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16 April 2016

Because... racism

The heartless killer whose hail of gunfire outside the Duke of York Tavern in 2008 killed Bailey Zaveda and seriously injured four others says his aboriginal heritage should get him a shorter sentence. It’s a terrifying thought.

Weese was a career criminal with a frighteningly long history of gun violence.
What... it wasn't a farmer, hunter or target shooter with a legally owned firearm?

That's shocking. Sort of like the girl who was gonna graduate with a degree in victimology who got smoked recently in a firefight between her two exes... (one of whom had been arrested in the USA attempting to smuggle in a fuck-ton of coke).
A ex-boyfriend of Christina Voelzing, [who was killed in a shootout in Bells Corners on Easter Sunday], was arrested without incident on Friday in the Greater Toronto Area.

Police had issued a Canada-wide arrest warrant for Behnam Yaali, 23. He was wanted on a charge of second-degree murder.
I'm sure Mr Yaali has a similar tale of woe to Mr Weese.