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26 April 2016

Words of wisdom from the socialist...

.. who couldn't even negotiate an agreement with Ontario's teachers minister care bearIt speaks volumes that Justin Trudeau's point man in the War against Terro... excuse me... "bad people" who do "bad things" that have absolutely no connection to any known religion trots out all the same old tired cliches.

With "involvement" like this... who needs executioners?
“I am outraged by the news that a Canadian citizen, John Ridsdel, held hostage in the Philippines since Sept. 21, 2015, has been killed at the hands of his captors,” Trudeau told media in a hotel ballroom hastily equipped with Canadian flags and a black backdrop for the occasion.
His captors, Justin? I guess we can't use the words "Muslim" or "terrorist"... right?
The government “will not comment or release any information to compromise ongoing efforts.”
Oh... I bet they won't.
Trudeau and his cabinet are currently on a three-day retreat in Kananaskis, Alta.
Of course they are. How convenient... only I'd call it more of a four year retreat.


RELATED: Negotiate with terrorists?

Justin "Care Bear" Trudeau can't even negotiate with his own Members of Parliament...
It was Justin Trudeau’s view when he was in opposition. But one suspects the perspective has changed since moving into the prime minister’s office.
Pants on fire, Justy?


"PM Dropout has billions for resettling Jihadis but will quibble with kidnappers over spare change to release a Canadian citizen."