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27 April 2016

How many of these Eco-Warriors...

...donated big scratch to the Liberal Party of Ontario?kathleen wynnes rich friends
Five Ontario drivers who purchased a Porsche Spyder hybrid, which retails for about $1.1 million, got $5,000 rebates from the province’s electric vehicle incentive program last year.

The province also provided similar rebates for dozens of other drivers who purchased a BMW i8 at $362,000 or a Fiskar Karma at $212,000.
Your tax dollars... Kathleen Wynne's obscenely rich friends.

Meanwhile, at the other end of the socio-economic scale...
Pharmacist William Brown, who launched the complaint, said dozens of the doctor’s patients alleged they were coerced to fill their prescriptions at a business in Dr. Jatinder Dhillon’s building. The pressure included threats to cut off their “carries” — doses of methadone they can take home rather than having to visit the clinic every day — and physically walking them into the store.
Why worry, right? This doesn't affect you.

Perhaps you need to think again...
The number of patients in Ontario has soared from 3,000 to more than 50,000 since 1996. Scores of physicians heavily involved in the field are billing the Ontario government more than $900,000 a year.
It's only money, right? This type of thing is why Ontario's debt has doubled since the Liberals were elected in 2003.