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06 April 2016

Mark Steyn rose and...

...responded to the hilarity •••
"I’m slightly amazed at our colleagues’ ability to get big laughs on gang rape."

"Madame Arbour scoffs at the ‘newfound feminists’ over here. I’m not much of a feminist, but I draw the line at the 3-year-old getting raped and the 7-year-old getting gang-raped in a basement."

"Madame Arbour was very clear in Sudan: that rape is not about sex; whatever Simon may say, rape is about power."
You don't have to search very hard to see Mark Steyn's point...cultural suicide
"Two of the men are charged with aggravated rape while the third is accused of complicity in rape, suggesting he may have watched the act, reports Sweden’s FriaTider."
"The rape took place at a children’s psychiatric clinic in central Stockholm where both Bahmani and the victim were inpatients, ten days before he had even applied for asylum."
I wonder if Simon and Louise are still laughing.


LAST WORD: Willful ignorance...
"When quoting FBI crime statistics is criminal, only criminals will quote FBI crime statistics."
Read it and weep.