes in Yemen, and which is continuing to subject civil liberties advocates like blogger Raif Badawi to brutal corporal punishment.
Go Steffi.

12 April 2016


"Don’t see the big deal. Just make a cartoon picture of a boy straddling a little girl while he’s choking her and draw that red circle with a slash through it over top."

"Problem solved."

RELATED: Brave new city

Chill 'em and grill 'em... a new low for Toronto's beleagured "northwest" war zone...
A man’s body that was found badly charred in a fire pit in a North York park was likely set ablaze in an attempt to prevent identification, police say. The body was discovered in Northwood Park, in the Sheppard Avenue West and Keele Street area, by a passerby at around 10 a.m. on Saturday.


...TAKE MY MONEY...more apologies
Attaching chainsaws to drones is almost always a terrible idea, and a Darwin Award in the making. And depending on the definition of "weapon," it’s also possibly illegal in several states.
Speaking of genius... just another brainstorm from the folks who brought you Windows Vista...more apologies

11 April 2016

Prime Minister Care Bear... push for Jesuits to formally apologise for 1649 incident enticing legendary tribe of vegan pacifists to cross over to the dark side......more apologiesIn related news, Italian Foreign Minister Paolo Gentiloni is offering up his sincere regrets to the Carthaginians on the excesses of the Third Punic War.


RELATED: From our voluminous "diversity files"

Where does "Catholic" Justin Trudeau stand on Canada's "missing girls?"
While the natural odds of having a boy over a girl are slightly higher, they are consistent across the globe: up to 107 boys for every 100 girls. But Indian-born mothers living in Canada with two children had 138 boys for every 100 girls. In Ontario, that number inflated even more among Indian-born women with two daughters, who then gave birth to 196 boys for every 100 girls.
I guess some lives are more sacred than others.

Not your Daddy's...

...comic book superhero...
In what can only be described as some unholy marriage of the Three Stooges and a Michael Bay movie, battered bodies fly in all directions, engulfed in a shower of spit, blood, and broken glass. Guns are fired. Eyes are gouged. Tea is bagged.

10 April 2016

The only piece that's missing...

...from the Liberal "Campaign Finance Reform" puzzle...Libranos
TORONTO -- Last night’s lavish Political Contributions Reform Gala hosted by the Ontario Liberal Party featured the province’s most prominent corporate and union lobbyists.

“We can’t reform the way we receive questionable donations without your financial support and back-scratching," said a grateful Premier Kathleen Wynne.
I can almost see the words leaving her mouth.

09 April 2016

Beautiful, beautiful PILF Trudeau...

...pisses off Amnesty International by abandoning imprisoned blogger Raif Badawi to 10 years in Saudi jail and 1,000 lashes...
"Obviously we want to be able to help," Trudeau said in an interview with Montreal radio station 98.5 FM. "Sometimes, pushing too hard, too quickly has harmful consequences for the people you want to try to help."
You think Mr Badawi, who has already received the first installment of his thousand lashes, might disagree?

I don't get it... where was Prime Minister Care Bear's caution when the Liberals were hell-bent on jamming 25,000 unvetted Muslim refugees down Canadian's throats, simply to make their very public Christmas deadline.

I guess Justin didn't want to queer, er... complicate the sale of military hardware to the Saudi Royal family.

Similarly, there was no cautious pace when it came to repealing Conservative legislation to deport convicted terrorists with dual citizenship, or tossing out legislation that audited the 12 billion dollar annual welfare cheque to aboriginal chiefs.

Finally there was a singular lack of mindfulness when Justin's promised 10 billion dollar deficit turned into 30 billion dollars.

But, heck... I'm sure Raif Badawi understands.

(h/t reader Rich)


RELATED: Justin on the job...
MANILA — Islamist militants on a remote Philippines island have again threatened to execute a pair of Canadian men if ransom isn’t paid soon. The violent Islamist militant group Abu Sayyaf wants $110 million in ransom to set Robert Hall, 50, and John Ridsdel, 68, free.

Gunmen kidnapped the two Canadians from the upscale Oceanview resort on Samal island last September.
Hey, you can't rush these things.


LAST WORD: Maybe Justin & Stephane...

...just haven't got the skinny...
Responding to an online request for a religious edict, or fatwa, Sheikh Saleh al-Fozan said last month: "Calling oneself a liberal Muslim is a contradiction in terms ... one should repent before God for such ideas in order to be a real Muslim."
Sorry Raif... you're on your own.

08 April 2016


An outspoken member of Black Lives Matter Toronto is being sued after leaving her job with UofT’s student union with a $277,508 severance deal that included 1,975 hours of overtime.

The union wants former executive director Sandra “Sandy” Hudson and her co-defendantswho allegedly approved the package — to jointly pay it back, along with another $200,000 in damages for breach of fiduciary duty.
Not too surprisingly, Ms Hudson, declined to comment on the Sun's story except to label the U of T student union “oppressive” and “unconscionable.”.

Hudson, Hudson... that sounds so familiar.


RELATED: Why isn't BLM protesting...

...over in Regent Park?
Police determined that before he was shot, Weekes had been at Annie’s Bar and Grill at 372 Queen St. E., attending a memorial for Ceyon Carrington, a friend who was fatally shot March 23.
Oh right... black on black violence doesn't count.


LAST WORD: Just keepin' it real

You really want to save lives?

Forget about "assault" rifles... ban swimming pools...
"Centers for Disease Control and Prevention figures showed that in 2010... the number of children killed in unintentional drowning deaths was sixteen times higher than the number of children killed in unintentional gun-related deaths."
But that's not gonna happen, is it.

Well... how about we reconcile the perpetual hypocrisy of the lunatic left with their behavior?
Democrats have become known as the party of gun control,” said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb. “Virtually all recent gun control proposals at the federal and state levels have been launched and championed by Democrats. It’s time for the party to ‘put up or shut up’ about guns. The best way to do that is to forsake armed security during the convention.”

“If a political party believes that guns do not make us safer,” Gottlieb observed, “they should set an example by rejecting any and all forms of armed security at their national convention. A party that does not believe in the right of individual citizens to keep and bear arms should not benefit from the safety provided by others who bear arms.

No wonder...

...people don't trust the news anymore...those professional journalistsSeriously.

Well, on to today's media-manufactured crisis. It boggles the mind what lengths "professional" journalists will go to these days... (plus, it seems this unfortunate little flower would have acquired a certain amount of immunity to unsettling imagery by now), just wow
B.C. woman says certain tattoos should be banned for nurses after nightmares from "terrifying’ skull."
Tattoos... the new ebola.

"Quick, somebody call a lawyer!!!"

07 April 2016

Jurassic Cow

Don't these folks ever go to the movies?
The case against both rewilding and making aurochs is that too little is known about how all of these species would interact with each other. The results of releasing aurochs might be difficult to predict.
I shudder to imagine what an impressively horned animal 10 foot tall at the shoulder might do as it careens through a sleepy little Swedish farm town.

It's called "dead tree media"...

...for a reason...
The online story not only beat the local daily paper, but she also included a short video from the crime scene, assuring viewers that “I’m working hard on this [murder] investigation.”

Then Monday came and Hilde had to go back to third grade. She is 9.


RELATED: Professional Journalists, my arse...
Long-time politician Bas Balkissoon doesn’t want to talk about why he resigned abruptly from Queen’s Park last month. Premier Kathleen Wynne’s office has said that it will offer no further comment on Balkissoon’s departure.
That's funny... when the MSM was on the Rob Ford story, they were creeping around his backyard in the dead of night.

Maybe we need a determined 9 year old investigator.

06 April 2016

Black Threats Matter Too...

...unless you're the Liberal premier of lies matter
The Black Lives Matter Toronto group has come under fire over a tweet by one of its co-founders. On Feb. 9, Yusra Khogali tweeted, "Plz Allah give me strength to not cuss/kill these men and white folks out here today. Plz plz plz," according to Newstalk 1010.

Asked to comment, Premier Kathleen Wynne, said, "I have no idea what the connection between a random tweet from one person — the connection between that... has nothing to do with the position of the group as a whole."
Well, Madam Premier... you could've asked her.

And please, Ms Wynne... don't tell us how these poor, unfortunate folks are perfectly harmless...
"The chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and explosive unit was called in to investigate the home of Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne, the day after a candlelight vigil by the activist group Black Lives Matter."
I notice you weren't taking any chances when they came out to visit your happy home. Let's hope Allah did give Yusra the strength to resist those homicidal urges.


RELATED: See the actual tweet...crush, kill, destroy
"Believe it or not, the tweet had five 'likes' before it was removed. Shortly after, Ali locked down her twitter account. But there was even one response that said "praying for ya... to destroy them."
Click on the tweet to see BLM supporters mindlessly attack radio host Jerry Agar who originally broke the story.


RELATED2: Gotta have priorities, right?
Black Lives Matters activist Sandy Hudson blamed the media for focusing on the tweet, instead of the larger issues at hand.
Oh, Sandy... no shame whatsoever? I notice Yusra has pulled up the drawbridge.


UPDATE: You lose support from Pinko Huffpo... know you're in deep lefty doodoo...
Black Lives Matter Toronto is refusing to comment on a tweet posted by one of its co-founders about "killing men and white folks." Khogali's tweet, along with Black Lives Matter's refusal to acknowledge its impact, is disappointing. Perhaps worse, it reinforces one of the most prominent arguments critics have used to discredit the organization: Black lives matter, white lives don't.
This must be like hearing Justin Trudeau wears a toupee.


LAST WORD: Tweet is "normal & upstanding"
Activist Desmond Cole: "Haven’t you ever wanted to kill someone?"
Mr Cole cannot get his head around the fact that his interviewer has never wanted to kill someone.

I'm thinking Desmond Cole needs professional help.

Justice is not just blind...

...apparently it's also a little tone-deaf...what justice
OTTAWA — The Liberal Party of Canada is selling $500 tickets to a private Toronto reception with Justice Minister Jody Wilson-Raybould, just as Ontario Liberal ministers have been ordered not to attend such fundraisers to avoid the appearance of selling exclusive access to cabinet insiders.
Now that Rob Ford has died, will OCAP and the MSM turn their gaze upon the Libranos?

I very much doubt it.


BREAKING: It's a Liberal thing...
Tonight's private fundraising reception with the Liberal justice minister is hosted at a Toronto law firm that had at least one registered lobbyist on staff — until he de-activated his status on the eve of the controversial event.
Yet another proud moment for the Justin Party.


UPDATE: Pants on fire...liar liar
Ontario's premier confirmed she will cancel “private” fundraisers but will continue to sell access at events listed on the party’s website.
Once a Librano, always a Librano.


UPDATE2: Whatever you call it, though...’s a program that, under both the previous Conservative government and the current Liberal government, put and will put a lot of new money in ridings held mostly by Liberals and, if not Liberals, New Democrats.
Wake up and smell the politics.


LAST WORD: Justin's Chinese role models
Amnesty International’s Secretary General Salil Shetty told several reporters on Tuesday that for China “our estimate is that they execute as much as the rest of the world.”
Will Justin now retract his bromance with the Chinese Politburo?

Don't hold your breath.

Mark Steyn rose and...

...responded to the hilarity •••
"I’m slightly amazed at our colleagues’ ability to get big laughs on gang rape."

"Madame Arbour scoffs at the ‘newfound feminists’ over here. I’m not much of a feminist, but I draw the line at the 3-year-old getting raped and the 7-year-old getting gang-raped in a basement."

"Madame Arbour was very clear in Sudan: that rape is not about sex; whatever Simon may say, rape is about power."
You don't have to search very hard to see Mark Steyn's point...cultural suicide
"Two of the men are charged with aggravated rape while the third is accused of complicity in rape, suggesting he may have watched the act, reports Sweden’s FriaTider."
"The rape took place at a children’s psychiatric clinic in central Stockholm where both Bahmani and the victim were inpatients, ten days before he had even applied for asylum."
I wonder if Simon and Louise are still laughing.


LAST WORD: Willful ignorance...
"When quoting FBI crime statistics is criminal, only criminals will quote FBI crime statistics."
Read it and weep.

05 April 2016

What's not to love?

A fantastical female fairytale creature... apparently trapped in a man's body...insert alt text here
"I am the Dragon Lady, a pre-op M2F (male to female) transgender in the process of morphing into a human dragon, becoming a reptoid as I shed my human skin and my physical appearance and my life as a whole leaving my humanness behind."
Sorry, Puff... if you're leaving anything behind, I'd suggest it's your sanity.

ps... At the risk of being branded overly insensitive... is anybody else thinking... "less parrot, more reptile?"

"People sleep peaceably..."

" their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf..."orwell was right
"Our job is to defend democracy, not practice it".

04 April 2016

Redefining "safe spaces"

Some folk apparently have more "human rights" than Naim Rahmani
"An Ottawa public servant who was fired for slapping his boss across the face has been reinstated and awarded $25,000 in damages for the pain and suffering he endured by having his human rights abridged."
There's an interesting precedent... "assault with an excuse."

Note, however, that this was not a totally one-sided victory for the slapper...
Marie-Claire Perrault, a member of the Public Service Labour Relations and Employment Board rejected Naim Rahmani’s request that his managers undergo specialized human rights awareness training.
That's right, the "human rights" functionaries drew the line at forcing the guy who got assaulted to go to "sensitivity training."

01 April 2016

Hey... some of her best friends...

...are "People of Colour", I'm sure...
"The chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and explosive unit was called in to investigate the home of Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne, the day after a candlelight vigil by the activist group Black Lives Matter."
It couldn't possibly be that the Premier of Ontario is scared of Black folk... right?


UPDATE: Damage control, Librano style
"Wynne acknowledged that there is anti-black racism in society and agreed to meet with the group in the future."
You want something done in Ontario, simply assemble your own racially charged angry mob.


RELATED: Gotta have priorities, right?
About 500 Mounties who were working on organized crime investigations have BEEN MOVED to national security and terrorism cases, RCMP Commissioner Bob Paulson said Thursday.
It's a good day for criminals in Canada.

What was the government...

...that Justin Trudeau said he admired most of all? --
"How long do you think a 'Goebbels Burgers' joint, even one intended to be ironic, would last in L.A.?"
The lunatic left and their strange preoccupations.